path: root/lib/sisu/current/qrcode.rb
diff options
authorRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2015-04-25 13:50:40 -0400
committerRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2015-04-25 13:50:40 -0400
commitaeb7754510ffacc207b17e5d7512ff5f14debcc3 (patch)
treee2f17e3ad2ee4e1ea81287febe5049ce6fb82147 /lib/sisu/current/qrcode.rb
parentadded patch jessie_bugfix_767761 (diff)
parentversion & changelog, tag for release (diff)
Merge tag 'sisu_5.8.0' into debian/sid
SiSU 5.8.0 Conflicts: .gitignore data/doc/sisu/CHANGELOG_v5 data/doc/sisu/CHANGELOG_v6 data/sisu/v5/v/version.yml data/sisu/v6/v/version.yml setup/sisu_version.rb
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sisu/current/qrcode.rb')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sisu/current/qrcode.rb b/lib/sisu/current/qrcode.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d933b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sisu/current/qrcode.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+* Name: SiSU
+** Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search
+*** summary of generated outputs and metadata
+** Author: Ralph Amissah
+ <ralph@amissah.com>
+ <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>
+** Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
+ 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Ralph Amissah,
+ All Rights Reserved.
+** License: GPL 3 or later:
+ SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
+ Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
+ available at these locations:
+ <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html>
+ <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
+ <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/en/manifest/gpl.fsf.html>
+** SiSU uses:
+ * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
+ * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
+ * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
+** Hompages:
+ <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
+ <http://www.sisudoc.org>
+** Git
+ <http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=summary>
+ <http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=blob;f=lib/sisu/current/qrcode.rb;hb=HEAD>
+module SiSU_QRcode
+ require_relative 'se' # se.rb
+ include SiSU_Env
+ require_relative 'prog_text_translation' # prog_text_translation.rb
+ require_relative 'se_hub_particulars' # se_hub_particulars.rb
+ include SiSU_Particulars
+ require_relative 'html' # html.rb
+ require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb
+ include SiSU_Param
+ require_relative 'generic_parts' # generic_parts.rb
+ require_relative 'i18n' # i18n.rb
+ class Source
+ def initialize(opt)
+ @opt=opt
+ @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::CombinedSingleton.instance.get_all(opt)
+ l=SiSU_Env::StandardiseLanguage.new(@opt.lng).language
+ @doc_language=l[:n]
+ end
+ def read
+ begin
+ @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@opt.fns,@opt)
+ @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get
+ xbrowser=@env.program.web_browser
+ browser=@env.program.console_web_browser
+ unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on
+ url_html="file://#{@md.file.output_path.manifest.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.manifest}"
+ (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) \
+ ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(
+ @opt.act[:color_state][:set],
+ 'QR code',
+ "#{xbrowser} #{url_html}"
+ ).green_hi_blue
+ : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(
+ @opt.act[:color_state][:set],
+ 'QR code',
+ "[#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}] #{@opt.fns}"
+ ).green_title_hi
+ if (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on)
+ SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(
+ @opt.act[:color_state][:set],
+ "#{browser} #{url_html}"
+ ).grey_tab
+ end
+ end
+ data=SiSU_HTML::Source::HTML_Environment.new(@particulars).tuned_file_instructions
+ OutputInfo.new(@md).check_output(data)
+ rescue
+ SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.selections.str,@opt.fns).location do
+ __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
+ end
+ ensure
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ class OutputInfo <Source
+ include SiSU_Parts_Generic
+ def initialize(md)
+ @manifest={ txt: [], txt_title: [] }
+ @md,@fns=md,md.fns
+ @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns,@md.opt)
+ @fnb=@md.fnb
+ @base_url="#{@env.url.root}/#{@fnb}"
+ @f=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md)
+ @base_path=@f.output_path.manifest.dir
+ @@dg ||=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new.digest(@md.opt).type
+ @dg=@@dg
+ l=SiSU_Env::StandardiseLanguage.new(@md.opt.lng).language
+ @language=l[:n]
+ @translate=SiSU_Translate::Source.new(@md,@language)
+ @f.make_path(@f.output_path.qrcode.dir)
+ end
+ def spaces
+ Ax[:spaces]
+ end
+ def output_metadata
+ fn=@f.base_filename.manifest_txt
+ mn=''
+ if @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on
+ fn=@f.base_filename.manifest_txt
+ manifest=@f.write_file.manifest_txt
+ end
+ @manifest[:txt].each do |x|
+ x=x.gsub(/\\\\/m,"\n")
+ puts x if @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on
+ manifest << x if @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on
+ mn += x
+ end
+ manifest.close if @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on
+ cmd=SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(mn,@f.place_file.qrcode_md.dir,@md.opt.selections.str)
+ cmd.qrencode
+ end
+ def output_metadata_short
+ mn=''
+ @manifest[:txt_title].each do |x|
+ mn += x
+ end
+ cmd=SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(mn,@f.place_file.qrcode_title.dir,@md.opt.selections.str)
+ cmd.qrencode
+ end
+ def summarize(id,file,pth='',rel='',url='',img='● ')
+ size=(File.size("#{pth}/#{file}")/1024.00).to_s
+ kb=/([0-9]+\.[0-9]{0,1})/m.match(size)[1]
+ @manifest[:txt] <<<<WOK
+#{id} #{kb}
+ #{the_text.url_open}#{url}/#{file}#{the_text.url_close}
+ end
+ def summarize_html_seg(id,file,pth='',rel='',url='',img='● ')
+ size=(File.size("#{pth}/#{file}")/1024.00).to_s
+ kb=/([0-9]+\.[0-9]{0,1})/m.match(size)[1]
+ @manifest[:txt] <<<<WOK
+#{id} #{kb}
+ #{the_text.url_open}#{url}/#{file}#{the_text.url_close}
+ end
+ def summarize_sources(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ sys=SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new
+ dgst=case @dg
+ when :sha512
+ (sys.sha512("#{pth}/#{file}")) #check
+ when :md5
+ (sys.md5("#{pth}/#{file}"))
+ else
+ (sys.sha256("#{pth}/#{file}"))
+ end
+ dgst=dgst ? dgst : [ '', 'n/a' ]
+ if (@md.opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \
+ || @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \
+ || @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on)
+ SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(
+ @md.opt.selections.str,
+ "#{dgst[1]} #{file}"
+ ).warn
+ end
+ size=(File.size("#{pth}/#{file}")/1024.00).to_s
+ kb=/([0-9]+\.[0-9]{0,1})/m.match(size)[1]
+ @manifest[:txt] <<<<WOK
+#{id} #{dgst[1]} #{kb}
+ #{the_text.url_open}#{url}/#{file}#{the_text.url_close}
+ end
+ def published_manifests?
+ @f=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md) #.base_filename
+ @m=[]
+ url=@f.output_path.base.url
+ manifests={}
+ mp,mn,mt=nil,nil,nil
+ ln=SiSU_i18n::Languages.new.language.list
+ Px[:lng_lst].each do |lc|
+ if @env.output_dir_structure.by_language_code?
+ mp="#{@f.output_path.base.dir}/#{lc}/manifest"
+ mn="#{@md.fnb}.html"
+ mt="#{mp}/#{mn}"
+ mu="#{url}/#{lc}/manifest/#{mn}"
+ elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by_filetype?
+ mp="#{@f.output_path.base.dir}/manifest"
+ mn="#{@md.fnb}.#{lc}.html"
+ mt="#{mp}/#{mn}"
+ mu="#{url}/manifest/#{mn}"
+ else
+ mp="#{@f.output_path.base.dir}/#{@md.fnb}"
+ mn="sisu_manifest.#{lc}.html"
+ mt="#{mp}/#{mn}"
+ mu="#{url}/#{mn}"
+ end
+ if FileTest.directory?(mp) \
+ && FileTest.file?(mt)
+ lng=ln[lc][:t]
+ manifests[lc]={ ln: lng, fn: mn }
+ @m << { mu: mu, l: lng }
+ end
+ end
+ #manifests
+ @m=@m.uniq
+ @m
+ end
+ def languages(id,file)
+ flv=published_manifests?
+ flv.each do |l|
+ SiSU_Translate::Source.new(@md,@language,l[:n]).language_list
+ @manifest[:txt] << "#{l[:mu]} #{l[:l]}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def published_languages(id,file)
+ flv=published_manifests?
+ flv.each do |l|
+ @manifest[:txt] << "#{l[:l]} #{the_text.url_open}#{l[:mu]}#{the_text.url_close}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def metadata(id,info)
+ info=info.to_s.gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}/,"\n")
+ @manifest[:txt] << %{#{id}: #{info}\n}
+ end
+ def md_title_info(id,info)
+ info=info.to_s.gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}/,"\n")
+ @manifest[:txt_title] << %{#{info}\n}
+ end
+ def links(url,lnk,target)
+ static=if url =~/^\.\// then url.gsub(/^\.(\.)?/,@base_url)
+ elsif url =~/^\.\.\// then url.gsub(/^\.(\.)?/,@env.url.root)
+ else url
+ end
+ @manifest[:txt] << %{#{url} #{lnk} #{the_text.url_open}#{static}#{the_text.url_close}\n}
+ end
+ def output_tests
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.html_segtoc.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.html_seg.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.html_seg.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.html_seg.url
+ id,file='HTML, table of contents (for segmented text)',@f.base_filename.html_segtoc
+ summarize_html_seg(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.html_scroll.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.html_scroll.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.html_scroll.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.html_scroll.url
+ id,file='HTML, full length document',@f.base_filename.html_scroll
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.html_book_index.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.html_seg.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.html_seg.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.html_seg.url
+ id,file='HTML, (book type) index',@f.base_filename.html_book_index
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.html_concordance.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.html_seg.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.html_seg.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.html_seg.url
+ id,file='HTML, concordance file',@f.base_filename.html_concordance
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.epub.dir)==true
+ id,file='EPUB (Electronic Publication, e-book standard)',@f.base_filename.epub
+ pth=@f.output_path.epub.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.epub.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.epub.url
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_letter}")==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pdf.url
+ id,file="PDF, U.S. letter size, portrait/vertical","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_letter}"
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_letter}")==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pdf.url
+ id,file="PDF, U.S. letter size, landscape/horizontal","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_letter}"
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_a4}")==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pdf.url
+ id,file="PDF, A4 size, portrait/vertical","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_a4}"
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_a4}")==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pdf.url
+ id,file="PDF, A4 size, landscape/horizontal","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_a4}"
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_a5}")==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pdf.url
+ id,file="PDF, A5 (book) size, portrait/vertical","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_a5}"
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_a5}")==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pdf.url
+ id,file="PDF, A5 (book) size, landscape/horizontal","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_a5}"
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_b5}")==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pdf.url
+ id,file="PDF, B5 (book) size, portrait/vertical","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_b5}"
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_b5}")==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pdf.url
+ id,file="PDF, B5 (book) size, landscape/horizontal","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_b5}"
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_legal}")==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pdf.url
+ id,file="PDF, U.S. legal size, portrait/vertical","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_p_legal}"
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@f.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_legal}")==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pdf.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pdf.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pdf.url
+ id,file="PDF, U.S. legal size, landscape/horizontal","#{@f.base_filename.pdf_l_legal}"
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.odt.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.odt.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.odt.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.odf.url
+ id,file='ODF:ODT (Open Document Format)',@f.base_filename.odt
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.xhtml.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.xhtml.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.xhtml.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.xhtml.url
+ id,file='ODF:ODT (Open Document Format)',@f.base_filename.odt
+ id,file='XHTML',@f.base_filename.xhtml
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.xml_sax.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.xml_sax.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.xml_sax.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.xml_sax.url
+ id,file='XML SAX',@f.base_filename.xml_sax
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.xml_dom.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.xml_dom.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.xml_dom.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.xml_dom.url
+ id,file='XML DOM',@f.base_filename.xml_dom
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.txt.dir)==true
+ id='Plaintext (UTF-8)'
+ #id=if @md.opt.selections.str =~/a/ then 'Plaintext (Unix (UTF-8) with footnotes)'
+ #elsif @md.opt.selections.str =~/e/ then 'Plaintext (Unix (UTF-8) with endnotes)'
+ #elsif @md.opt.selections.str =~/A/ then 'Plaintext (dos (UTF-8) with footnotes)'
+ #elsif @md.opt.selections.str =~/E/ then 'Plaintext (dos (UTF-8) with endnotes)'
+ #else 'Plaintext (UTF-8)'
+ #end
+ pth=@f.output_path.txt.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.txt.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.txt.url
+ file=@f.base_filename.txt
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@base_path}/#{@md.fns}.tex")==true
+ id,file='LaTeX (portrait)',"#{@md.fns}.tex"
+ pth,rel,url='','',''
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?("#{@base_path}/#{@md.fns}.tex")==true
+ id,file='LaTeX (landscape)',"#{@md.fns}.landscape.tex"
+ pth,rel,url='','',''
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.manpage.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.manpage.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.manpage.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.manpage.url
+ id,file='Manpage',@f.base_filename.manpage
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.texinfo.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.texinfo.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.texinfo.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.texinfo.url
+ id,file='Texinfo',@f.base_filename.texinfo
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.hash_digest.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.hash_digest.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.hash_digest.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.hash_digest.url
+ id,file="Digest/DCC - Document Content Certificate (#{@dg})",@f.base_filename.hash_digest
+ summarize(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ end
+ def published_versions
+ id,file='Markup (SiSU source)',@md.fns
+ #languages(id,file)
+ published_languages(id,file)
+ end
+ def language_versions
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.manifest.dir)==true
+ id,file='Markup (SiSU source)',@md.fns
+ published_languages(id,file)
+ end
+ end
+ def source_tests
+ if @md.fns =~/\.ssm\.sst$/ #% decide whether to extract and include requested/required documents
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.src.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.src.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.src.rel
+ url=@f.output_path.src.url
+ id,file='Markup Composite File (SiSU source)',@f.base_filename.src
+ summarize_sources(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ else
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.src.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.src.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.src.rel
+ url=@f.output_path.src.url
+ id,file='Markup (SiSU source)',@f.base_filename.src
+ summarize_sources(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.sisupod.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.sisupod.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.sisupod.rel
+ url=@f.output_path.sisupod.url
+ id,file='SiSU doc (zip)',@f.base_filename.sisupod
+ summarize_sources(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ if FileTest.file?(@f.place_file.pot.dir)==true
+ pth=@f.output_path.pot.dir
+ rel=@f.output_path.pot.rel_sm
+ url=@f.output_path.pot.url
+ id,file='SiSU pot',@f.base_filename.pot
+ summarize_sources(id,file,pth,rel,url)
+ end
+ end
+ def metadata_tests
+ if defined? @md.title.full \
+ and @md.title.full=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.full_title,@md.title.full
+ #id,info=@translate.full_title,%{"#{@md.title.full}"}
+ metadata(id,info)
+ md_title_info(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.creator.author \
+ and @md.creator.author=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.author,@md.creator.author
+ metadata(id,info)
+ md_title_info(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.creator.editor \
+ and @md.creator.editor=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.editor,@md.creator.editor
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.creator.contributor \
+ and @md.creator.contributor=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.contributor,@md.creator.contributor
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.creator.translator \
+ and @md.creator.translator=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.translator,%{(#{@md.creator.translator})}
+ metadata(id,info)
+ md_title_info(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.creator.illustrator \
+ and @md.creator.illustrator=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.illustrator,@md.creator.illustrator
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.publisher \
+ and @md.publisher=~/\S+/ #dc
+ id,info=@translate.publisher,@md.publisher
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.creator.prepared_by \
+ and @md.creator.prepared_by=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.prepared_by,@md.creator.prepared_by
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.creator.digitized_by \
+ and @md.creator.digitized_by=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.digitized_by,@md.creator.digitized_by
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.rights.all \
+ and @md.rights.all=~/\S+/ #dc
+ id,info=@translate.rights,@md.rights.all
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.date.published
+ if defined? @md.date.published \
+ and @md.date.published=~/\S+/ #dc
+ id,info=@translate.date,@md.date.published
+ metadata(id,info)
+ md_title_info(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.date.created \
+ and @md.date.created=~/\S+/ #dc
+ id,info=@translate.date_created,@md.date.created
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.date.issued \
+ and @md.date.issued=~/\S+/ #dc
+ id,info=@translate.date_issued,@md.date.issued
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.date.available \
+ and @md.date.available=~/\S+/ #dc
+ id,info=@translate.date_available,@md.date.available
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.date.modified \
+ and @md.date.modified=~/\S+/ #dc
+ id,info=@translate.date_modified,@md.date.modified
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.date.valid \
+ and @md.date.valid=~/\S+/ #dc
+ id,info=@translate.date_valid,@md.date.valid
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ end
+ if defined? @md.title.language \
+ and @md.title.language=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.language,@md.title.language
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.original.language \
+ and @md.original.language=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.language_original,@md.original.language
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.classify.subject \
+ and @md.classify.subject=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.subject,@md.classify.subject
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.classify.keywords \
+ and @md.classify.keywords=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.keywords,@md.classify.keywords
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.classify.loc \
+ and @md.classify.loc=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.cls_loc,@md.classify.loc
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.classify.dewey \
+ and @md.classify.dewey=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.cls_dewey,@md.classify.dewey
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.description \
+ and @md.notes.description=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.description,@md.notes.description
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.abstract \
+ and @md.notes.abstract=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.abstract,@md.notes.abstract
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.comment \
+ and @md.notes.comment=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.comments,@md.notes.comment
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.coverage \
+ and @md.notes.coverage=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.coverage,@md.notes.coverage
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.relation \
+ and @md.notes.relation=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.relation,@md.notes.relation
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ #if defined? @md.notes.source \
+ #and @md.notes.source=~/\S+/
+ # id,info=@translate.source,@md.notes.source
+ # metadata(id,info)
+ #end
+ #if defined? @md.notes.history \
+ #and @md.notes.history=~/\S+/
+ # id,info=@translate.history,@md.notes.history
+ # metadata(id,info)
+ #end
+ if defined? @md.notes.type \
+ and @md.notes.type=~/\S+/ #dc
+ id,info=@translate.type,@md.type
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.format \
+ and @md.notes.format=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@transate.format,@md.notes.format
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.prefix_a \
+ and @md.notes.prefix_a=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.prefix_a,@md.notes.prefix_a
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.prefix_b \
+ and @md.notes.prefix_b=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.prefix_b,@md.notes.prefix_b
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.original.source \
+ and @md.original.source=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.source,@md.original.source
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.identifier.oclc \
+ and @md.identifier.oclc=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.cls_oclc,@md.identifier.oclc
+ @manifest[:txt] << %{#{id}:\n}
+ @manifest[:txt] << %{#{info}\n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.identifier.isbn \
+ and @md.identifier.isbn=~/\S+/
+ id,info=@translate.cls_isbn,@md.identifier.isbn
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if defined? @md.topic_register_array \
+ and @md.topic_register_array.length > 0
+ @manifest[:txt] << %{#{@translate.topic_register}:\n}
+ @md.topic_register_array.each do |t|
+ t.each_with_index do |st,i|
+ if st.is_a?(Array)
+ st.each do |v|
+ @manifest[:txt] << %{#{spaces*i}#{v}\n}
+ end
+ else @manifest[:txt] << %{#{spaces*i}#{st}\n}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if @md.fns
+ id,info=@translate.sourcefile,@md.fns
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if @md.en[:mismatch] > 0
+ id,info='WARNING document error in endnote markup, number mismatch',"endnotes: #{@md.en[:note]} != endnote reference marks: #{@md.en[:mark]} (difference = #{@md.en[:mismatch]})"
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if @md.wc_words
+ id,info=@translate.word_count,@md.wc_words
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if @md.dgst
+ id,info="#{@translate.sourcefile_digest} (#{@dg})",@md.dgst[1]
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if @md.sc_number
+ id,info=@translate.sc_number,@md.sc_number
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ if @md.sc_date
+ id,info=@translate.sc_date,"#{@md.sc_date} at #{@md.sc_time}"
+ metadata(id,info)
+ end
+ end
+ def check_output(data)
+ begin
+ @f=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md) #.base_filename
+ url=@f.output_path.base.url
+ @en_manifest=if @env.output_dir_structure.by_language_code?
+ "#{url}/en/manifest/#{@md.fnb}.html"
+ elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by_filetype?
+ "#{url}/manifest/#{@md.fnb}.#{@md.opt.lng}.html"
+ else
+ "#{url}/sisu_manifest.#{@md.opt.lng}.html"
+ end
+ @manifest[:txt] <<<<WOK
+ #{the_text.url_open}#{@en_manifest}#{the_text.url_close}
+ metadata_tests
+ @manifest[:txt_title] <<<<WOK
+ #{the_text.url_open}#{@en_manifest}#{the_text.url_close}
+ source_tests
+ @manifest[:txt] <<<<WOK
+ language_versions
+ output_metadata
+ output_metadata_short
+ rescue
+ SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@md.opt.selections.str,@md.fns).location do
+ __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
+ end
+ ensure
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end