path: root/data/doc/manuals_generated/sisu_manual/sisu_filetypes/sax.xml
diff options
authorRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2007-09-26 16:06:51 +0100
committerRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2007-09-26 16:06:51 +0100
commitf9337a004ebf37c9b8e9fa81d5e9dcbe118a6260 (patch)
treebc60533f66bea9d9c416644c3d0f8fc1ca3e9df2 /data/doc/manuals_generated/sisu_manual/sisu_filetypes/sax.xml
parentMerge branch 'upstream' into debian/sid (diff)
parentmake "rant" document generation possible without copying of files into sisu p... (diff)
Merge branch 'upstream' into debian/sid
Diffstat (limited to 'data/doc/manuals_generated/sisu_manual/sisu_filetypes/sax.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 531 deletions
diff --git a/data/doc/manuals_generated/sisu_manual/sisu_filetypes/sax.xml b/data/doc/manuals_generated/sisu_manual/sisu_filetypes/sax.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 12cb5d73..00000000
--- a/data/doc/manuals_generated/sisu_manual/sisu_filetypes/sax.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="../_sisu/css/sax.css"?>
-<!-- Document processing information:
- * Generated by: SiSU 0.59.1 of 2007w39/2 (2007-09-25)
- * Ruby version: ruby 1.8.6 (2007-06-07 patchlevel 36) [i486-linux]
- *
- * Last Generated on: Tue Sep 25 02:53:30 +0100 2007
- * SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu
- <meta>Title:</meta>
- <title class="dc">
- SiSU - Filetypes
- </title>
- <br />
- <meta>Creator:</meta>
- <creator class="dc">
- Ralph Amissah
- </creator>
- <br />
- <meta>Rights:</meta>
- <rights class="dc">
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL 3
- </rights>
- <br />
- <meta>Type:</meta>
- <type class="dc">
- information
- </type>
- <br />
- <meta>Subject:</meta>
- <subject class="dc">
- ebook, epublishing, electronic book, electronic publishing, electronic document, electronic citation, data structure, citation systems, search
- </subject>
- <br />
- <meta>Date created:</meta>
- <date_created class="extra">
- 2002-08-28
- </date_created>
- <br />
- <meta>Date issued:</meta>
- <date_issued class="extra">
- 2002-08-28
- </date_issued>
- <br />
- <meta>Date available:</meta>
- <date_available class="extra">
- 2002-08-28
- </date_available>
- <br />
- <meta>Date modified:</meta>
- <date_modified class="extra">
- 2007-09-16
- </date_modified>
- <br />
- <meta>Date:</meta>
- <date class="dc">
- 2007-09-16
- </date>
- <br />
-<object id="1">
- <ocn>1</ocn>
- <text class="h1">
- SiSU - Filetypes,<br /> Ralph Amissah
- </text>
-<object id="2">
- <ocn>2</ocn>
- <text class="h4">
- 1. SiSU filetypes
- </text>
-<object id="3">
- <ocn>3</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- <b>SiSU</b> has plaintext and binary filetypes, and can process either
-type of document.
- </text>
-<object id="4">
- <ocn>4</ocn>
- <text class="h5">
- 1.1 .sst .ssm .ssi marked up plain text
- </text>
-<object id="5">
- <ocn>5</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- <b>SiSU</b> documents are prepared as plain-text (utf-8) files with
-<b>SiSU</b> markup. They may make reference to and contain images (for
-example), which are stored in the directory beneath them _sisu/image.
-<b>SiSU</b> plaintext markup files are of three types that may be
-distinguished by the file extension used: regular text .sst; master
-documents, composite documents that incorporate other text, which can
-be any regular text or text insert; and inserts the contents of which
-are like regular text except these are marked .ssi and are not
- </text>
-<object id="6">
- <ocn>6</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- <b>SiSU</b> processing can be done directly against a sisu documents;
-which may be located locally or on a remote server for which a url is
- </text>
-<object id="7">
- <ocn>7</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- <b>SiSU</b> source markup can be shared with the command:
- </text>
-<object id="8">
- <ocn>8</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu -s [filename]
- </text>
-<object id="9">
- <ocn>9</ocn>
- <text class="h6">
- 1.1.1 sisu text - regular files (.sst)
- </text>
-<object id="10">
- <ocn>10</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- The most common form of document in <b>SiSU</b>, see the section on
-<b>SiSU</b> markup.
- </text>
-<object id="11">
- <ocn>11</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- &lt;<link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
- </text>
-<object id="12">
- <ocn>12</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- &lt;<link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
- </text>
-<object id="13">
- <ocn>13</ocn>
- <text class="h6">
- 1.1.2 sisu master files (.ssm)
- </text>
-<object id="14">
- <ocn>14</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- Composite documents which incorporate other <b>SiSU</b> documents which
-may be either regular <b>SiSU</b> text .sst which may be generated
-independently, or inserts prepared solely for the purpose of being
-incorporated into one or more master documents.
- </text>
-<object id="15">
- <ocn>15</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- The mechanism by which master files incorporate other documents is
-described as one of the headings under under <b>SiSU</b> markup in the
-<b>SiSU</b> manual.
- </text>
-<object id="16">
- <ocn>16</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- Note: Master documents may be prepared in a similar way to regular
-documents, and processing will occur normally if a .sst file is renamed
-.ssm without requiring any other documents; the .ssm marker flags that
-the document may contain other documents.
- </text>
-<object id="17">
- <ocn>17</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- Note: a secondary file of the composite document is built prior to
-processing with the same prefix and the suffix ._sst <en>1</en>
- </text>
- <endnote notenumber="1">
- <number>1</number>
- <note>
- .ssc (for composite) is under consideration but ._sst makes clear
-that this is not a regular file to be worked on, and thus less likely
-that people will have "accidents", working on a .ssc file that is
-overwritten by subsequent processing. It may be however that when the
-resulting file is shared .ssc is an appropriate suffix to use.
- </note>
- </endnote>
-<object id="18">
- <ocn>18</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- &lt;<link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
- </text>
-<object id="19">
- <ocn>19</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- &lt;<link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
- </text>
-<object id="20">
- <ocn>20</ocn>
- <text class="h6">
- 1.1.3 sisu insert files (.ssi)
- </text>
-<object id="21">
- <ocn>21</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- Inserts are documents prepared solely for the purpose of being
-incorporated into one or more master documents. They resemble regular
-<b>SiSU</b> text files except they are ignored by the <b>SiSU</b>
-processor. Making a file a .ssi file is a quick and convenient way of
-flagging that it is not intended that the file should be processed on
-its own.
- </text>
-<object id="22">
- <ocn>22</ocn>
- <text class="h5">
- 1.2 sisupod, zipped binary container (sisupod.zip, .ssp)
- </text>
-<object id="23">
- <ocn>23</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- A sisupod is a zipped <b>SiSU</b> text file or set of <b>SiSU</b> text
-files and any associated images that they contain (this will be
-extended to include sound and multimedia-files)
- </text>
-<object id="24">
- <ocn>24</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- <b>SiSU</b> plaintext files rely on a recognised directory structure to
-find contents such as images associated with documents, but all images
-for example for all documents contained in a directory are located in
-the sub-directory _sisu/image. Without the ability to create a sisupod
-it can be inconvenient to manually identify all other files associated
-with a document. A sisupod automatically bundles all associated files
-with the document that is turned into a pod.
- </text>
-<object id="25">
- <ocn>25</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- The structure of the sisupod is such that it may for example contain a
-single document and its associated images; a master document and its
-associated documents and anything else; or the zipped contents of a
-whole directory of prepared <b>SiSU</b> documents.
- </text>
-<object id="26">
- <ocn>26</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- The command to create a sisupod is:
- </text>
-<object id="27">
- <ocn>27</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu -S [filename]
- </text>
-<object id="28">
- <ocn>28</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- Alternatively, make a pod of the contents of a whole directory:
- </text>
-<object id="29">
- <ocn>29</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu -S
- </text>
-<object id="30">
- <ocn>30</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- <b>SiSU</b> processing can be done directly against a sisupod; which
-may be located locally or on a remote server for which a url is
- </text>
-<object id="31">
- <ocn>31</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- &lt;<link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
- </text>
-<object id="32">
- <ocn>32</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- &lt;<link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
- </text>
-<object id="33">
- <ocn>33</ocn>
- <text class="h4">
- 2. Experimental Alternative Input Representations
- </text>
-<object id="34">
- <ocn>34</ocn>
- <text class="h5">
- 2.1 Alternative XML
- </text>
-<object id="35">
- <ocn>35</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- <b>SiSU</b> offers alternative XML input representations of documents
-as a proof of concept, experimental feature. They are however not
-strictly maintained, and incomplete and should be handled with care.
- </text>
-<object id="36">
- <ocn>36</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- <b>convert from sst to simple xml representations (sax, dom and
- </text>
-<object id="37">
- <ocn>37</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --to-sax [filename/wildcard] or sisu --to-sxs
- </text>
-<object id="38">
- <ocn>38</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --to-dom [filename/wildcard] or sisu --to-sxd
- </text>
-<object id="39">
- <ocn>39</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --to-node [filename/wildcard] or sisu --to-sxn
- </text>
-<object id="40">
- <ocn>40</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- <b>convert to sst from any sisu xml representation (sax, dom and
- </text>
-<object id="41">
- <ocn>41</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --from-xml2sst [filename/wildcard
- </text>
-<object id="42">
- <ocn>42</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- or the same:
- </text>
-<object id="43">
- <ocn>43</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --from-sxml [filename/wildcard [.sxs.xml,.sxd.xml,sxn.xml]]
- </text>
-<object id="44">
- <ocn>44</ocn>
- <text class="h6">
- 2.1.1 XML SAX representation
- </text>
-<object id="45">
- <ocn>45</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- To convert from sst to simple xml (sax) representation:
- </text>
-<object id="46">
- <ocn>46</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --to-sax [filename/wildcard] or sisu --to-sxs
- </text>
-<object id="47">
- <ocn>47</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- To convert from any sisu xml representation back to sst
- </text>
-<object id="48">
- <ocn>48</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --from-xml2sst [filename/wildcard
- </text>
-<object id="49">
- <ocn>49</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- or the same:
- </text>
-<object id="50">
- <ocn>50</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --from-sxml [filename/wildcard [.sxs.xml,.sxd.xml,sxn.xml]]
- </text>
-<object id="51">
- <ocn>51</ocn>
- <text class="h6">
- 2.1.2 XML DOM representation
- </text>
-<object id="52">
- <ocn>52</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- To convert from sst to simple xml (dom) representation:
- </text>
-<object id="53">
- <ocn>53</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --to-dom [filename/wildcard] or sisu --to-sxd
- </text>
-<object id="54">
- <ocn>54</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- To convert from any sisu xml representation back to sst
- </text>
-<object id="55">
- <ocn>55</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --from-xml2sst [filename/wildcard
- </text>
-<object id="56">
- <ocn>56</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- or the same:
- </text>
-<object id="57">
- <ocn>57</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --from-sxml [filename/wildcard [.sxs.xml,.sxd.xml,sxn.xml]]
- </text>
-<object id="58">
- <ocn>58</ocn>
- <text class="h6">
- 2.1.3 XML Node representation
- </text>
-<object id="59">
- <ocn>59</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- To convert from sst to simple xml (node) representation:
- </text>
-<object id="60">
- <ocn>60</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --to-node [filename/wildcard] or sisu --to-sxn
- </text>
-<object id="61">
- <ocn>61</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- To convert from any sisu xml representation back to sst
- </text>
-<object id="62">
- <ocn>62</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --from-xml2sst [filename/wildcard
- </text>
-<object id="63">
- <ocn>63</ocn>
- <text class="norm">
- or the same:
- </text>
-<object id="64">
- <ocn>64</ocn>
- <text class="indent1">
- sisu --from-sxml [filename/wildcard [.sxs.xml,.sxd.xml,sxn.xml]]
- </text>
-<object id="0">
- <ocn>0</ocn>
- <text class="h4">
- Endnotes
- </text>