path: root/lib/sisu/v6/html_harvest_topics.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sisu/v6/html_harvest_topics.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 895 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v6/html_harvest_topics.rb b/lib/sisu/v6/html_harvest_topics.rb
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--- a/lib/sisu/v6/html_harvest_topics.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,895 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
-* Name: SiSU
-** Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search
-*** metadata harvest, extract topics and associated writings from document set
- (topics use topic_register header)
-** Author: Ralph Amissah
- <ralph@amissah.com>
- <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>
-** Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Ralph Amissah,
- All Rights Reserved.
-** License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html>
- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
- <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/en/manifest/gpl.fsf.html>
-** SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
-** Hompages:
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
- <http://www.sisudoc.org>
-** Git
- <http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=summary>
- <http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=blob;f=lib/sisu/v6/harvest_topics.rb;hb=HEAD>
-module SiSU_HarvestTopics
- require_relative 'html_harvest_author_format' # html_harvest_author_format.rb
- require_relative 'html_parts' # html_parts.rb
- class Songsheet
- @@the_idx_topics={}
- def initialize(opt,env)
- @opt,@env=opt,env
- @file_list=opt.files
- end
- def songsheet
- idx_array={}
- @opt.f_pths.each do |y|
- lang_hash_file_array={}
- name=y[:f]
- filename=y[:pth] + '/' + y[:f]
- File.open(filename,'r') do |file|
- file.each_line("\n\n") do |line|
- if line =~/^@(?:title|creator|classify):(?:\s|$)/m
- lang_hash_file_array[y[:lng_is]] ||= []
- lang_hash_file_array[y[:lng_is]] << line
- elsif line =~/^@\S+?:(?:\s|$)/m \
- or line =~/^(?:\s*\n|\s*$|%+ )/
- else break
- end
- end
- end
- lang_hash_file_array.each_pair do |lang,a|
- idx_array[lang] ||=[]
- idx_array=SiSU_HarvestTopics::Harvest.new(
- @opt,
- @env,
- a,
- filename,
- name,
- idx_array,
- lang
- ).extract_harvest
- end
- end
- the_hash=SiSU_HarvestTopics::Index.new(
- @opt,
- @env,
- idx_array,
- @@the_idx_topics
- ).song
- SiSU_HarvestTopics::OutputIndex.new(
- @opt,
- the_hash
- ).html_print.html_songsheet
- end
- end
- class Mix
- def spaces
- Ax[:spaces]
- end
- end
- class Harvest
- def initialize(opt,env,data,filename,name,idx_array,lang)
- @opt, @env,@data,@filename,@name,@idx_array,@lang=
- opt,env, data, filename, name, idx_array, lang
- end
- def extract_harvest
- data, filename, name, idx_array, lang=
- @data,@filename,@name,@idx_array,@lang
- @idx_lst=@title=@subtitle=@fulltitle=@author=@author_format=nil
- rgx={}
- rgx[:author]=/^@creator:(?:[ ]+|.+?:author:[ ]+)(.+?)(?:\||\n)/m
- rgx[:title]=/^@title:[ ]+(.+)/
- rgx[:subtitle]=/^@title:.+?:subtitle:[ ]+(.+?)\n/m
- rgx[:idx]=/^@classify:.+?:topic_register:[ ]+(.+?)(?:\n\n|\n\s+:\S|\n%)/m
- data.each do |para|
- if para=~ rgx[:idx]
- @idx_list=(rgx[:idx].match(para)[1]).split(/\s*\n\s*/).join
- end
- if para=~ rgx[:title]
- @title=rgx[:title].match(para)[1]
- end
- if para=~ rgx[:subtitle]
- @subtitle=rgx[:subtitle].match(para)[1]
- end
- if para=~ rgx[:author]
- @author_format=rgx[:author].match(para)[1]
- end
- break if @title && @subtitle && @author && @idx_lst
- end
- @fulltitle=@subtitle ? (@title + ' - ' + @subtitle) : @title
- if @title \
- and @author_format \
- and @idx_list
- creator=SiSU_FormatAuthor::Author.new(@author_format.strip).author_details
- @authors,@authorship=creator[:authors],creator[:authorship]
- file=if name=~/~[a-z]{2,3}\.ss[mt]$/
- name.sub(/~[a-z]{2,3}\.ss[mt]$/,'')
- else
- name.sub(/\.ss[mt]$/,'')
- end
- page=if @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :language
- "#{lang}/sisu_manifest.html"
- else
- "sisu_manifest.#{lang}.html"
- end
- idx_array[lang] <<=if @idx_list =~/;/
- g=@idx_list.scan(/[^;]+/)
- idxl=[]
- g.each do |i|
- i=i.strip
- idxl << {
- filename: filename,
- file: file,
- rough_idx: i,
- title: @fulltitle,
- author: creator,
- page: page,
- lang: lang
- }
- end
- idxl
- else {
- filename: filename,
- file: file,
- rough_idx: @idx_list,
- title: @fulltitle,
- author: creator,
- page: page,
- lang: lang,
- }
- end
- else
- if (@opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \
- || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on)
- p "missing required field in #{@filename} - [title]: <<#{@title}>>; [author]: <<#{@author_format}>>; [idx]: <<#{@idx_list}>>"
- end
- end
- idx_array[lang]=idx_array[lang].flatten
- idx_array
- end
- end
- class Index < Mix
- def initialize(opt,env,idx_array,the_idx)
- @opt, @env,@idx_array,@the_idx=
- opt,env, idx_array, the_idx
- @@the_idx_topics=@the_idx
- end
- def song
- the_idx=construct_book_topic_keys
- construct_book_topic_hash(the_idx)
- end
- def capital(txt)
- txt_a=txt.scan(/\S+/)
- tx=''
- txt_a.each do |t|
- tx += t[0].chr.capitalize + t[1,txt.length] + ' '
- end
- tx.strip
- end
- def capital_(txt)
- txt[0].chr.capitalize + txt[1,txt.length]
- end
- def contents(idx,lang)
- names=''
- idx[:author][:last_first_format_a].each do |n|
- s=n.sub(/(.+?)(?:,.+|$)/,'\1').gsub(/\s+/,'_')
- names=if @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :language
- names += %{<a href="authors.html##{s}">#{n}</a>, }
- else
- names += %{<a href="authors.#{lang}.html##{s}">#{n}</a>, }
- end
- end
- {
- filename: idx[:filename],
- file: idx[:file],
- author: names,
- title: idx[:title],
- page: idx[:page]
- }
- end
- def capital_(txt)
- txt[0].chr.capitalize + txt[1,txt.length]
- end
- def key_create(c,alt)
- x=nil
- x=if c.length==6
- c[0].to_s + '|' +
- capital(c[1][0].to_s) + '|' +
- capital(c[2][0].to_s) + '|' +
- capital(c[3][0].to_s) + '|' +
- capital(alt.to_s)
- elsif c.length==5
- c[0].to_s + '|' +
- capital(c[1][0].to_s) + '|' +
- capital(c[2][0].to_s) + '|' +
- capital(alt.to_s)
- elsif c.length==4
- c[0].to_s + '|' +
- capital(c[1][0].to_s) + '|' +
- capital(alt.to_s)
- elsif c.length==3
- c[0].to_s + '|' +
- capital(alt.to_s)
- end
- end
- def construct_book_topic_keys
- idx_array=@idx_array
- @idx_a=[]
- @the_a=[]
- idx_array.each_pair do |lang,idx_arr|
- @@the_idx_topics[lang] ||= {}
- idx_arr.each do |idx|
- if idx[:rough_idx]
- idx_lst=idx[:rough_idx].scan(/[^:]+/)
- else
- puts "no topic register in: << #{idx[:filename]} >>"
- next
- end
- idx_a=[]
- idx_lst.each do |c|
- idx_a << c.scan(/[^|\n]+/m)
- end
- idx_a << contents(idx,lang)
- @idx_a << [lang] + idx_a
- end
- end
- @idx_a.each do |c|
- if c.length > 1 \
- and c.is_a?(Array)
- if c[2].is_a?(Hash)
- c[1].each do |alt|
- v=key_create(c,alt)
- @the_a << [v, c[2]] if v
- end
- end
- end
- if c.length > 2 \
- and c.is_a?(Array)
- if c[3].is_a?(Hash)
- c[2].each do |alt|
- v=key_create(c,alt)
- @the_a << [v, c[3]] if v
- end
- end
- end
- if c.length > 3 \
- and c.is_a?(Array)
- if c[4].is_a?(Hash)
- c[3].each do |alt|
- v=key_create(c,alt)
- @the_a << [v, c[4]] if v
- end
- end
- end
- if c.length > 4 \
- and c.is_a?(Array)
- if c[5].is_a?(Hash)
- c[4].each do |alt|
- v=key_create(c,alt)
- @the_a << [v, c[5]] if v
- end
- end
- end
- if c.length > 5 \
- and c.is_a?(Array)
- if c[6].is_a?(Hash)
- c[5].each do |alt|
- v=key_create(c,alt)
- @the_a << [v, c[6]] if v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- @the_a.sort_by { |x| x[0] } #; y.each {|z| puts z}
- end
- def construct_book_topic_hash(t)
- @the_h={}
- t.each do |z|
- x=z[0].scan(/[^|]+/)
- depth=x.length
- extract=(depth-1)
- k=case extract
- when 4
- { x[0] => { x[1] => { x[2] => { x[3] => { x[4] => z[1] } } } } }
- when 3
- { x[0] => { x[1] => { x[2] => { x[3] => z[1] } } } }
- when 2
- { x[0] => { x[1] => { x[2] => z[1] } } }
- when 1
- { x[0] => { x[1] => z[1] } }
- when 0
- { x[0] => z[1] }
- end
- if extract >= 0
- k.each_pair do |x0,y0|
- if extract == 0
- @the_h[x0] ||={ md: [] }
- @the_h[x0][:md] << y0
- else
- @the_h[x0] ||={}
- end
- #puts spaces*0 + x0
- if extract >= 1
- y0.each_pair do |x1,y1|
- if extract == 1
- @the_h[x0][x1] ||={ md: [] }
- @the_h[x0][x1][:md] << y1
- else
- @the_h[x0][x1] ||={}
- end
- #puts spaces*1 + x1
- if extract >= 2
- y1.each_pair do |x2,y2|
- if extract == 2
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2] ||={ md: [] }
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2][:md] << y2
- else
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2] ||={}
- end
- #puts spaces*2 + x2
- if extract >= 3
- y2.each_pair do |x3,y3|
- if extract == 3
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2][x3] ||={ md: [] }
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2][x3][:md] << y3
- else
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2][x3] ||={}
- end
- #puts spaces*3 + x3
- if extract == 4
- y3.each_pair do |x4,y4|
- if extract == 4
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2][x3][x4] ||={ md: [] }
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2][x3][x4][:md] << y4
- else
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2][x3][x4] ||={}
- end
- #puts spaces*4 + x4
- if extract == 5
- y4.each_pair do |x5,y5|
- if extract == 5
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2][x3][x4][x5] ||={ md: [] }
- @the_h[x0][x1][x2][x3][x4][x5][:md] << y5
- end
- #puts spaces*5 + x5
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #@the_h.each_pair { |x,y| p x; p y }
- @the_h
- end
- def traverse_base
- @the_h.each_pair do |x0,y0|
- puts spaces*0 + x0 if x0.is_a?(String)
- if y0.is_a?(Hash)
- y0.each_pair do |x1,y1|
- puts spaces*1 + x1 if x1.is_a?(String)
- if y1.is_a?(Hash)
- y1.each_pair do |x2,y2|
- puts spaces*2 + x2 if x2.is_a?(String)
- if y2.is_a?(Hash)
- y2.each_pair do |x3,y3|
- puts spaces*3 + x3 if x3.is_a?(String)
- if y3.is_a?(Hash)
- y3.each_pair do |x4,y4|
- puts spaces*4 + x4 if x4.is_a?(String)
- if y4.is_a?(Hash)
- y4.each_pair do |x5,y5|
- puts spaces*5 + x5 if x5.is_a?(String)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def traverse
- @the_h.each_pair do |x0,y0|
- puts spaces*0 + x0 if x0.is_a?(String)
- if y0.is_a?(Hash)
- if y0.has_key?(:md)
- y0[:md].each { |x| puts spaces*5 + x[:title] }
- end
- y0.each_pair do |x1,y1|
- puts spaces*1 + x1 if x1.is_a?(String)
- if y1.is_a?(Hash)
- if y1.has_key?(:md)
- y1[:md].each { |x| puts spaces*5 + x[:title] }
- end
- y1.each_pair do |x2,y2|
- puts spaces*2 + x2 if x2.is_a?(String)
- if y2.is_a?(Hash)
- if y2.has_key?(:md)
- y2[:md].each { |x| puts spaces*5 + x[:title] }
- end
- y2.each_pair do |x3,y3|
- puts spaces*3 + x3 if x3.is_a?(String)
- if y3.is_a?(Hash)
- if y3.has_key?(:md)
- y3[:md].each { |x| puts spaces*5 + x[:title] }
- end
- y3.each_pair do |x4,y4|
- puts spaces*4 + x4 if x4.is_a?(String)
- if y4.is_a?(Hash)
- if y4.has_key?(:md)
- y4[:md].each { |x| puts spaces*5 + x[:title] }
- end
- y4.each_pair do |x5,y5|
- puts spaces*5 + x4 if x4.is_a?(String)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class OutputIndex < Mix
- require_relative 'i18n' # i18n.rb
- def initialize(opt,the_idx)
- @opt,@the_idx=opt,the_idx
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new
- @rc=SiSU_Env::GetInit.new.sisu_yaml.rc
- @alphabet_list=%W[9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]
- @alph=@alphabet_list.dup
- @letter=@alph.shift
- end
- def html_file_open
- @the_idx.keys.each do |lng|
- @output ||={}
- @output[lng] ||={}
- harvest_pth,file='',''
- if @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :language
- harvest_pth=@env.path.webserv + '/' \
- + @opt.base_stub + '/' \
- + lng + '/' \
- + 'manifest'
- file=harvest_pth + '/' + 'topics.html'
- elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :filetype
- harvest_pth=@env.path.webserv + '/' \
- + @opt.base_stub + '/' \
- + 'manifest'
- file=harvest_pth + '/' + 'topics.' + lng + '.html'
- elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :filename
- harvest_pth=@env.path.webserv + '/' \
- + @opt.base_stub
- file=harvest_pth + '/' + 'topics.' + lng + '.html'
- end
- FileUtils::mkdir_p(harvest_pth) \
- unless FileTest.directory?(harvest_pth)
- fileinfo=(@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \
- || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \
- || @opt.act[:urls_selected][:set]==:on \
- || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) \
- ? ("file://#{file}")
- : ''
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(
- @opt.act[:color_state][:set],
- "harvest topics(#{@opt.files.length} files)",
- fileinfo
- ).dark_grey_title_hi unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on
- @output[lng][:html]=File.new(file,'w')
- if @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on
- @output[lng][:html_mnt]=File.new("#{@env.path.pwd}/topics.html",'w')
- end
- end
- end
- def html_file_close
- @the_idx.keys.each do |lng|
- @output[lng][:html].close
- @output[lng][:html_mnt].close if @output[lng][:html_mnt].is_a?(File)
- end
- end
- def html_print
- def html_songsheet
- #traverse
- html_file_open
- html_head
- html_alph
- html_body_traverse
- html_tail
- html_file_close
- end
- def html_body_traverse
- @the_idx.each_pair do |x0,y0|
- lng=x0
- if x0.is_a?(String)
- #do_string_name(lng,'lev0',x0)
- #puts spaces*0 + x0
- end
- if y0.is_a?(Hash)
- if y0.has_key?(:md)
- y0[:md].each do |x|
- #do_hash(lng,attrib,x) #lv==0 ?
- #puts spaces*5 + x[:title]
- end
- end
- y0.each_pair do |x1,y1|
- if x1.is_a?(String)
- do_string_name(lng,'lev0',x1)
- #puts spaces*1 + x1
- end
- if y1.is_a?(Hash)
- if y1.has_key?(:md)
- y1[:md].each do |x|
- do_hash(lng,0,x)
- #puts spaces*5 + x[:title]
- end
- end
- y1.each_pair do |x2,y2|
- if x2.is_a?(String)
- do_string(lng,'lev1',x2)
- #puts spaces*2 + x2
- end
- if y2.is_a?(Hash)
- if y2.has_key?(:md)
- y2[:md].each do |x|
- do_hash(lng,1,x)
- #puts spaces*5 + x[:title]
- end
- end
- y2.each_pair do |x3,y3|
- if x3.is_a?(String)
- do_string(lng,'lev2',x3)
- #puts spaces*3 + x3
- end
- if y3.is_a?(Hash)
- if y3.has_key?(:md)
- y3[:md].each do |x|
- do_hash(lng,2,x)
- #puts spaces*5 + x[:title]
- end
- end
- y3.each_pair do |x4,y4|
- if x4.is_a?(String)
- do_string(lng,'lev3',x4)
- #puts spaces*4 + x4
- end
- if y4.is_a?(Hash)
- if y4.has_key?(:md)
- y4[:md].each do |x|
- do_hash(lng,3,x)
- #puts spaces*5 + x[:title]
- end
- end
- y4.each_pair do |x5,y5|
- if x5.is_a?(String)
- do_string(lng,'lev4',x5)
- #puts spaces*5 + x5
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def html_head_adjust(lng,type='')
- css_path,authors='',''
- if @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :language
- css_path=(type !~/maintenance/) \
- ? '../../_sisu/css/harvest.css'
- : 'harvest.css'
- authors='authors.html'
- elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :filetype
- css_path=(type !~/maintenance/) \
- ? '../_sisu/css/harvest.css'
- : 'harvest.css'
- authors="authors.#{lng}.html"
- elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :filename
- css_path=(type !~/maintenance/) \
- ? './_sisu/css/harvest.css'
- : 'harvest.css'
- authors="authors.#{lng}.html"
- end
- ln=SiSU_i18n::Languages.new.language.list
- harvest_languages=''
- @the_idx.keys.each do |lg|
- if @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :language
- harvest_pth="../../#{lg}/manifest"
- file=harvest_pth + '/' + 'topics.html'
- elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :filetype
- harvest_pth='.'
- file=harvest_pth + '/' + 'topics.' + lg + '.html'
- elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :filename
- harvest_pth='.'
- file=harvest_pth + '/topics.' + lg + '.html'
- end
- l=ln[lg][:t]
- harvest_languages +=
- %{<a href="#{file}">#{l}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;}
- end
- sv=SiSU_Env::InfoVersion.instance.get_version
- if @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :language
- home_pth='../..'
- output_structure_by='(output organised by language &amp; filetype)'
- elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :filetype
- home_pth='..'
- output_structure_by='(output organised by filetype)'
- elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :filename
- home_pth='.'
- output_structure_by='(output organised by filename)'
- else
- home_pth='.'
- output_structure_by='(output organised by ?)'
- end
- <<WOK
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>SiSU Metadata Harvest - Topics</title>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
-<meta name="dc.title" content= "SiSU metadata harvest, Topics - SiSU information Structuring Universe, Structured information Serialised Units" />
-<meta name="dc.subject" content= "document structuring, ebook, publishing, PDF, LaTeX, XML, ODF, SQL, postgresql, sqlite, electronic book, electronic publishing, electronic document, electronic citation, data structure, citation systems, granular search, digital library" />
-<meta name="generator" content="#{sv[:project]} #{sv[:version]} of #{sv[:date_stamp]} (n*x and Ruby!)" />
-<link rel="generator" href="http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU" />
-<link href="#{css_path}" rel="stylesheet">
-<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../_sisu/image/rb7.ico" />
-<body lang="en" xml:lang="en">
-<a name="top" id="top"></a>
-<a name="up" id="up"></a>
-<a name="start" id="start"></a>
-<h1>SiSU Metadata Harvest - Topics #{output_structure_by}</h1>
-<p>[<a href="#{home_pth}/index.html">&nbsp;HOME&nbsp;</a>] also see <a href="#{authors}">SiSU Metadata Harvest - Authors</a></p>
-<hr />
-<p class="tiny">#{harvest_languages}</p>
-<hr />
- end
- def html_head
- @the_idx.keys.each do |lng|
- @output[lng][:html_mnt] \
- << html_head_adjust(lng,'maintenance') \
- if @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on
- @output[lng][:html] << html_head_adjust(lng)
- end
- end
- def html_alph
- a=[]
- a << '<p>'
- @alph.each do |x|
- a << ((x =~/[0-9]/) \
- ? ''
- : %{<a href="##{x}">#{x}</a>,&nbsp;})
- end
- a=a.join
- @the_idx.keys.each do |lng|
- @output[lng][:html_mnt] << a \
- if @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on
- @output[lng][:html] << a
- end
- end
- def html_tail
- a =<<WOK
-<hr />
-<a name="bottom" id="bottom"></a>
-<a name="down" id="down"></a>
-<a name="end" id="end"></a>
-<a name="finish" id="finish"></a>
-<a name="stop" id="stop"></a>
-<a name="credits"></a>
- @the_idx.keys.each do |lng|
- @output[lng][:html_mnt] << a \
- if @output[lng][:html_mnt].is_a?(File)
- @output[lng][:html] << a
- end
- end
- def do_html(lng,html)
- @output[lng][:html] << html
- end
- def do_html_maintenance(lng,html)
- @output[lng][:html_mnt] << html \
- if @output[lng][:html_mnt].is_a?(File)
- end
- def do_string(lng,attrib,string)
- html=%{<p class="#{attrib}">#{string}</p>}
- do_html(lng,html)
- do_html_maintenance(lng,html) \
- if @output[lng][:html_mnt].is_a?(File)
- end
- def do_string_default(lng,attrib,string)
- html=%{<p class="#{attrib}">#{string}</p>}
- do_html(lng,html)
- end
- def do_string_maintenance(lng,attrib,string)
- html=%{<p class="#{attrib}">#{string}</p>}
- do_html_maintenance(lng,html) \
- if @output[lng][:html_mnt].is_a?(File)
- end
- def do_string_name(lng,attrib,string)
- f=/^(\S)/.match(string)[1]
- if @lng != lng
- @alph=@alphabet_list.dup
- @letter=@alph.shift
- @lng = lng
- end
- if @letter < f
- while @letter < f
- if @alph.length > 0
- @letter=@alph.shift
- if @output[lng][:html_mnt].is_a?(File)
- @output[lng][:html_mnt] \
- << %{\n<p class="letter"><a name="#{@letter}">#{@letter}</a></p><p class="book_index_lev1"><a name="#{@letter.downcase}"></a></p>}
- end
- @output[lng][:html] \
- << %{\n<p class="letter"><a name="#{@letter}">#{@letter}</a></p><p class="book_index_lev1"><a name="#{@letter.downcase}"></a></p>}
- else break
- end
- end
- end
- name=string.strip.gsub(/\s+/,'_')
- html=%{<p class="#{attrib}"><a name="#{name}">#{string}</a></p>}
- do_html(lng,html)
- do_html_maintenance(lng,html) \
- if @output[lng][:html_mnt].is_a?(File)
- end
- def do_array(lng,lv,array)
- lv+=1
- array.each do |b|
- do_case(lng,lv,b)
- end
- end
- def do_hash_md(lng,attrib,hash)
- lang_code_insert=SiSU_Env::FilenameLanguageCodeInsert.new(@opt,lng).language_code_insert
- manifest_at=if @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :language
- hash[:file] + Sfx[:html]
- elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :filetype
- hash[:file] + lang_code_insert + Sfx[:html]
- elsif @env.output_dir_structure.by? == :filename
- "./#{hash[:file]}/#{hash[:page]}"
- else '' #error
- end
- html=%{<a href="#{manifest_at}">#{hash[:title]}</a> - #{hash[:author]}}
- do_string_default(lng,attrib,html)
- end
- def do_hash_md_maintenance(lng,attrib,hash)
- if @output[lng][:html_mnt].is_a?(File) #should not be run for presentation output
- html=%{[<a href="#{hash[:file]}.sst">src</a>]&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="file://#{@env.path.output}/#{hash[:file]}/#{hash[:page]}">#{hash[:title]}</a> - #{hash[:author]}}
- do_string_maintenance(lng,attrib,html)
- end
- end
- def do_hash(lng,lv,hash)
- lv+=1
- key=[]
- hash.each_key do |m|
- if m == :md
- do_case(lng,lv,hash[m])
- elsif m != :title \
- and m != :author \
- and m != :filename \
- and m != :file \
- and m != :rough_idx \
- and m != :page
- key << m
- elsif m == :title
- do_hash_md(lng,'work',hash)
- do_hash_md_maintenance(lng,'work',hash)
- end
- end
- if key.length > 0
- key.sort.each do |m|
- attrib="lev#{lv}"
- lv==0 ? do_string_name(lng,attrib,m) : do_string(lng,attrib,m)
- do_case(lng,lv,hash[m])
- end
- end
- end
- def do_case(lng,lv,a)
- case a
- when String
- attrib="lev#{lv}"
- if a=~/S/
- lv==0 ? do_string_name(lng,attrib,a) : do_string(lng,attrib,a)
- end
- when Array
- do_array(lng,lv,a)
- when Hash
- do_hash(lng,lv,a)
- end
- end
- #def html_body
- # the_idx=@the_idx
- # the_idx.each_pair do |lng,lng_array|
- # lng_array.sort.each do |a|
- # do_case(lng,-1,a)
- # end
- # end
- #end
- self
- end
- end
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