From c7aa4965106bb2060b9aa4dbf1f602d199dae392 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralph Amissah <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 13:00:50 -0400
Subject: data, start rearranging directory content to reduce repetition

 data/misc/Rakefile | 404 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 404 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 data/misc/Rakefile

(limited to 'data/misc')

diff --git a/data/misc/Rakefile b/data/misc/Rakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d9b541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/misc/Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+raise 'Please, use ruby1.9.3 or later.' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.3'
+ Common Rakefile, Rantfile to place sisu markup translation under
+ po4a management softlink Rakefile and Rantfile to this file
+ * Homepage: <>
+             <>
+ * Download: <>
+ Copyright (C) 2013 Ralph Amissah
+ * License: LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License
+     [same license as Rant provided within the Rant package]
+ * Ralph Amissah <>
+   Ralph Amissah <>
+ Rake is a Ruby build program by Jim Weirich
+ * Rake may be downloaded and installed from:
+     <>
+ Rant is a Ruby build program by Stefan Lang
+ * Rant may be downloaded and installed from:
+     <>
+ Notes on use:
+     rake -T
+   [if rant is preferred and installed]
+     rant -T
+require 'find'
+require 'fileutils'
+#require 'ftools'
+require 'rbconfig.rb'
+#include RbConfig
+require 'yaml'
+include FileUtils
+def project_details
+  def name
+    'SiSU translations under po4a management'
+  end
+  def name_warning
+    <<-WOK
+WARNING all sisu markup files (.ssm, .sst, .ssi) in languages other than #{language.source}
+are managed by po4a, through translations of the source language to other languages.
+    WOK
+  end
+  def rake_project
+    "Rakefile for placing #{name}"
+  end
+  self
+def query
+  def answer?(ask)
+    resp='redo'
+    print ask + %{    ['yes', 'no' or 'quit']: }
+    if resp == 'yes';           true
+    elsif resp == 'no';         false
+    elsif resp =~/^quit|exit$/; exit
+    else
+      puts %{[please type: 'yes', 'no' or 'quit']}
+      answer?(ask)
+    end
+  end
+  self
+def notice
+  def warn_and_proceed?
+    %{WARNING: This Software is used entirely at your own risk.
+    PROCEED?}
+  end
+  def default(selection=nil)
+    ans= if selection
+      case selection
+      when selection.is_a?(String)
+        <<-WOK
+  #{project_details.rake_project}
+    Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T"
+    Default action selected - "#{selection} #{}"
+    #{warn_and_proceed?}
+        WOK
+      when :make
+        <<-WOK
+  #{project_details.rake_project}
+    Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T"
+    #{selection.upcase} selected - #{selection} #{}
+    WARNING: this action assumes (and places) this project is under po4a
+    (translation) management. It will create the sub-directories:
+      #{language.translations_available_str}
+    & file: #{filename.po4a_cfg}
+    in the current directory:
+      #{Dir.pwd}
+    It will populate the sub-directories with translation files created from
+    the pot and po files found under the corresponding language sub-directories,
+    (under #{dir.pot}/ & #{dir.po}/). (OVERWRITING any existing translated
+    .ssm .sst .ssi files in language subdirectories that are not under po4a
+     management).
+    #{warn_and_proceed?}
+        WOK
+      when :clean
+        <<-WOK
+  #{project_details.rake_project}
+    Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T"
+    #{selection.upcase} selected - #{selection} #{}
+    #{warn_and_proceed?}
+        WOK
+      when :distclean
+        <<-WOK
+  #{project_details.rake_project}
+    Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T"
+    #{selection.upcase} selected - #{selection} #{}
+    WARNING: this action assumes (and places) this project is under po4a
+    (translation) management. It will remove the sub-directories:
+      #{language.translations_available_str}
+    & file: #{filename.po4a_cfg}
+    in the current directory:
+      #{Dir.pwd}
+    Note: these sub-directories & the config file #{filename.po4a_cfg}
+    should be auto-generated from pot and po files if this project translation
+    is under po4a management.
+    This query is to give you the chance to make sure you know what you are doing.
+    #{warn_and_proceed?}
+        WOK
+      when :rebuild
+        <<-WOK
+  #{project_details.rake_project}
+    Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T"
+    #{selection.upcase} selected - #{selection} #{}
+    WARNING: this action assumes (and places) this project is under po4a
+    (translation) management. It will destroy/clobber and then create again the
+    sub-directories:
+      #{language.translations_available_str}
+    populating them with translation files created from the pot and po files
+    found under the corresponding language sub-directories in (#{dir.pot}/
+    & #{dir.po}/).
+    It will also generate the file: #{filename.po4a_cfg}
+    These actions will be taken in the current directory:
+      #{Dir.pwd}
+    This query is to give you the chance to make sure you know what you are doing.
+    #{warn_and_proceed?}
+        WOK
+      else
+        <<-WOK
+  #{project_details.rake_project}
+    Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T"
+    Default action selected - "#{selection} #{}"
+    #{warn_and_proceed?}
+        WOK
+      end
+    else
+      <<-WOK
+  #{project_details.rake_project}
+    Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T"
+    Default action selected - "install and to setup #{}"
+    #{warn_and_proceed?}
+      WOK
+    end
+    resp=query.answer?(ans)
+    exit unless resp
+  end
+  def project_help
+    puts <<-WOK
+This rake file is to assist with having sisu markup files under po4a
+translation management. It assumes that the source language files are placed
+under the sub-directory identifying the source language set, which is currently
+The files there are used to make the source translation file in the directory #{dir.pot}/
+Which is then used to create files for translation under the directory #{dir.po}/
+in sub-directories bearing the translation languages ISO code.
+The current language translation selection is:  #{translations_selected_str}
+The languages selected are located in the file: #{filename.languages}
+sisu available language list: #{sisu_available_str}
+For a more detailed and up to date task list use:
+  rake -T
+  WOK
+  end
+  self
+def tasks
+  system('rake -T')
+def filename
+  def languages
+    'translation_languages'
+  end
+  def po4a_cfg
+    'po4a.cfg'
+  end
+  self
+def dir
+  def pwd
+    Dir.pwd
+  end
+  def po4a_
+    'po4a/' # ''
+  end
+  def pot
+    po4a_ + 'pot'
+  end
+  def po
+    po4a_ + 'po'
+  end
+  self
+def dir_mk(dir)
+  FileUtils::mkdir_p(dir) unless
+def po4a_flags
+  def debug
+    '-d -v'
+  end
+  def normal
+    ''
+  end
+  def quiet
+    '-q'
+  end
+  self
+def language
+  def source #source_language
+    'en'
+  end
+  def translations_selected #translation_languages
+, mode: 'r:utf-8').split(/\s+/)
+  end
+  def translations_available
+    translations_selected & sisu_available
+  end
+  def info_on_selection
+    if translations_selected != translations_available
+      <<-WOK
+WARNING: language selections mismatch
+The current language translation selection appears to be: #{translations_selected_str}
+Of which the following are valid (available) selections:  #{translations_available_str}
+sisu available language list: #{sisu_available_str}
+the following will be used: #{translations_available_str}
+The languages selected are located in the file:    #{filename.languages}
+      WOK
+    else
+      <<-WOK
+The current language translation selection is:  #{translations_selected_str}
+The languages selected are located in the file: #{filename.languages}
+sisu available language list: #{sisu_available_str}
+      WOK
+    end
+  end
+  def sisu_available
+    %w[am bg bn br ca cs cy da de el en eo es et eu fi fr ga gl he hi hr hy ia is it ja ko la lo lt lv ml mr nl nn no oc pl pt pt_BR ro ru sa se sk sl sq sr sv ta te th tk tr uk ur us vi zh]
+  end
+  def translations_selected_str
+    language.translations_selected.join(' ')
+  end
+  def translations_available_str
+    language.translations_available.join(' ')
+  end
+  def sisu_available_str
+    language.sisu_available.join(' ')
+  end
+  self
+def files_src
+  def ssm
+    Dir.glob("#{language.source}/*.ssm").sort
+  end
+  def sst
+    Dir.glob("#{language.source}/*.sst").sort
+  end
+  def ssi
+    Dir.glob("#{language.source}/*.ssi").sort
+  end
+  def all
+    Dir.glob("#{language.source}/*{.ssm,.sst,.ssi}").sort
+  end
+  self
+def po4a_cfg_file
+def po4a
+  def configure #po4a_cfg
+    po4a_cfg_arr=[]
+    po4a_cfg_arr << "[po4a_langs] #{language.translations_available_str}"
+    po4a_cfg_arr << "[po4a_paths] #{dir.pot}/$master.pot $lang:#{dir.po}/$lang/$master.po"
+    files_src.ssm.each do |file_src|
+      file_src_fn=file_src.gsub(/#{language.source}\//,'')
+      po4a_cfg_arr << "[type: text] #{file_src} $lang:$lang/#{file_src_fn}"
+    end
+    files_src.sst.each do |file_src|
+      file_src_fn=file_src.gsub(/#{language.source}\//,'')
+      po4a_cfg_arr << "[type: text] #{file_src} $lang:$lang/#{file_src_fn}"
+    end
+    files_src.ssi.each do |file_src|
+      file_src_fn=file_src.gsub(/#{language.source}\//,'')
+      po4a_cfg_arr << "[type: text] #{file_src} $lang:$lang/#{file_src_fn}"
+    end
+    file=po4a_cfg_file
+    po4a_cfg_arr.each do |txt|
+    puts txt
+      file << txt << "\n"
+    end
+    file.close
+  	system("po4a --keep 0 --no-backups --package-name sisu-manual #{po4a_flags.normal} #{filename.po4a_cfg}")
+  end
+  self
+def project
+  dir_mk(dir.pot)
+  language.translations_available.each do |lang_dir|
+    dir_lang="#{Dir.pwd}/#{dir.po}/#{lang_dir}"
+    dir_mk(dir_lang)
+  end
+  po4a.configure
+def clean
+	#rm -rf ../build
+  FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob("#{dir.po}/*/*.po~")
+def distclean
+  FileUtils::rm_f(filename.po4a_cfg)
+  FileUtils::rm_r(language.translations_available,:force => true)
+#% task lists
+desc "runs make (see its description below)"
+task :default => [:make]
+desc "assist with having sisu markup files managed by po4a
+                   create configuration files, and language directories and
+                   populate them with po4a pot & po files for translation and
+                   from those (as translated) create translated sisu markup
+                   .ssm .sst & .ssi files in corresponding language sub-directories"
+task :make => [:notice_make_,:build_]
+desc "help"
+task :help => [:project_help_,:tasks_]
+desc "clean temporary files"
+task :clean => [:notice_clean_,:clean_]
+desc "removes auto-generated files under po4a management
+                  including translated .ssm .sst & .ssi files,
+                  that are created from po4a pot and po files"
+task :distclean => [:notice_distclean_,:distclean_]
+desc "runs 'distclean' and 'make' (see their descriptions above)"
+task :rebuild => [:notice_rebuild_,:distclean_,:build_]
+if \
+  #desc ""
+  task :clean! => [:clean_]
+  task :distclean! => [:distclean_]
+  task :rebuild! => [:distclean_,:build_]
+  task :make! => [:build_]
+  task :make! => [:build_]
+#% task actions
+task :project_help_ do
+  notice.project_help
+task :tasks_ do
+  tasks
+task :build_ do
+  project
+task :clean_ do
+  clean
+task :distclean_ do
+  distclean
+task :notice_default_ do
+  notice.default
+task :notice_make_ do
+  notice.default(:make)
+task :notice_clean_ do
+  notice.default(:clean)
+task :notice_distclean_ do
+  notice.default(:distclean)
+task :notice_rebuild_ do
+  notice.default(:rebuild)
cgit v1.2.3