# encoding: utf-8 =begin * Name: SiSU ** Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search *** hub, command line options parsing *** hub ** Author: Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> <ralph.amissah@gmail.com> ** Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved. ** License: GPL 3 or later: SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be available at these locations: <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html> <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/en/manifest/gpl.fsf.html> ** SiSU uses: * Standard SiSU markup syntax, * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system ** Hompages: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu> <http://www.sisudoc.org> ** Git <http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=summary> <http://git.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=blob;f=lib/sisu/current/hub_options.rb;hb=HEAD> =end module SiSU_Commandline begin require 'pathname' rescue LoadError SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:fuchsia). error('pathname NOT FOUND (LoadError)') end require_relative 'se' # se.rb require_relative 'dp_make' # dp_make.rb class HeaderCommon def sisu_document_make_instructions(make_instruct_array=:nil) @pagenew= @pagebreak= @pageline= @toc= @lv1=@lv2=@lv3=@lv4=@lv5=@lv6= @num_top= @i18n= @man_section= @emphasis_set_to= @bold_match_list= @italics_match_list= @substitution_match_list= @footer_links= @home_button_links= @links= nil make_instruct_array=make_instruct_array==:nil \ ? SiSU_Env::GetInit.new.sisu_document_make.makefile_read : make_instruct_array @makeset=false if make_instruct_array make_instruct_array.each do |para| #% scan document if para =~/^(?:@make:|@links:)[+-]?\s/ case para when /^@make:(.+)/m #% header processing - make @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new @make=SiSU_Param_Make::MdMake.new($1.strip,@opt,@env).make makes=SiSU_Param_Make::MakeHead.new(@make).make_instruct @makeset=true @pagenew=makes[:pagenew] @pagebreak=makes[:pagenew] @pageline=makes[:pageline] @toc=makes[:toc] @lv1=makes[:lv1] @lv2=makes[:lv2] @lv3=makes[:lv3] @lv4=makes[:lv4] @lv5=makes[:lv5] @lv6=makes[:lv6] @num_top=makes[:num_top] @i18n=makes[:i18n] @man_section=makes[:man_section] @emphasis_set_to=makes[:emphasis_set_to] @bold_match_list=makes[:bold_match_list] @italics_match_list=makes[:italics_match_list] @substitution_match_list=makes[:substitution_match_list] @footer_links=makes[:footer_links] @home_button_links=makes[:home_button_links] @home_button_image=makes[:home_button_image] @cover_image=makes[:cover_image] when /^@links:(.+)/m #% header processing - make make_links=SiSU_Param::Parameters::MdMake.new($1.strip,@opt,@env).make_links @links,@links_append=make_links.links,make_links.append? end end end #% here endeth the common header loop end { makeset: @makeset, pagenew: @pagenew, pagebreak: @pagebreak, pageline: @pageline, toc: @toc, lv1: @lv1, lv2: @lv2, lv3: @lv3, lv4: @lv4, lv5: @lv5, lv6: @lv6, num_top: @num_top, i18n: @i18n, man_section: @man_section, emphasis_set_to: @emphasis_set_to, bold_match_list: @bold_match_list, italics_match_list: @italics_match_list, substitution_match_list: @substitution_match_list, footer_links: @footer_links, home_button_links: @home_button_links, home_button_image: @home_button_image, cover_image: @cover_image, links: @links, links_append: @links_append } end end class Options attr_accessor :selections,:opt_ch,:act,:dir_structure_by,:lingual,:f_pths,:files,:files_mod,:call_path,:base_path,:base_stub,:sub_location,:image_src_path,:paths,:lngs,:f_pth,:pth,:fno,:fns,:fnb,:fnc,:fng,:fncb,:lng,:lng_base,:what,:make_instructions,:make_instructions_pod,:sisu_run_path,:sisu_install_type @@act=nil def initialize(a,sisu_runtime) @opt_ch=@f_pth=@pth=@fno=@fns=@fnb=@fnc=@fng=@fncb=@what=@lng=@lng_base=@call_path=@base_path=@base_stub=@image_src_path=@sub_location='' @f_pths,@files,@files_mod,@paths,@select_arr,@act=Array.new(5){[]} @select_str=nil @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new @lng_base=@env.language_default_set @dir_structure_by=SiSU_Env::EnvCall.new.output_dir_structure.by? @lingual=SiSU_Env::EnvCall.new.mono_multi_lingual? @sisu_run_from=sisu_runtime[:runtime_path] @sisu_install_type=sisu_runtime[:runtime_type] @call_path=sisu_runtime[:call_path] pth=SiSU_Utils::Path.new(call_path) @base_path=pth.base_markup @base_stub=pth.base_markup_stub @image_src_path=pth.image_src @a=sisu_glob_rules(a) @a.freeze @make_instructions=HeaderCommon.new.sisu_document_make_instructions @make_instructions_pod=nil init end def sisu_called_from? @call_path end def sisu_bin_filepath? @sisu_run_from end def sisu_install_type? @sisu_install_type end def sisu_lib_dir? File.dirname(__FILE__) end def sisu_data_dir? env=RbConfig::CONFIG if sisu_install_type? ==:full_path_to_sisu_bin_in_sisu_dir_tree sisu_bin_filepath?.gsub(/\/bin\/sisu\S*/,'/data/sisu') #sisu_lib_dir?.gsub(/\/lib\/sisu\/(?:current|develop)\S*/,'/data/sisu') elsif sisu_install_type? ==:gem_install #sisu_run_from?.gsub(/\/bin\/.+/,'/data/sisu') env['datadir'] elsif sisu_install_type? ==:system_install #SiSU_Info_Env::InfoEnv.new.path.share env['datadir'] else env['datadir'] end end def find_all(find_flag,opt) if find_flag x=Dir.glob('*.ss[tm]') Px[:lng_lst].each do |d| if FileTest.directory?(d) x << Dir.glob("#{d}/*.ss[tm]") end end x=x.flatten opt + x end end def find_select(find_flag,opt) if find_flag x=[] if opt.inspect =~/"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]+?"/ opt.each do |g| x <<=if g =~/.ss[tm]/ Dir.glob("*#{g}") else Dir.glob("*#{g}*.ss[tm]") end Px[:lng_lst].each do |d| if FileTest.directory?(d) x <<=if g =~/.ss[tm]/ Dir.glob("#{d}/*#{g}") else Dir.glob("#{d}/*#{g}*.ss[tm]") end end end end end x.flatten end end def sisu_glob_rules(a) a=if a.inspect =~/"-[A-Za-z0-9]*[fG]/ \ or a.inspect =~/"--find"|"--glob"/ b,f=[],[] find_flag=false a.each do |y| if y =~ /^-/ if y =~/^-/ \ && y =~/[fG]|--find|--glob/ find_flag=true end b << y end if find_flag \ && y !~ /^-/ \ && y =~ /\S+/ if y !~/\// f << y else find_flag=false puts %{sub-directories "#{y}" cannot be provided for --find or --glob at this time} end end end r=Px[:lng_lst_rgx].gsub(/\|#{lng_base}\|/,'|') @lang_regx=%r{(?:#{r})} if find_flag (f.length > 0) \ ? (b + find_select(find_flag,f)) : find_all(find_flag,b) elsif a.inspect =~/"(?:-\S+?|--\S+?)"/ \ && a.inspect =~/"#{@lang_regx}\/?"/ \ && a.inspect =~/"#{lng_base}\/\S+?\.ss[tm]"/ init_selected_lang_dirs(a) else b end else a end end def init_selected_lang_dirs(a) @z=a.each.map do |y| if y =~/^#{lng_base}\/(\S+?\.ss[tm])$/ @fn=$1 y elsif y =~/^#{@lang_regx}\/?$/ "#{y}/#{@fn}" else y end end end def init a=@a s=expand_numeric_shortcuts(a) q=set_files_and_paths_and_general_extract(s) files=(q[:files].length > 0) ? :true : :false @select_arr=opt_cmd_and_mod_adjust(q[:opt_ch],q[:selections],files) if a.length > 0 @what=q[:what] unless q[:what].empty? @paths = q[:paths] @files = q[:files] @f_pths = q[:f_pths] @lngs = q[:lngs] if @files.length > 0 \ and @opt_ch.empty? \ and @select_arr.length==0 #% if no other action called on filename given, default is sisu --v5 -0 [filename(s)] configured as flag default shortcut=SiSU_Env::InfoProcessingFlag.new @select_arr=['--v5'] @select_arr << shortcut.act_0.arr #+ ' --dal' end if @select_arr.inspect =~/--verbose/ \ && @opt_ch !~/-[ku]*v[ku]*$/ SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt_ch, "\tsisu " + @opt_ch + ' ' + @select_arr.join(' ') + ' ' + @files.join(' ') + "\n" ).print_brown end end @@act ? @act=@@act : @@act=@act=opt_act self end def sisu_document_make_pod def makefile_name SiSU_Env::GetInit.new.sisu_document_make.makefile_name end def makefile(pod_make_path) "#{pod_make_path}/#{makefile_name}" end def makefile_read(pod_make_path) if FileTest.file?(makefile(pod_make_path)) sisu_doc_makefile=IO.read(makefile(pod_make_path), mode: 'r:utf-8') sisu_doc_makefile.split(/\s*\n\s*\n/m) else nil end end self end def set_files_and_paths_and_general_extract(s) c,w='','' m,f,pth,lng,lngs=[],[],[],[],[] lng_is='' a=(s.nil?) \ ? ['-v'] : s.split(/\s+/) r_l=Px[:lng_lst].join('|') a.uniq.each do |x| if x =~/^-[a-z0-5]+/i \ or x =~/^--\S+/ if x =~/^-([a-z0-5]+)/i c << $1 end if x =~/^--\S+/ m << x end elsif x =~ /(?:\.(?:(?:-|ssm\.)?sst(?:\.xml)?|ssm|ssi|sx[sdn]\.xml|s[1-3]|kdi|ssp)|\S+?\.ss[mt]\.(?:txz|zip)|sisupod\.(?:txz|zip))$/ if x =~/\S+?\.ss[mt]\.(?:txz|zip)|sisupod\.(?:txz|zip)/ if x =~/^(?:https?|file):\/\/\S+/ #\ end pwd=Dir.pwd fn_pod=x.gsub(/([^\/]+)\.txz$/,'\1') fullname=@env.processing_path.processing + '/sisupod/' + fn_pod pt=Pathname.new(fullname) FileUtils::mkdir_p(pt.to_s) pod_make_path=fullname + '/sisupod/doc/_sisu' make_instruct_array=sisu_document_make_pod.makefile_read(pod_make_path) @make_instructions_pod= HeaderCommon.new.sisu_document_make_instructions(make_instruct_array) Dir.chdir(pt.realpath) system(" chdir #{fullname} tar xaf #{pwd}/#{x} chdir #{pwd} ") Dir.chdir(pt.realpath.to_s + '/sisupod/doc') r=Px[:lng_lst_rgx] Dir.entries("#{fullname}/sisupod/doc").each do |d_lng| if d_lng =~/^(?:#{r})$/ Dir.chdir(pt.realpath.to_s + "/sisupod/doc/#{d_lng}") filenames=Dir.glob("*.ss[mt]") filenames.each do |fn| f_pths << { pth: "#{fullname}/sisupod/doc/#{d_lng}", f: "#{fn}", pth_stub: 'doc', lng: d_lng, lng_is: d_lng, url_base: '', url: '' } Dir.chdir(pwd) f << fn end end end elsif x =~/^(?:https?|file):\/\/\S+/ \ and x =~/\S+?\.ss[mt]$/ r_url=/(http:\/\/\S+?\/\S+?\/src(?:\/(?:#{r_l}))?)\// url_base = (x[r_url,1]) url = x y=x.gsub(/http:\/\/\S+?\/\S+?\/src\//,'') t=/(#{r_l})\/[^\/]+?\.ss[tm]$/ l_p = (y[t,1]) \ ? y[t,1] : nil lng << l_p lngs << if l_p l_p elsif x =~/~(#{r_l})\.ss[tm]/ $1 else lng_base end r_f=/(?:#{r_l})\/([^\/]+?\.ss[tm])$/ fn = (y[r_f,1]) \ ? y[r_f,1] : y fn=fn.gsub(/\.((?:ssm\.)?sst)/,'.-\1') fullname=Dir.pwd + '/' + fn pt=Pathname.new(fullname) pth << Dir.pwd r_u=/.+?\/([^\/]+)(?:\/(?:#{r_l})$|$)/ lng_is =if l_p l_p elsif x =~/~(#{r_l})\.ss[tm]/ $1 else lng_base end f_pths << { pth: pt.split[0].realpath.to_s, f: pt.split[1].to_s, pth_stub: pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[r_u,1], lng: (pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[t,1]) \ ? pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[t,1] : nil, lng_is: lng_is, url_base: url_base, url: url } f << fn elsif FileTest.file?(x) pt=Pathname.new(x) pth << pt.split[0].realpath.to_s #remove? f << pt.split[1].to_s #remove? r_u=/.+?\/([^\/]+)(?:\/(?:#{r_l})$|$)/ t=/.+\/(#{r_l})$/ l_p = (pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[t,1]) \ ? pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[t,1] : nil lngs << lng_is = if l_p l_p elsif x =~/~(#{r_l})\.ss[tm]/ $1 else lng_base end f_pths << { pth: pt.split[0].realpath.to_s, f: pt.split[1].to_s, pth_stub: pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[r_u,1], lng: lng_is, lng_is: lng_is, url_base: nil, url: nil, } else puts "file not found: #{x}" end elsif x =~ /\.termsheet\.rb$/ (FileTest.file?(x)) \ ? (f << x) : (puts "file not found: #{x}") else w=x puts "#{x} in #{a.join(' ')}?" end end { opt_ch: c, selections: m, what: w, paths: pth, files: f, f_pths: f_pths, lng: lng_is, lngs: lngs, } end def expand_numeric_shortcuts(a) s='' a.each do |x| y=case x when /0/ (x=~/^-0\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-0(\S+)/,'--act0' + ' -\1') : x.gsub(/^-0/,'--act0' + ' ') when /1/ (x=~/^-1\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-1(\S+)/,'--act1' + ' -\1') : x.gsub(/^-1/,'--act1' + ' ') when /2/ (x=~/^-2\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-2(\S+)/,'--act2' + ' -\1') : x.gsub(/^-2/,'--act2' + ' ') when /3/ (x=~/^-3\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-3(\S+)/,'--act3' + ' -\1') : x.gsub(/^-3/,'--act3' + ' ') when /4/ (x=~/^-4\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-4(\S+)/,'--act4' + ' -\1') : x.gsub(/^-4/,'--act4' + ' ') when /5/ (x=~/^-5\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-5(\S+)/,'--act5' + ' -\1') : x.gsub(/^-5/,'--act5' + ' ') when /6/ (x=~/^-6\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-6(\S+)/,'--act6' + ' -\1') : x.gsub(/^-6/,'--act6' + ' ') when /7/ (x=~/^-7\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-7(\S+)/,'--act7' + ' -\1') : x.gsub(/^-7/,'--act7' + ' ') when /8/ (x=~/^-8\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-8(\S+)/,'--act8' + ' -\1') : x.gsub(/^-8/,'--act8' + ' ') when /9/ (x=~/^-9\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-9(\S+)/,'--act9' + ' -\1') : x.gsub(/^-9/,'--act9' + ' ') else x end s << " #{y}" unless y.empty? end s.strip! end def opt_cmd_and_mod_adjust(ch,select_arr,files) select_arr=select_arr.flatten sel_init=select_arr.flatten shortcut=SiSU_Env::InfoProcessingFlag.new if files ==:true if not sel_init.empty? \ and sel_init.inspect =~/"--act[s0-9]?/ sel_init.each do |s| select_arr <<=case s when /--act0/ then shortcut.act_0.arr when /--act1/ then shortcut.act_1.arr when /--act2/ then shortcut.act_2.arr when /--act3/ then shortcut.act_3.arr when /--act4/ then shortcut.act_4.arr when /--act5/ then shortcut.act_5.arr when /--act6/ then shortcut.act_6.arr when /--act7/ then shortcut.act_7.arr when /--act8/ then shortcut.act_8.arr when /--act9/ then shortcut.act_9.arr when /--act/ then shortcut.act_info end end end if not sel_init.empty? \ and sel_init.inspect =~/"--pdf-/ select_arr << '--pdf' sel_init.each do |s| if s =~ /^--pdf-(?:(?:l|landscape)(?:-(?:a4|letter|a5|b5|legal))?|(?:a4|letter|a5|b5|legal)-(?:l|landscape))$/ select_arr << '--landscape' end if s =~ /^--pdf-(?:(?:p|portrait)(?:-(?:a4|letter|a5|b5|legal))?|(?:a4|letter|a5|b5|legal)-(?:p|portrait))$/ select_arr << '--portrait' end if s =~ /^--pdf(?:-(?:a4|letter|a5|b5|legal)(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))?|(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))(?:-(?:a4|letter|a5|b5|legal)))$/ if s =~ /^--pdf(?:-a4(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))?|(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))-a4)$/ select_arr << '--papersize-a4' end if s =~ /^--pdf(?:-a5(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))?|(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))-a5)$/ select_arr << '--papersize-a5' end if s =~ /^--pdf(?:-b5(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))?|(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))-b5)$/ select_arr << '--papersize-b5' end if s =~ /^--pdf(?:-letter(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))?|(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))-letter)$/ select_arr << '--papersize-letter' end if s =~ /^--pdf(?:-legal(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))?|(?:-(?:[lp]|landscape|portrait))-legal)$/ select_arr << '--papersize-legal' end end end select_arr=select_arr.uniq end if ch.empty? \ and sel_init.length == 0 select_arr << shortcut.act_0.arr ################ & --flag empty elsif not ch.empty? if ch =~/c/ then select_arr << '--color-toggle' ch=ch.gsub(/[c]/,'') end if ch =~/k/ then select_arr << '--color-off' ch=ch.gsub(/[k]/,'') end if ch =~/C/ then select_arr << '--config' ch=ch.gsub(/[C]+/,'') end if ch =~/m/ then select_arr << '--dal' ch=ch.gsub(/[m]/,'') end if ch =~/t/ then select_arr << '--txt' ch=ch.gsub(/[t]/,'') end if ch =~/h/ then select_arr << '--html' ch=ch.gsub(/[h]/,'') end if ch =~/e/ then select_arr << '--epub' ch=ch.gsub(/[e]/,'') end if ch =~/o/ then select_arr << '--odt' ch=ch.gsub(/[o]/,'') end if ch =~/d/ then select_arr << '--docbook' ch=ch.gsub(/[d]/,'') end if ch =~/p/ then select_arr << '--pdf' ch=ch.gsub(/[p]/,'') end if ch =~/w/ then select_arr << '--concordance' ch=ch.gsub(/[w]/,'') end if ch =~/i/ then select_arr << '--manpage' ch=ch.gsub(/[i]/,'') end if ch =~/I/ then select_arr << '--texinfo' ch=ch.gsub(/[I]/,'') end if ch =~/b/ then select_arr << '--xhtml' ch=ch.gsub(/[b]/,'') end if ch =~/x/ then select_arr << '--xml-sax' ch=ch.gsub(/[x]/,'') end if ch =~/X/ then select_arr << '--xml-dom' ch=ch.gsub(/[X]/,'') end if ch =~/j/ then select_arr << '--images' ch=ch.gsub(/[j]/,'') end if ch =~/N/ then select_arr << '--digests' ch=ch.gsub(/[N]/,'') end if ch =~/P/ then select_arr << '--po4a-sst' ch=ch.gsub(/[P]/,'') end if ch =~/d/ then select_arr << '--sqlite' ch=ch.gsub(/[d]/,'') end if ch =~/D/ then select_arr << '--pg' ch=ch.gsub(/[D]/,'') end if ch =~/Q/ then select_arr << '--qrcode' ch=ch.gsub(/[Q]/,'') end if ch =~/s/ then select_arr << '--source' ch=ch.gsub(/[s]/,'') end if ch =~/S/ then select_arr << '--sisupod' ch=ch.gsub(/[S]/,'') end if ch =~/m/ then select_arr << '--manifest' ch=ch.gsub(/[m]/,'') end if ch =~/R/ then select_arr << '--rsync' ch=ch.gsub(/[R]/,'') end if ch =~/r/ then select_arr << '--scp' ch=ch.gsub(/[r]/,'') end if ch =~/g/ then select_arr << '--git' ch=ch.gsub(/[g]/,'') end if ch =~/U/ then select_arr << '--urls' ch=ch.gsub(/[u]/,'') end if ch =~/Z/ then select_arr << '--zap' ch=ch.gsub(/[Z]/,'') end if ch =~/F/ then select_arr << '--sample-search-form' ch=ch.gsub(/[F]/,'') end if ch =~/W/ then select_arr << '--webrick' ch=ch.gsub(/[w]/,'') end if ch =~/M/ then select_arr << '--maintenance' ch=ch.gsub(/[M]/,'') end if ch =~/V/ then select_arr << '--very-verbose' ch=ch.gsub(/[V]/,'') end if ch =~/v/ then select_arr << '--verbose' ch=ch.gsub(/[v]/,'') end if ch =~/q/ then select_arr << '--quiet' ch=ch.gsub(/[q]/,'') end if select_arr.inspect !~/--urls/ \ and select_arr.inspect \ !~/"--harvest/ select_arr << '--urls' end if select_arr.inspect !~/--dal/ \ and select_arr.inspect =~/txt|text|html|odt|epub|docbook|xml|pdf|manpage|texinfo|concordance|qrcode|source|sisupod|pg|sqlite|zap/ select_arr << '--dal' end if select_arr.inspect !~/--manifest/ \ and select_arr.inspect =~/txt|text|html|odt|epub|docbook|xml|pdf|manpage|texinfo|concordance|qrcode|source|sisupod|pg|sqlite|zap/ select_arr << '--manifest' end if select_arr.inspect !~/--images/ \ and select_arr.inspect =~/html|odt|docbook|xml|qrcode/ select_arr << '--images' end end else if not sel_init.empty? \ and sel_init.inspect =~/"--acts?/ shortcut.act_info exit end if ch =~/c/ then select_arr << '--color-toggle' ch=ch.gsub(/[c]/,'') end if ch =~/k/ then select_arr << '--color-off' ch=ch.gsub(/[k]/,'') end if ch =~/C/ then select_arr << '--config' ch=ch.gsub(/[C]+/,'') end if sel_init.inspect =~/"--createdb"|"--create(?:all)?"|"--dropall"|"--recreate(?:all)?"/ if ch =~/d/ then select_arr << '--sqlite' ch=ch.gsub(/[d]/,'') end if ch =~/D/ then select_arr << '--pg' ch=ch.gsub(/[D]/,'') end end if ch =~/W/ then select_arr << '--webrick' ch=ch.gsub(/[w]/,'') end if ch =~/v/ then select_arr << '--version' ch=ch.gsub(/[v]/,'') end if ch =~/M/ then select_arr << '--maintenance' ch=ch.gsub(/[M]/,'') end if ch =~/V/ then select_arr << '--very-verbose' ch=ch.gsub(/[V]/,'') end if ch =~/q/ then select_arr << '--quiet' ch=ch.gsub(/[q]/,'') end end select_arr=select_arr.flatten.compact.uniq.sort end def opt_act select_arr=@select_arr @@act=if @@act @act=@@act else act={} act[:no_stop]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--no-stop"|"--errors-as-warnings"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:license]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--license/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:site_init]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--init"|"--initialize"|"--init-site"|"--conf"|"--config"|"--configure"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:rc]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--rc=/ x=Dir.pwd + '/' + select_arr.join.gsub(/--rc=/,'') { bool: true, set: :on, inst: x } else { bool: false, set: :na, inst: '' } end act[:processing_path]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--processing-path=/ base_pth=select_arr.join(';').gsub(/^.*--processing-path=['"]?(.+?)(?:['"]?;.+)?$/,'\1') { bool: true, set: :on, inst: base_pth } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--processing-path/ { bool: true, set: :on, inst: @base_path } else { bool: false, set: :na, inst: nil } end act[:dump]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--dump=/ base_pth=select_arr.join(';'). gsub(/^.*--dump=['"]?(.+?)(?:['"]?;.+)?$/,'\1') { bool: true, set: :on, inst: base_pth } elsif select_arr.inspect =~/"--dump/ { bool: true, set: :on, inst: @base_path } else { bool: false, set: :na, inst: nil } end act[:redirect]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--redirect=/ base_pth=select_arr.join(';'). gsub(/^.*--redirect=['"]?(.+?)(?:['"]?;.+)?$/,'\1') { bool: true, set: :on, inst: base_pth } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--redirect/ { bool: true, set: :on, inst: @base_path } else { bool: false, set: :na, inst: nil } end act[:switch]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--switch-off=/ off_list=select_arr.join(';'). gsub(/^.*--switch-off=['"]?(.+?)(?:['"];.+)?$/,'\1') off_list=off_list.scan(/[^,;\s]+/) { bool: false, set: :off, off: off_list} else { bool: true, set: :na, off: [] } end act[:default_language]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:default-)?language[-=](\S{2})"/ { set: :on, code: $1 } elsif lng_base { set: :on, code: lng_base } else { set: :na, code: 'en' } end act[:i18n]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"(?:--monolingual|--i18n-mono(?:lingual)?)"/ #if monolingual possible outputs output_by :filename & :filetype only, without language code in default language name; give warning of conflict settings if monolingual & :language selected @lingual=:mono { set: :mono } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"(?:--multilingual|--i18n-multi(?:lingual)?)"/ @lingual=:multi { set: :multi } else { set: :na } end act[:output_by]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:output-)?by-language"/ @dir_structure_by=:language { set: :language } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:output-)?by-filename"/ @dir_structure_by=:filename { set: :filename } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:output-)?by-filetype"/ @dir_structure_by=:filetype { set: :filetype } else { set: :na } end act[:ocn]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--ocn"|"--inc-ocn"|"--numbering"|"--inc-numbering"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--no-ocn"|"--exc-ocn"|"--no-numbering"|"--exc-numbering"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"ocn"|"--numbering"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:toc]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-toc"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-toc"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"toc"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:minitoc]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-minitoc"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-minitoc"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"minitoc"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:links_to_manifest]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-links-to-manifest"|"--inc-manifest-links"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-manifest"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"manifest"/ #place lower { bool: false, set: :off } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-links-to-manifest"|"--(?:exc|no)-manifest-links"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect \ =~/"links_to_manifest"|"manifest_links"|"--(?:exc|no)-manifest"/ \ || select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:redirect|dump)/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:manifest_minitoc]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-manifest-minitoc"|"--inc-minitoc"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-manifest-minitoc"|"--(?:exc|no)-minitoc"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"manifest_minitoc"|"minitoc"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:metadata]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-metadata"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-metadata"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"metadata"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:html_minitoc]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-html-minitoc"|"--inc-minitoc"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-html-minitoc"|"--(?:exc|no)-minitoc"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"html_minitoc"|"minitoc"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:html_navigation]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-html-navigation"|"--inc-navigation"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-html-navigation"|"--(?:exc|no)-navigation"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"html_navigation"|"nav"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:html_navigation_bar]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-html-navigation-bar"|"--inc-navigation-bar"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-html-navigation-bar"|"--(?:exc|no)-navigation-bar"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"html_navigation_bar"|"navbar"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:segsubtoc]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-segsubtoc"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-segsubtoc"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"segsubtoc"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:search_form]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-search-form"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-search-form"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"search_form"|"search"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:html_search_form]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-html-search-form"|"--inc-search-form"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-html-search-form"|"--(?:exc|no)-search-form"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect \ =~/"html_search_form"|"search_form"|"search"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:html_right_pane]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-html-right-pane"|"--inc-right-pane"|"--inc-html-right-column"|"--inc-right-column"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-html-right-pane"|"--(?:exc|no)-right-pane"|"--(?:exc|no)-html-right-column"|"--(?:exc|no)-right-column"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"html_right_pane"|"html_right_column"|"promo"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:html_top_band]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-html-top-band"|"--inc-top-band"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-html-top-band"|"--(?:exc|no)-top-band"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"html-top-band"|"top-band"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:html]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--html-strict"/ \ or ((select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--html"/) \ && select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--strict"/) act[:html_strict]={ bool: true, set: :on } act[:html_scroll]={ bool: true, set: :on } act[:html_seg]={ bool: true, set: :on } { bool: true, set: :on } elsif (select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--html"/) act[:html_strict]={ bool: false, set: :off } act[:html_scroll]={ bool: true, set: :on } act[:html_seg]={ bool: true, set: :on } { bool: true, set: :on } else act[:html_strict]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--strict"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:html_scroll]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--html-scroll"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:html_seg]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--html-seg"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:concordance]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--concordance"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:images]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--images"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pdf"/ if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--portrait"/ act[:pdf]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_l]={ bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_p]={ bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--landscape"/ act[:pdf]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_l]={ bool: true, set: :on } act[:pdf_p]={ bool: false, set: :na } else act[:pdf]= { bool: true, set: :on } act[:pdf_l]={ bool: true, set: :on } act[:pdf_p]={ bool: true, set: :on } end else act[:pdf]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_p]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_l]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_a4]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_a5]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_b5]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_letter]={ bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_legal]= { bool: false, set: :na } end if act[:pdf][:set]==:on \ or act[:pdf_p][:set]==:on \ or act[:pdf_l][:set]==:on act[:pdf_a4]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--a4"|--papersize-a4"/ \ or select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--papersize=\S*a4\b\S*"/ #--papersize=a4,a5 { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:pdf_a5]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--a5"|"--papersize-a5"/ \ or select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--papersize=\S*a5\b\S*"/ #--papersize=a4,a5 { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:pdf_b5]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--b5"|"--papersize-b5"/ \ or select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--papersize=\S*b5\b\S*"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:pdf_letter]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--letter"|"--papersize-letter"/ \ or select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--papersize=\S*letter\b\S*"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:pdf_legal]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--legal"|"--papersize-legal"/ \ or select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--papersize=\S*legal\b\S*"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end end act[:epub]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--epub"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:odt]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--odt"|"--odf"|"--odt-(?:ocn|numbering)"|"--odf-(?:ocn|numbering)"/ act[:odt_ocn]=if (select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--odt-(?:ocn|numbering)"|"--odf-(?:ocn|numbering)"/ \ or select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--ocn"|"--inc-ocn"|"--numbering"|"--inc-numbering"/) { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--no-ocn"|"--exc-ocn"|"--no-numbering"|"--exc-numbering"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: false, set: :na } end { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:xml_sax]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--xml-sax"|"--sax"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:xml_dom]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--xml-dom"|"--dom"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:xml_docbook_book]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--docbook"|"--docbook-book"|"--xml-docbook"|"--xml-docbook_book"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:xml_fictionbook]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--fictionbook"|"--xml-fictionbook"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:xml_scaffold_structure_sisu]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--xml-scaffold"|"--xml-scaffold-sisu"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:xml_scaffold_structure_collapse]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--xml-scaffold-collapse"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:xhtml]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--xhtml"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:txt]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--txt"|"--text"|"--plaintext"|"--txt-(?:ocn|numbering)"|"--text-(?:ocn|numbering)"|"--plaintext-(?:ocn|numbering)"/ act[:txt_ocn]=if (select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--txt-(?:ocn|numbering)"|"--text-(?:ocn|numbering)"|"--plaintext-(?:ocn|numbering)"/ \ or select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--ocn"|"--inc-ocn"|"--numbering"|"--inc-numbering"/) { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--no-ocn"|"--exc-ocn"|"--no-numbering"|"--exc-numbering"/ { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: false, set: :na } end { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:txt_textile]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--textile"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:txt_asciidoc]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--asciidoc"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:txt_markdown]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--markdown"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:txt_rst]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--rst"|"--rest"|"--restructuredtext"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:txt_orgmode]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--org"|"--orgmode"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:manpage]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--manpage"|"--man"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:texinfo]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--texinfo"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:psql]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pg-\S+"/ \ or ((select_arr.inspect =~/"--pg"/) \ && (select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--createdb"|"--create(?:all)?"|"--dropall"|"--recreate(?:all)?"|"--import"|"--update"|"--remove"/)) act[:psql_createdb]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pg-createdb"|"--createdb"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pg-recreate(?:all)?"|"--recreate(?:all)?"/ act[:psql_drop]={ bool: true, set: :on } act[:psql_create]={ bool: true, set: :on } else act[:psql_drop]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pg-dropall"|"--dropall"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:psql_create]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pg-create(?:all)?"|"--create(?:all)?"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end end act[:psql_import]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pg-import"|"--import"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:psql_update]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pg-update"|"--update"/ act[:psql_remove]={ bool: true, set: :on } { bool: true, set: :on } else act[:psql_remove]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pg-remove"|"--remove"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end { bool: false, set: :na } end { bool: true, set: :on } else act[:psql_createdb]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:psql_drop]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:psql_create]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:psql_import]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:psql_update]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:psql_remove]= { bool: false, set: :na } { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:sqlite]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sqlite-\S+"/ \ or (select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sqlite"/ \ && select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--createdb"|"--create(?:all)?"|"--dropall"|"--recreate(?:all)?"|"--import"|"--update"|"--remove"/) act[:sqlite_createdb]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sqlite-createdb"|"--createdb"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sqlite-recreate(?:all)?"|"--recreate(?:all)?"/ act[:sqlite_drop]={ bool: true, set: :on } act[:sqlite_create]={ bool: true, set: :on } else act[:sqlite_create]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sqlite-create(?:all)?"|"--create(?:all)?"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:sqlite_drop]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sqlite-dropall"|"--dropall"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end end act[:sqlite_import]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sqlite-import"|"--import"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:sqlite_update]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sqlite-update"|"--update"/ act[:sqlite_remove]={ bool: true, set: :on } { bool: true, set: :on } else act[:sqlite_remove]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sqlite-remove"|"--sqlite-remove"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end { bool: false, set: :na } end { bool: true, set: :on } else act[:sqlite_createdb]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:sqlite_drop]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:sqlite_create]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:sqlite_import]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:sqlite_update]= { bool: false, set: :na } act[:sqlite_remove]= { bool: false, set: :na } { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:sqlite_discrete]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sql"|"--sqlite"/ \ && (select_arr.inspect \ !~/"--createdb"|"--create(?:all)?"|"--dropall"|"--recreate(?:all)?"|"--import"|"--update"|"--remove"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:harvest]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--harvest"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:po4a_sstm]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--po4a-ss[tm]"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:po4a_sst_ao_sst]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--po4a-ao(?:-ss[tm])?"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:po4a_shelf]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--po4a-shelf"|"--pot?-shelf"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } if act[:po4a_shelf][:set]==:on \ or act[:po4a_sst_ao_sst][:set]==:on \ or act[:po4a_sstm][:set]==:on act[:po4a_lang]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:trans|init)-([a-z]{2}):((?:(?:[a-z]{2}\b),?)+)/ lng_src,lng_trn=$1,$2.split(',') { bool: true, set: :on, src: lng_src, trn: lng_trn } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--trans"/ { bool: true, set: :on } { bool: true, set: :on, src: 'en', trn: [] } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:po4a_lang_trans]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--trans-([a-z]{2}):((?:(?:[a-z]{2}\b),?)+)/ lng_src,lng_trn=$1,$2.split(',') { bool: true, set: :on, src: lng_src, trn: lng_trn } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--trans"/ { bool: true, set: :on } { bool: true, set: :on, src: 'en', trn: [] } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:po4a_lang_init]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--init-([a-z]{2}):((?:(?:[a-z]{2}\b),?)+)/ lng_src,lng_trn=$1,$2.split(',') { bool: true, set: :on, src: lng_src, trn: lng_trn } else { bool: false, set: :na } end else act[:po4a_lang_trans]= \ { bool: false, set: :na } act[:po4a_lang_init]= \ { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:git]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--git"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:hash_digests]=(select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--digests?"|"--hash-digests"/) \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:pdf_font_size]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:pdf-)?font-?size[=-](\d{1,2})(?:pt)?"/ $1 else :na end act[:pdf_hyperlink_colors]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pdf-hyperlinks-(?:mono(?:chrome)?|no-color)"/ :mono elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--pdf-hyperlinks-color"/ :color else :na end act[:hash_digest_algo]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--hash-(?:sha)?512"/ :sha512 elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--hash-(?:sha)?256"/ :sha256 elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--hash-md5"/ :md5 else :na end act[:sample_search_form]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sample-search-form"/ if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--db[-=]pg"/ { bool: true, set: :on, db: :pg } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--db[-=]sqlite"/ { bool: true, set: :on, db: :sqlite } else { bool: true, set: :on, db: :na } end else { bool: false, set: :na, db: :na } end act[:webrick]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--webrick"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:share_source]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--source"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:sisupod]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sisupod"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:scp]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--scp"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:rsync]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--rsync"|"--remote"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:zap]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--zap"|"--delete"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:urls_all]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--urls-all"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:urls_selected]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--urls"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--harvest/ { bool: false, set: :off } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--verbose"|"--maintenance"/ { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:sitemap]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--sitemap"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:qrcode]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--qrcode"/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:help]=select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--help/ \ ? { bool: true, set: :on } : { bool: false, set: :na } act[:ao]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--ao"|"--dal"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif (act[:txt][:set]==:on \ || act[:txt_textile][:set]==:on \ || act[:txt_asciidoc][:set]==:on \ || act[:txt_markdown][:set]==:on \ || act[:txt_rst][:set]==:on \ || act[:txt_orgmode][:set]==:on \ || act[:xhtml][:set]==:on \ || act[:epub][:set]==:on \ || act[:html][:set]==:on \ || act[:html_seg][:set]==:on \ || act[:html_scroll][:set]==:on \ || act[:texinfo][:set]==:on \ || act[:manpage][:set]==:on \ || act[:hash_digests][:set]==:on \ || act[:odt][:set]==:on \ || act[:pdf][:set]==:on \ || act[:pdf_p][:set]==:on \ || act[:pdf_l][:set]==:on \ || act[:qrcode][:set]==:on \ || act[:sisupod][:set]==:on \ || act[:share_source][:set]==:on \ || act[:po4a_sstm][:set]==:on \ || act[:concordance][:set]==:on \ || act[:sqlite_discrete][:set]==:on \ || act[:sqlite_import][:set]==:on \ || act[:sqlite_update][:set]==:on \ || act[:sqlite_remove][:set]==:on \ || act[:psql_import][:set]==:on \ || act[:psql_update][:set]==:on \ || act[:psql_remove][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_dom][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_sax][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_docbook_book][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_fictionbook][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_scaffold_structure_sisu][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_scaffold_structure_collapse][:set]==:on ) { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:manifest]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--inc-manifest"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--(?:exc|no)-manifest"/ \ || act[:switch][:off].inspect =~/"manifest"/ { bool: false, set: :off } elsif select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--manifest"/ { bool: true, set: :on } elsif (act[:txt][:set]==:on \ || act[:txt_textile][:set]==:on \ || act[:txt_asciidoc][:set]==:on \ || act[:txt_markdown][:set]==:on \ || act[:txt_rst][:set]==:on \ || act[:txt_orgmode][:set]==:on \ || act[:xhtml][:set]==:on \ || act[:epub][:set]==:on \ || act[:html][:set]==:on \ || act[:html_seg][:set]==:on \ || act[:html_scroll][:set]==:on \ || act[:texinfo][:set]==:on \ || act[:manpage][:set]==:on \ || act[:hash_digests][:set]==:on \ || act[:odt][:set]==:on \ || act[:pdf][:set]==:on \ || act[:pdf_p][:set]==:on \ || act[:pdf_l][:set]==:on \ || act[:qrcode][:set]==:on \ || act[:sisupod][:set]==:on \ || act[:share_source][:set]==:on \ || act[:po4a_sstm][:set]==:on \ || act[:concordance][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_dom][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_sax][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_docbook_book][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_fictionbook][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_scaffold_structure_sisu][:set]==:on \ || act[:xml_scaffold_structure_collapse][:set]==:on ) { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: true, set: :na } end act[:console_messages] = '' act[:verbose]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--verbose"/ act[:console_messages] << ' --verbose ' { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:verbose_plus]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--very-verbose"|"--verbose-very"/ act[:console_messages] << ' --very-verbose ' { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:version_info]=if select_arr.inspect \ =~/"--version"|"--verbose"|"--maintenance"/ act[:console_messages] << ' --maintenance ' { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:quiet]=if (select_arr.inspect =~/"--quiet"/) act[:console_messages] << ' --quiet ' { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:color_state]=if select_arr.inspect =~/"--color-on"|"--color"/ act[:console_messages] << ' --color-on ' { bool: true, set: :on } elsif (select_arr.inspect =~/"--color-off"/) act[:console_messages] << ' --color-off ' { bool: false, set: :off } else { bool: true, set: :na } #fix default color end # act[:color_toggle]=if select_arr.inspect =~/"--color-toggle"/ # true # else false # end act[:maintenance]=if (select_arr.inspect =~/"--maintenance|--keep-processing-files"/) act[:console_messages] << ' --maintenance ' { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end act[:profile]=if (select_arr.inspect =~/"--profile"/) act[:console_messages] << ' --color-off ' { bool: true, set: :on } else { bool: false, set: :na } end @act=act end end def opt_ch @opt_ch end def selections def arr @select_arr.sort end def str @select_str ||= arr.join(' ') end self end def act @@act end def files_mod files_mod=files @files_mod=files_mod end def files @files end def f_pth @f_pth end def pth @pth end def sub_location pth.gsub(/#{base_path}/,'') end def lng @lng end def lng_base @lng_base end def fno @fno=(fns.nil? || fns.empty?) \ ? '' \ : (fns[/(.+?(?:sst|ssm))(?:\.sst)?/,1]) end def fng @fng=(fno.nil? || fno.empty?) \ ? '' \ : (fno.gsub(/(?:~(?:#{Px[:lng_lst_rgx]}))?(\.ss[tm])$/,'\1')) end def fns @fns end def fnl @fns.gsub(/(\S+?)((?:\.ssm)?\.sst)/,"\\1.#{lng}\\2") end def what @what end def fnb (fns.nil? || fns.empty?) \ ? '' \ : (fns[/(.+?)\.(?:(?:-|ssm\.)?sst|ssm)$/,1]) end def fnc @fnc=(@fns =~/\.(?:ssm\.sst|ssm)$/) \ ? fnb + '.ssm.sst' : @fns end def fncb @fncb=(@fns =~/(?:\~\S{2,3})?\.(?:ssm\.sst|ssm)$/) \ ? fnb + '.ssm.sst' : @fns.gsub(/(?:\~\S{2,3})?(\.sst)$/,'\1') end end end __END__ note usually named @opt is carried in dp document parameters (usually as @md.opt), @opt is a subset of @md where @md is passed, contents of @opt are available as @md.opt passing @opt as well is duplication check for fns & fnb