.TH "sisu" "1" "2014-02-05" "6.0.3" "SiSU" .br .SH NAME .br sisu \- documents: markup, structuring, publishing in multiple standard formats, and search .br .SH SYNOPSIS .br sisu [\-short\-options|\-\-long\-options] [filename/wildcard] .br sisu [\-abCcDdeFGghIikLMmNnoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZ_0\-9] [filename/wildcard] .br sisu \-\-txt \-\-html \-\-epub \-\-odt \-\-pdf \-\-wordmap \-\-sqlite \-\-manpage \-\-texinfo \-\-sisupod \-\-source \-\-qrcode [filename/wildcard] .br sisu [\-Ddcv] [instruction] [filename/wildcard] .br sisu \-\-pg (\-\-createdb|update [filename/wildcard]|\-\-dropall) .br sisu [operations] .br sisu [\-CcFLSVvW] .br sisu (\-\-configure|\-\-webrick|\-\-sample\-search\-form) .SH SISU - MANUAL, RALPH AMISSAH .SH WHAT IS SISU? .SH INTRODUCTION - WHAT IS SISU? .BR .B SiSU is a lightweight markup based document creation and publishing framework that is controlled from the command line. Prepare documents for .B SiSU using your text editor of choice, then use .B SiSU to generate various output document formats. .BR From a single lightly prepared document (plain-text .I UTF-8 ) sisu custom builds several standard output formats which share a common (text object) numbering system for citation of content within a document (that also has implications for search). The sisu engine works with an abstraction of the document's structure and content from which it is possible to generate different forms of representation of the document. .B SiSU produces: plain-text, .I HTML, .I XHTML, .I XML, .I EPUB, .I ODF: .I ODT (Opendocument), .I LaTeX, .I PDF, and populates an .I SQL database ( .I PostgreSQL or .I SQLite ) with text objects, roughly, paragraph sized chunks so that document searches are done at this level of granularity. .BR Outputs share a common citation numbering system, associated with text objects and any semantic meta-data provided about the document. .BR .B SiSU also provides concordance files, document content certificates and manifests of generated output. Book indexes may be made. .BR Some document markup samples are provided in the package sisu -markup-samples. Homepages: * <http://www.sisudoc.org/> * <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu> .SH COMMANDS SUMMARY .SH DESCRIPTION .BR .B SiSU is a document publishing system, that from a simple single marked-up document, produces multiple output formats including: .I plaintext, .I HTML, .I XHTML, .I XML, .I EPUB, .I ODT ( .I OpenDocument ( .I ODF ) text), .I LaTeX, .I PDF, info, and .I SQL ( .I PostgreSQL and .I SQLite ) , which share text object numbers ("object citation numbering") and the same document structure information. For more see: <http://sisudoc.org> or <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu> .SH DOCUMENT PROCESSING COMMAND FLAGS .TP .B -a [filename/wildcard] produces .I plaintext with Unix linefeeds and without markup, (object numbers are omitted), has footnotes at end of each paragraph that contains them [ -A for equivalent dos (linefeed) output file] [see -e for endnotes]. (Options include: --endnotes for endnotes --footnotes for footnotes at the end of each paragraph --unix for unix linefeed (default) --msdos for msdos linefeed) .TP .B --ao [filename/wildcard/url] assumed for most other flags, creates new intermediate files for processing (abstract objects, document abstraction) that is used in all subsequent processing of other output. This step is assumed for most processing flags. To skip it see -n. Alias -m. (sisu v5) .TP .B -b [filename/wildcard] see --xhtml .TP .B --by-* see --output-by-* .TP .B -C configure/initialise shared output directory files initialize shared output directory (config files such as css and dtd files are not updated if they already exist unless modifier is used). -C --init-site configure/initialise site more extensive than -C on its own, shared output directory files/force update, existing shared output config files such as css and dtd files are updated if this modifier is used. .TP .B -CC see --configure .TP .B -c [filename/wildcard] see --color-toggle .TP .B --color see --color-on .TP .B --color-off turn off color in output to terminal .TP .B --color-on turn on color in output to terminal .TP .B --color-toggle [filename/wildcard] screen toggle ansi screen colour on or off depending on default set (unless -c flag is used: if sisurc colour default is set to 'true', output to screen will be with colour, if sisurc colour default is set to 'false' or is undefined screen output will be without colour). Alias -c .TP .B --configure configure/initialise shared output directory files initialize shared output directory (config files such as css and dtd files are not updated if they already exist unless modifier is used). The equivalent of: -C --init-site configure/initialise site, more extensive than -C on its own, shared output directory files/force update, existing shared output config files such as css and dtd files are updated if -CC is used. .TP .B --concordance [filename/wildcard] produces concordance (wordmap) a rudimentary index of all the words in a document. (Concordance files are not generated for documents of over 260,000 words unless this limit is increased in the file sisurc.yml). Alias -w .TP .B -D [instruction] [filename] see --pg .TP .B -d [--db-[database type (sqlite|pg)]] --[instruction] [filename] see --sqlite .TP .B --dal [filename/wildcard/url] assumed for most other flags, creates new intermediate files for processing (abstract objects, document abstraction) that is used in all subsequent processing of other output. This step is assumed for most processing flags. To skip it see -n. Renamed --ao (abstract objects) in sisu v5. Alias -m .TP .B --delete [filename/wildcard] see --zap .TP .B --docbook [filename/wildcard/url] docbook smart text (sisu v5) .TP .B --dump[=directory_path] [filename/wildcard] places output in directory specified, if none is specified in the current directory (pwd). Unlike using default settings .I HTML files have embedded css. Compare --redirect .TP .B -e [filename/wildcard] see --epub .TP .B --epub [filename/wildcard] produces an epub document, [sisu version >=2 ] (filename.epub). Alias -e .TP .B --exc-* exclude output feature, overrides configuration settings --exc-ocn, (exclude .I object citation numbering, (switches off .I object citation numbering ) , affects html (seg, scroll), epub, xhtml, xml, pdf) ; --exc-toc, (exclude table of contents, affects html (scroll), epub, pdf) ; --exc-links-to-manifest, --exc-manifest-links, (exclude links to manifest, affects html (seg, scroll)); --exc-search-form, (exclude search form, affects html (seg, scroll), manifest); --exc-minitoc, (exclude mini table of contents, affects html (seg), concordance, manifest); --exc-manifest-minitoc, (exclude mini table of contents, affects manifest); --exc-html-minitoc, (exclude mini table of contents, affects html (seg), concordance); --exc-html-navigation, (exclude navigation, affects html (seg)); --exc-html-navigation-bar, (exclude navigation bar, affects html (seg)); --exc-html-search-form, (exclude search form, affects html (seg, scroll)); --exc-html-right-pane, (exclude right pane/column, affects html (seg, scroll)); --exc-html-top-band, (exclude top band, affects html (seg, scroll), concordance (minitoc forced on to provide seg navigation)); --exc-segsubtoc (exclude sub table of contents, affects html (seg), epub) ; see also --inc-* .TP .B -F [--webserv=webrick] see --sample-search-form .TP .B -f [optional string part of filename] see --find .TP .B --fictionbook [filename/wildcard/url] fictionbook smart text (sisu v5) .TP .B --find [optional string part of filename] without match string, glob all .sst .ssm files in directory (including language subdirectories). With match string, find files that match given string in directory (including language subdirectories). Alias -f, --glob, -G .TP .B -G [optional string part of filename] see --find .TP .B -g [filename/wildcard] see --git .TP .B --git [filename/wildcard] produces or updates markup source file structure in a git repo (experimental and subject to change). Alias -g .TP .B --glob [optional string part of filename] see --find .TP .B -h [filename/wildcard] see --html .TP .B --harvest *.ss[tm] makes two lists of sisu output based on the sisu markup documents in a directory: list of author and authors works (year and titles), and; list by topic with titles and author. Makes use of header metadata fields (author, title, date, topic_register). Can be used with maintenance (-M) and remote placement (-R) flags. .TP .B --help [topic] provides help on the selected topic, where topics (keywords) include: list, (com)mands, short(cuts), (mod)ifiers, (env)ironment, markup, syntax, headers, headings, endnotes, tables, example, customise, skin, (dir)ectories, path, (lang)uage, db, install, setup, (conf)igure, convert, termsheet, search, sql, features, license. .TP .B --html [filename/wildcard] produces html output, in two forms (i) segmented text with table of contents (toc.html and index.html) and (ii) the document in a single file (scroll.html). Alias -h .TP .B --html-scroll [filename/wildcard] produces html output, the document in a single file (scroll.html) only. Compare --html-seg and --html .TP .B --html-seg [filename/wildcard] produces html output, segmented text with table of contents (toc.html and index.html). Compare --html-scroll and --html .TP .B --html-strict [filename/wildcard] produces html with --strict option. see --strict .TP .B -I [filename/wildcard] see --texinfo .TP .B -i [filename/wildcard] see --manpage .TP .B --i18n-* these flags affect output by filetype and filename): --i18n-mono (--monolingual) output filenames without language code for default language ('en' or as set); --i18n-multi (--multilingual) language code provided as part of the output filename, this is the default. Where output is in one language only the language code may not be desired. see also --output-by-* .TP .B --inc-* include output feature, overrides configuration settings, (usually the default if none set), has precedence over --exc-* (exclude output feature). Some detail provided under --exc-*, see --exc-* .TP .B -j [filename/wildcard] copies images associated with a file for use by html, xhtml & xml outputs (automatically invoked by --dump & redirect). .TP .B -k see --color-off .TP .B --keep-processing-files [filename/wildcard/url] see --maintenance .TP .B -M [filename/wildcard/url] see --maintenance .TP .B -m [filename/wildcard/url] see --dal (document abstraction level/layer) .TP .B --machine [filename/wildcard/url] see --dal (document abstraction level/layer) .TP .B --maintenance [filename/wildcard/url] maintenance mode, interim processing files are preserved and their locations indicated. (also see -V). Aliases -M and --keep-processing-files. .TP .B --markdown [filename/wildcard/url] markdown smart text (sisu v5) .TP .B --manpage [filename/wildcard] produces man page of file, not suitable for all outputs. Alias -i .TP .B --monolingual see --i18n-* .TP .B --multilingual see --i18n-* .TP .B -N [filename/wildcard/url] document digest or document content certificate ( DCC ) as md5 digest tree of the document: the digest for the document, and digests for each object contained within the document (together with information on software versions that produced it) (digest.txt). -NV for verbose digest output to screen. .TP .B -n [filename/wildcard/url] skip the creation of intermediate processing files (document abstraction) if they already exist, this skips the equivalent of -m which is otherwise assumed by most processing flags. .TP .B --no-* see --exc-* .TP .B -o [filename/wildcard/url] see --odt .TP .B --ocn see --inc-ocn and --exc-ocn .TP .B --odf [filename/wildcard/url] see --odt .TP .B --odt [filename/wildcard/url] output basic document in opendocument file format (opendocument.odt). Alias -o .TP .B --output-by-* select output directory structure from 3 alternatives: --output-by-language, (language directory (based on language code) with filetype (html, epub, pdf etc.) subdirectories); --output-by-filetype, (filetype directories with language code as part of filename); --output-by-filename, (filename directories with language code as part of filename). This is configurable. Alias --by-* .TP .B -P [language_directory/filename language_directory] see --po4a .TP .B -p [filename/wildcard] see --pdf .TP .B --papersize-(a4|a5|b5|letter|legal) in conjunction with --pdf set pdf papersize, overriding any configuration settings, to set more than one papersize repeat the option --pdf --papersize-a4 --papersize-letter. See also --papersize=* .BR .B --papersize=a4,a5,b5,letter,legal in conjunction with --pdf set pdf papersize, overriding any configuration settings, to set more than one papersize list after the equal sign with a comma separator --papersize=a4,letter. See also --papersize-* .TP .B --pdf [filename/wildcard] produces .I LaTeX pdf (portrait.pdf & landscape.pdf). Orientation and papersize may be set on the command-line. Default paper size is set in config file, or document header, or provided with additional command line parameter, e.g. --papersize-a4 preset sizes include: 'A4', U.S. 'letter' and 'legal' and book sizes 'A5' and 'B5' (system defaults to A4), and; --landscape or --portrait, so: e.g. "sisu --pdf-a4 --pdf-letter --landscape --verbose [filename/wildcard]" or "sisu --pdf --landscape --a4 --letter --verbose [filename/wildcard]". --pdf defaults to both landscape & portrait output, and a4 if no other papersizes are configured. Related options --pdf-landscape --pdf-portrait --pdf-papersize-* --pdf-papersize=[list]. Alias -p .TP .B --pdf-l [filename/wildcard] See --pdf-landscape .TP .B --pdf-landscape [filename/wildcard] sets orientation, produces .I LaTeX pdf landscape.pdf. Default paper size is set in config file, or document header, or provided with additional command line parameter, e.g. --papersize-a4 preset sizes include: 'A4', U.S. 'letter' and 'legal' and book sizes 'A5' and 'B5' (system defaults to A4). Related options --pdf --pdf-portrait. See also --papersize-* or --papersize=[list]. Alias --pdf-l or in conjunction with --pdf --landscape .TP .B --pdf-p [filename/wildcard] See --pdf-portrait .TP .B --pdf-portrait [filename/wildcard] sets orientation, produces .I LaTeX pdf portrait.pdf.pdf. Default paper size is set in config file, or document header, or provided with additional command line parameter, e.g. --papersize-a4 preset sizes include: 'A4', U.S. 'letter' and 'legal' and book sizes 'A5' and 'B5' (system defaults to A4). Related options --pdf --pdf-landscape. See also --papersize-* or --papersize=[list]. Alias --pdf-p or in conjunction with --pdf --portrait .TP .B --pg [instruction] [filename] database .I PostgreSQL ( --pgsql may be used instead) possible instructions, include: --createdb; --create; --dropall; --import [filename]; --update [filename]; --remove [filename]; see database section below. Alias -D .TP .B --po [language_directory/filename language_directory] see --po4a .TP .B --po4a [language_directory/filename language_directory] produces .pot and po files for the file in the languages specified by the language directory. .B SiSU markup is placed in subdirectories named with the language code, e.g. en/ fr/ es/. The sisu config file must set the output directory structure to multilingual. v3, experimental .TP .B -Q [filename/wildcard] see --qrcode .TP .B -q [filename/wildcard] see --quiet .TP .B --qrcode [filename/wildcard] generate QR code image of metadata (used in manifest). v3 only. .TP .B --quiet [filename/wildcard] quiet less output to screen. .TP .B -R [filename/wildcard] see --rsync .TP .B -r [filename/wildcard] see --scp .TP .B --redirect[=directory_path] [filename/wildcard] places output in subdirectory under specified directory, subdirectory uses the filename (without the suffix). If no output directory is specified places the subdirectory under the current directory (pwd). Unlike using default settings .I HTML files have embedded css. Compare --dump .TP .B --rst [filename/wildcard/url] ReST (rST restructured text) smart text (sisu v5) .TP .B --rsync [filename/wildcard] copies sisu output files to remote host using rsync. This requires that sisurc.yml has been provided with information on hostname and username, and that you have your "keys" and ssh agent in place. Note the behavior of rsync different if -R is used with other flags from if used alone. Alone the rsync --delete parameter is sent, useful for cleaning the remote directory (when -R is used together with other flags, it is not). Also see --scp. Alias -R .TP .B -S see --sisupod .TP .B -S [filename/wildcard] see --sisupod .TP .B -s [filename/wildcard] see --source .TP .B --sample-search-form [--db=(pgsql|sqlite)] [--webserv=webrick] generate examples of (naive) cgi search form for .I SQLite or PgSQL depends on your already having used sisu to populate an .I SQLite or PgSQL database, (the .I SQLite version scans the output directories for existing sisu_sqlite databases, so it is first necessary to create them, before generating the search form) see --sqlite & --pg and the database section below. Optional additional parameters include: url location of webserver search form and db: --webserv-search='[url]'; location of webserver output: --webserv-output='[url]'; cgi search form link name: --cgi-search-form-name='[name.cgi]'; for pgsql, database user: --db-user='[username]'. If the optional parameter --webserv=webrick is passed, the cgi examples created will be set up to use the default port set for use by the webrick server, (otherwise the port is left blank and the system setting used, usually 80). The samples are dumped in the present work directory which must be writable, (with screen instructions given that they be copied to the cgi-bin directory). Alias -F .TP .B --scp [filename/wildcard] copies sisu output files to remote host using scp. This requires that sisurc.yml has been provided with information on hostname and username, and that you have your "keys" and ssh agent in place. Also see --rsync. Alias -r .TP .B --sqlite --[instruction] [filename] database type set to .I SQLite, this produces one of two possible databases, without additional database related instructions it produces a discreet .I SQLite file for the document processed; with additional instructions it produces a common .I SQLite database of all processed documents that (come from the same document preparation directory and as a result) share the same output directory base path (possible instructions include: --createdb; --create; --dropall; --import [filename]; --update [filename]; --remove [filename]); see database section below. Alias -d .TP .B --sisupod produces a sisupod a zipped sisu directory of markup files including sisu markup source files and the directories local configuration file, images and skins. Note: this only includes the configuration files or skins contained in ./_sisu not those in ~/.sisu -S [filename/wildcard] option. Note: (this option is tested only with zsh). Alias -S .TP .B --sisupod [filename/wildcard] produces a zipped file of the prepared document specified along with associated images, by default named sisupod.zip they may alternatively be named with the filename extension .ssp This provides a quick way of gathering the relevant parts of a sisu document which can then for example be emailed. A sisupod includes sisu markup source file, (along with associated documents if a master file, or available in multilingual versions), together with related images and skin. .B SiSU commands can be run directly against a sisupod contained in a local directory, or provided as a url on a remote site. As there is a security issue with skins provided by other users, they are not applied unless the flag --trust or --trusted is added to the command instruction, it is recommended that file that are not your own are treated as untrusted. The directory structure of the unzipped file is understood by sisu, and sisu commands can be run within it. Note: if you wish to send multiple files, it quickly becomes more space efficient to zip the sisu markup directory, rather than the individual files for sending). See the -S option without [filename/wildcard]. Alias -S .TP .B --source [filename/wildcard] copies sisu markup file to output directory. Alias -s .TP .B --strict together with --html, produces more w3c compliant html, for example not having purely numeric identifiers for text, the location object url#33 becomes url#o33 .TP .B -T [filename/wildcard (*.termsheet.rb)] standard form document builder, preprocessing feature .TP .B -t [filename/wildcard] see --txt .TP .B --texinfo [filename/wildcard] produces texinfo and info file, (view with pinfo). Alias -I .TP .B --textile [filename/wildcard/url] textile smart text (sisu v5) .TP .B --txt [filename/wildcard] produces .I plaintext with Unix linefeeds and without markup, (object numbers are omitted), has footnotes at end of each paragraph that contains them [ -A for equivalent dos (linefeed) output file] [see -e for endnotes]. (Options include: --endnotes for endnotes --footnotes for footnotes at the end of each paragraph --unix for unix linefeed (default) --msdos for msdos linefeed). Alias -t .TP .B --txt-asciitext [filename/wildcard] see --asciitext .TP .B --txt-markdown [filename/wildcard] see --markdown .TP .B --txt-rst [filename/wildcard] see --rst .TP .B --txt-textile [filename/wildcard] see --textile .TP .B -U [filename/wildcard] see --urls .TP .B -u [filename/wildcard] provides url mapping of output files for the flags requested for processing, also see -U .TP .B --urls [filename/wildcard] prints url output list/map for the available processing flags options and resulting files that could be requested, (can be used to get a list of processing options in relation to a file, together with information on the output that would be produced), -u provides url output mapping for those flags requested for processing. The default assumes sisu_webrick is running and provides webrick url mappings where appropriate, but these can be switched to file system paths in sisurc.yml. Alias -U .TP .B -V on its own, provides .B SiSU version and environment information (sisu --help env) .TP .B -V [filename/wildcard] even more verbose than the -v flag. .TP .B -v on its own, provides .B SiSU version information .TP .B -v [filename/wildcard] see --verbose .TP .B --v3 [filename/wildcard] invokes the sisu v3 document parser/generator. You may run sisu3 instead. .TP .B --v4 [filename/wildcard] invokes the sisu v4 document parser/generator. This is the default and is normally omitted. .TP .B --verbose [filename/wildcard] provides verbose output of what is being generated, where output is placed (and error messages if any), as with -u flag provides a url mapping of files created for each of the processing flag requests. Alias -v .TP .B -W see --webrick .TP .B -w [filename/wildcard] see --concordance .TP .B --webrick starts ruby' s webrick webserver points at sisu output directories, the default port is set to 8081 and can be changed in the resource configuration files. [tip: the webrick server requires link suffixes, so html output should be created using the -h option rather than -H ; also, note -F webrick ]. Alias -W .TP .B --wordmap [filename/wildcard] see --concordance .TP .B --xhtml [filename/wildcard] produces xhtml/ .I XML output for browser viewing (sax parsing). Alias -b .TP .B --xml-dom [filename/wildcard] produces .I XML output with deep document structure, in the nature of dom. Alias -X .TP .B --xml-sax [filename/wildcard] produces .I XML output shallow structure (sax parsing). Alias -x .TP .B -X [filename/wildcard] see --xml-dom .TP .B -x [filename/wildcard] see --xml-sax .TP .B -Y [filename/wildcard] produces a short sitemap entry for the document, based on html output and the sisu_manifest. --sitemaps generates/updates the sitemap index of existing sitemaps. (Experimental, [g,y,m announcement this week]) .TP .B -y [filename/wildcard] produces an html summary of output generated (hyperlinked to content) and document specific metadata (sisu_manifest.html). This step is assumed for most processing flags. .TP .B -Z [filename/wildcard] see --zap .TP .B --zap [filename/wildcard] Zap, if used with other processing flags deletes output files of the type about to be processed, prior to processing. If -Z is used as the lone processing related flag (or in conjunction with a combination of -[mMvVq]), will remove the related document output directory. Alias -Z .SH COMMAND LINE MODIFIERS .TP .B --no-ocn [with --html --pdf or --epub] switches off .I object citation numbering. Produce output without identifying numbers in margins of html or .I LaTeX /pdf output. .TP .B --no-annotate strips output text of editor endnotes[^*1] denoted by asterisk or dagger/plus sign .TP .B --no-asterisk strips output text of editor endnotes[^*2] denoted by asterisk sign .TP .B --no-dagger strips output text of editor endnotes[^+1] denoted by dagger/plus sign .SH DATABASE COMMANDS .BR .B dbi - database interface .BR .B -D or --pgsql set for .I PostgreSQL .B -d or --sqlite default set for .I SQLite -d is modifiable with --db=[database type (PgSQL or .I SQLite ) ] .TP .B --pg -v --createall initial step, creates required relations (tables, indexes) in existing .I PostgreSQL database (a database should be created manually and given the same name as working directory, as requested) (rb.dbi) [ -dv --createall .I SQLite equivalent] it may be necessary to run sisu -Dv --createdb initially NOTE: at the present time for .I PostgreSQL it may be necessary to manually create the database. The command would be 'createdb [database name]' where database name would be SiSU_[present working directory name (without path)]. Please use only alphanumerics and underscores. .TP .B --pg -v --import [filename/wildcard] imports data specified to .I PostgreSQL db (rb.dbi) [ -dv --import .I SQLite equivalent] .TP .B --pg -v --update [filename/wildcard] updates/imports specified data to .I PostgreSQL db (rb.dbi) [ -dv --update .I SQLite equivalent] .TP .B --pg --remove [filename/wildcard] removes specified data to .I PostgreSQL db (rb.dbi) [ -d --remove .I SQLite equivalent] .TP .B --pg --dropall kills data" and drops ( .I PostgreSQL or .I SQLite ) db, tables & indexes [ -d --dropall .I SQLite equivalent] .BR The -v is for verbose output. .SH SHORTCUTS, SHORTHAND FOR MULTIPLE FLAGS .TP .B --update [filename/wildcard] Checks existing file output and runs the flags required to update this output. This means that if only html and pdf output was requested on previous runs, only the -hp files will be applied, and only these will be generated this time, together with the summary. This can be very convenient, if you offer different outputs of different files, and just want to do the same again. .TP .B -0 to -5 [filename or wildcard] Default shorthand mappings (for v3, note that the defaults can be changed/configured in the sisurc.yml file): .TP .B -0 -NQhewpotbxXyYv [this is the default action run when no options are give, i.e. on 'sisu [filename]'] .TP .B -1 -Qhewpoty .TP .B -2 -NQhewpotbxXy .TP .B -3 -NQhewpotbxXyY .TP .B -4 -NQhewpotbxXDyY --update .TP .B -5 -NQhewpotbxXDyYv --update .BR add -v for verbose mode and -c to toggle color state, e.g. sisu -2vc [filename or wildcard] .BR consider -u for appended url info or -v for verbose output .SH COMMAND LINE WITH FLAGS - BATCH PROCESSING .BR In the data directory run sisu -mh filename or wildcard eg. "sisu -h cisg.sst" or "sisu -h *.{sst,ssm}" to produce html version of all documents. .BR Running sisu (alone without any flags, filenames or wildcards) brings up the interactive help, as does any sisu command that is not recognised. Enter to escape. .SH HELP .SH SISU MANUAL .BR The most up to date information on sisu should be contained in the sisu_manual, available at: .BR <http://sisudoc.org/sisu/sisu_manual/> .BR The manual can be generated from source, found respectively, either within the .B SiSU tarball or installed locally at: .BR \./data/doc/sisu/markup-samples/sisu_manual .BR /usr/share/doc/sisu/markup-samples/sisu_manual .BR move to the respective directory and type e.g.: .BR sisu sisu_manual.ssm .SH SISU MAN PAGES .BR If .B SiSU is installed on your system usual man commands should be available, try: .BR man sisu .BR Most .B SiSU man pages are generated directly from sisu documents that are used to prepare the sisu manual, the sources files for which are located within the .B SiSU tarball at: .BR ./data/doc/sisu/markup-samples/sisu_manual .BR Once installed, directory equivalent to: .BR /usr/share/doc/sisu/markup-samples/sisu_manual .BR Available man pages are converted back to html using man2html: .BR /usr/share/doc/sisu/html/ .BR ./data/doc/sisu/html .BR An online version of the sisu man page is available here: .BR * various sisu man pages <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/> [^1] .BR * sisu.1 <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/sisu.1.html> [^2] .SH SISU BUILT-IN INTERACTIVE HELP, [DISCONTINUED] .BR This fell out of date and has been discontinued. .SH INTRODUCTION TO SISU MARKUP[^3] .SH SUMMARY .BR .B SiSU source documents are .I plaintext ( .I UTF-8 )[^4] files .BR All paragraphs are separated by an empty line. .BR Markup is comprised of: .BR * at the top of a document, the document header made up of semantic meta-data about the document and if desired additional processing instructions (such an instruction to automatically number headings from a particular level down) .BR * followed by the prepared substantive text of which the most important single characteristic is the markup of different heading levels, which define the primary outline of the document structure. Markup of substantive text includes: .BR * heading levels defines document structure .BR * text basic attributes, italics, bold etc. .BR * grouped text (objects), which are to be treated differently, such as code blocks or poems. .BR * footnotes/endnotes .BR * linked text and images .BR * paragraph actions, such as indent, bulleted, numbered-lists, etc. .BR Some interactive help on markup is available, by typing sisu and selecting markup or sisu --help markup .BR To check the markup in a file: .BR sisu --identify [filename].sst .BR For brief descriptive summary of markup history .BR sisu --query-history .BR or if for a particular version: .BR sisu --query-0.38 .SH MARKUP EXAMPLES .SH ONLINE .BR Online markup examples are available together with the respective outputs produced from <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/examples.html> or from <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_examples/> .BR There is of course this document, which provides a cursory overview of sisu markup and the respective output produced: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_markup/> .BR an alternative presentation of markup syntax: /usr/share/doc/sisu/on_markup.txt.gz .SH INSTALLED .BR With .B SiSU installed sample skins may be found in: /usr/share/doc/sisu/markup-samples (or equivalent directory) and if sisu -markup-samples is installed also under: /usr/share/doc/sisu/markup-samples-non-free .SH MARKUP OF HEADERS .BR Headers contain either: semantic meta-data about a document, which can be used by any output module of the program, or; processing instructions. .BR Note: the first line of a document may include information on the markup version used in the form of a comment. Comments are a percentage mark at the start of a paragraph (and as the first character in a line of text) followed by a space and the comment: .nf % this would be a comment .fi .SH SAMPLE HEADER .BR This current document is loaded by a master document that has a header similar to this one: .nf % SiSU master 4.0 @title: SiSU :subtitle: Manual @creator: :author: Amissah, Ralph @publisher: [publisher name] @rights: Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL 3 @classify: :topic_register: SiSU:manual;electronic documents:SiSU:manual :subject: ebook, epublishing, electronic book, electronic publishing, electronic document, electronic citation, data structure, citation systems, search % used_by: manual @date: :published: 2008-05-22 :created: 2002-08-28 :issued: 2002-08-28 :available: 2002-08-28 :modified: 2010-03-03 @make: :num_top: 1 :breaks: new=C; break=1 :bold: /Gnu|Debian|Ruby|SiSU/ :home_button_text: {SiSU}http://sisudoc.org; {git}http://git.sisudoc.org :footer: {SiSU}http://sisudoc.org; {git}http://git.sisudoc.org :manpage: name=sisu - documents: markup, structuring, publishing in multiple standard formats, and search; synopsis=sisu [-abcDdeFhIiMmNnopqRrSsTtUuVvwXxYyZz0-9] [filename/wildcard ] . sisu [-Ddcv] [instruction] . sisu [-CcFLSVvW] . sisu --v4 [operations] . sisu --v3 [operations] @links: { SiSU Homepage }http://www.sisudoc.org/ { SiSU Manual }http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/sisu_manual/ { Book Samples & Markup Examples }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/examples.html { SiSU Download }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html { SiSU Changelog }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/changelog.html { SiSU Git repo }http://git.sisudoc.org/?p=code/sisu.git;a=summary { SiSU List Archives }http://lists.sisudoc.org/pipermail/sisu/ { SiSU @ Debian }http://packages.qa.debian.org/s/sisu.html { SiSU Project @ Debian }http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=sisu@lists.sisudoc.org { SiSU @ Wikipedia }http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SiSU .fi .SH AVAILABLE HEADERS .BR Header tags appear at the beginning of a document and provide meta information on the document (such as the .I Dublin Core ) , or information as to how the document as a whole is to be processed. All header instructions take the form @headername: or on the next line and indented by once space :subheadername: All .I Dublin Core meta tags are available .BR .B @indentifier: information or instructions .BR where the "identifier" is a tag recognised by the program, and the "information" or "instructions" belong to the tag/identifier specified .BR Note: a header where used should only be used once; all headers apart from @title: are optional; the @structure: header is used to describe document structure, and can be useful to know. .BR This is a sample header .nf % SiSU 2.0 [declared file-type identifier with markup version] .fi .nf @title: [title text] [this header is the only one that is mandatory] :subtitle: [subtitle if any] :language: English .fi .nf @creator: :author: [Lastname, First names] :illustrator: [Lastname, First names] :translator: [Lastname, First names] :prepared_by: [Lastname, First names] .fi .nf @date: :published: [year or yyyy-mm-dd] :created: [year or yyyy-mm-dd] :issued: [year or yyyy-mm-dd] :available: [year or yyyy-mm-dd] :modified: [year or yyyy-mm-dd] :valid: [year or yyyy-mm-dd] :added_to_site: [year or yyyy-mm-dd] :translated: [year or yyyy-mm-dd] .fi .nf @rights: :copyright: Copyright (C) [Year and Holder] :license: [Use License granted] :text: [Year and Holder] :translation: [Name, Year] :illustrations: [Name, Year] .fi .nf @classify: :topic_register: SiSU:markup sample:book;book:novel:fantasy :type: :subject: :description: :keywords: :abstract: :loc: [Library of Congress classification] :dewey: [Dewey classification .fi .nf @identify: :isbn: [ISBN] :oclc: .fi .nf @links: { SiSU }http://www.sisudoc.org { FSF }http://www.fsf.org .fi .nf @make: :num_top: 1 :headings: [text to match for each level (e.g. PART; Chapter; Section; Article; or another: none; BOOK|FIRST|SECOND; none; CHAPTER;) :breaks: new=:C; break=1 :promo: sisu, ruby, sisu_search_libre, open_society :bold: [regular expression of words/phrases to be made bold] :italics: [regular expression of words/phrases to italicise] :home_button_text: {SiSU}http://sisudoc.org; {git}http://git.sisudoc.org :footer: {SiSU}http://sisudoc.org; {git}http://git.sisudoc.org .fi .nf @original: :language: [language] .fi .nf @notes: :comment: :prefix: [prefix is placed just after table of contents] .fi .SH MARKUP OF SUBSTANTIVE TEXT .SH HEADING LEVELS .BR Heading levels are :A~ ,:B~ ,:C~ ,1~ ,2~ ,3~ ... :A - :C being part / section headings, followed by other heading levels, and 1 -6 being headings followed by substantive text or sub-headings. :A~ usually the title :A~? conditional level 1 heading (used where a stand-alone document may be imported into another) .BR .B :A~ [heading text] Top level heading [this usually has similar content to the title @title: ] NOTE: the heading levels described here are in 0.38 notation, see heading .BR .B :B~ [heading text] Second level heading [this is a heading level divider] .BR .B :C~ [heading text] Third level heading [this is a heading level divider] .BR .B 1~ [heading text] Top level heading preceding substantive text of document or sub-heading 2, the heading level that would normally be marked 1. or 2. or 3. etc. in a document, and the level on which sisu by default would break html output into named segments, names are provided automatically if none are given (a number), otherwise takes the form 1~my_filename_for_this_segment .BR .B 2~ [heading text] Second level heading preceding substantive text of document or sub-heading 3 , the heading level that would normally be marked 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 or 2.1 etc. in a document. .BR .B 3~ [heading text] Third level heading preceding substantive text of document, that would normally be marked 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 or 1.2.1 or 2.1.1 etc. in a document .nf 1~filename level 1 heading, % the primary division such as Chapter that is followed by substantive text, and may be further subdivided (this is the level on which by default html segments are made) .fi .SH FONT ATTRIBUTES .BR .B markup example: .nf normal text, *{emphasis}*, !{bold text}!, /{italics}/, _{underscore}_, "{citation}", ^{superscript}^, ,{subscript},, +{inserted text}+, -{strikethrough}-, #{monospace}# normal text *{emphasis}* [note: can be configured to be represented by bold, italics or underscore] !{bold text}! /{italics}/ _{underscore}_ "{citation}" ^{superscript}^ ,{subscript}, +{inserted text}+ -{strikethrough}- #{monospace}# .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR normal text, .B emphasis, .B bold text , .I italics, .I underscore, "citation", ^superscript^, [subscript], ++inserted text++, --strikethrough--, monospace .BR normal text .BR .B emphasis [note: can be configured to be represented by bold, italics or underscore] .BR .B bold text .BR .I italics .BR .I underscore .BR "citation" .BR ^superscript^ .BR [subscript] .BR ++inserted text++ .BR --strikethrough-- .BR monospace .SH INDENTATION AND BULLETS .BR .B markup example: .nf ordinary paragraph _1 indent paragraph one step _2 indent paragraph two steps _9 indent paragraph nine steps .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR ordinary paragraph .BR indent paragraph one step .BR indent paragraph two steps .BR indent paragraph nine steps .BR .B markup example: .nf _* bullet text _1* bullet text, first indent _2* bullet text, two step indent .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR * bullet text .BR * bullet text, first indent .BR * bullet text, two step indent .BR Numbered List (not to be confused with headings/titles, (document structure)) .BR .B markup example: .nf # numbered list numbered list 1., 2., 3, etc. _# numbered list numbered list indented a., b., c., d., etc. .fi .SH HANGING INDENTS .BR .B markup example: .nf _0_1 first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step _1_0 first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent in each case level may be 0-9 .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; .BR A regular paragraph. .BR first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent .BR in each case level may be 0-9 .BR .B live-build A collection of scripts used to build customized .B Debian Livesystems. .I live-build was formerly known as live-helper, and even earlier known as live-package. .BR .B live-build A collection of scripts used to build customized .B Debian Livesystems. .I live-build was formerly known as live-helper, and even earlier known as live-package. .SH FOOTNOTES / ENDNOTES .BR Footnotes and endnotes are marked up at the location where they would be indicated within a text. They are automatically numbered. The output type determines whether footnotes or endnotes will be produced .BR .B markup example: .nf ~{ a footnote or endnote }~ .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR [^5] .BR .B markup example: .nf normal text~{ self contained endnote marker & endnote in one }~ continues .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR normal text[^6] continues .BR .B markup example: .nf normal text ~{* unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote, insert multiple asterisks if required }~ continues normal text ~{** another unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote }~ continues .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR normal text [^*] continues .BR normal text [^**] continues .BR .B markup example: .nf normal text ~[* editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series ]~ continues normal text ~[+ editors notes, numbered plus symbol footnote/endnote series ]~ continues .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR normal text [^*3] continues .BR normal text [^+2] continues .BR .B Alternative endnote pair notation for footnotes/endnotes: .nf % note the endnote marker "~^" normal text~^ continues ^~ endnote text following the paragraph in which the marker occurs .fi .BR the standard and pair notation cannot be mixed in the same document .SH LINKS .SH NAKED URLS WITHIN TEXT, DEALING WITH URLS .BR urls found within text are marked up automatically. A url within text is automatically hyperlinked to itself and by default decorated with angled braces, unless they are contained within a code block (in which case they are passed as normal text), or escaped by a preceding underscore (in which case the decoration is omitted). .BR .B markup example: .nf normal text http://www.sisudoc.org/ continues .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR normal text <http://www.sisudoc.org/> continues .BR An escaped url without decoration .BR .B markup example: .nf normal text _http://www.sisudoc.org/ continues deb _http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR normal text <_http://www.sisudoc.org/> continues .BR deb <_http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive> unstable main non-free .BR where a code block is used there is neither decoration nor hyperlinking, code blocks are discussed later in this document .BR .B resulting output: .nf deb http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free deb-src http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free .fi .SH LINKING TEXT .BR To link text or an image to a url the markup is as follows .BR .B markup example: .nf about { SiSU }http://url.org markup .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR aboutSiSU <http://www.sisudoc.org/> markup .BR A shortcut notation is available so the url link may also be provided automatically as a footnote .BR .B markup example: .nf about {~^ SiSU }http://url.org markup .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR aboutSiSU <http://www.sisudoc.org/> [^7] markup .BR Internal document links to a tagged location, including an ocn .BR .B markup example: .nf about { text links }#link_text .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR about ⌠text links⌡⌈link_text⌋ .BR Shared document collection link .BR .B markup example: .nf about { SiSU book markup examples }:SiSU/examples.html .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR about ⌠ .B SiSU book markup examples⌡⌈:SiSU/examples.html⌋ .SH LINKING IMAGES .BR .B markup example: .nf { tux.png 64x80 }image % various url linked images {tux.png 64x80 "a better way" }http://www.sisudoc.org/ {GnuDebianLinuxRubyBetterWay.png 100x101 "Way Better - with Gnu/Linux, Debian and Ruby" }http://www.sisudoc.org/ {~^ ruby_logo.png "Ruby" }http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR [ tux.png ] .BR tux.png 64x80 "Gnu/Linux - a better way" <http://www.sisudoc.org/> .BR GnuDebianLinuxRubyBetterWay.png 100x101 "Way Better - with Gnu/Linux, Debian and Ruby" <http://www.sisudoc.org/> .BR ruby_logo.png 70x90 "Ruby" <http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/> [^8] .BR .B linked url footnote shortcut .nf {~^ [text to link] }http://url.org % maps to: { [text to link] }http://url.org ~{ http://url.org }~ % which produces hyper-linked text within a document/paragraph, with an endnote providing the url for the text location used in the hyperlink .fi .nf text marker *~name .fi .BR note at a heading level the same is automatically achieved by providing names to headings 1, 2 and 3 i.e. 2~[name] and 3~[name] or in the case of auto-heading numbering, without further intervention. .SH LINK SHORTCUT FOR MULTIPLE VERSIONS OF A SISU DOCUMENT IN THE SAME DIRECTORY TREE .BR .B markup example: .nf !_ /{"Viral Spiral"}/, David Bollier { "Viral Spiral", David Bollier [3sS]}viral_spiral.david_bollier.sst .fi .BR .B .I "Viral Spiral", David Bollier "Viral Spiral", David Bollier <http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/manifest/viral_spiral.david_bollier.html> document manifest <http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/manifest/viral_spiral.david_bollier.html> ⌠html, segmented text⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/html/viral_spiral.david_bollier.html」 ⌠html, scroll, document in one⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/html/viral_spiral.david_bollier.html」 ⌠epub⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/epub/viral_spiral.david_bollier.epub」 ⌠pdf, landscape⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/pdf/viral_spiral.david_bollier.pdf」 ⌠pdf, portrait⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/pdf/viral_spiral.david_bollier.pdf」 ⌠odf: odt, open document text⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/odt/viral_spiral.david_bollier.odt」 ⌠xhtml scroll⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/xhtml/viral_spiral.david_bollier.xhtml」 ⌠xml, sax⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/xml/viral_spiral.david_bollier.xml」 ⌠xml, dom⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/xml/viral_spiral.david_bollier.xml」 ⌠concordance⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/html/viral_spiral.david_bollier.html」 ⌠dcc, document content certificate (digests)⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/digest/viral_spiral.david_bollier.txt」 ⌠markup source text⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/src/viral_spiral.david_bollier.sst」 ⌠markup source (zipped) pod⌡「http://corundum/sisu_manual/en/pod/viral_spiral.david_bollier.sst.zip」 .SH GROUPED TEXT .SH TABLES .BR Tables may be prepared in two either of two forms .BR .B markup example: .nf table{ c3; 40; 30; 30; This is a table this would become column two of row one column three of row one is here And here begins another row column two of row two column three of row two, and so on }table .fi .BR .B resulting output: This is a table|this would become column two of row one|column three of row one is here』And here begins another row|column two of row two|column three of row two, and so on』 .BR a second form may be easier to work with in cases where there is not much information in each column .BR .B markup example: [^10] .nf !_ Table 3.1: Contributors to Wikipedia, January 2001 - June 2005 {table~h 24; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12;} |Jan. 2001|Jan. 2002|Jan. 2003|Jan. 2004|July 2004|June 2006 Contributors* | 10| 472| 2,188| 9,653| 25,011| 48,721 Active contributors** | 9| 212| 846| 3,228| 8,442| 16,945 Very active contributors*** | 0| 31| 190| 692| 1,639| 3,016 No. of English language articles| 25| 16,000| 101,000| 190,000| 320,000| 630,000 No. of articles, all languages | 25| 19,000| 138,000| 490,000| 862,000|1,600,000 * Contributed at least ten times; ** at least 5 times in last month; *** more than 100 times in last month. .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR .B Table 3.1: Contributors to Wikipedia, January 2001 - June 2005 |Jan. 2001|Jan. 2002|Jan. 2003|Jan. 2004|July 2004|June 2006』Contributors*|10|472|2,188|9,653|25,011|48,721』Active contributors**|9|212|846|3,228|8,442|16,945』Very active contributors***|0|31|190|692|1,639|3,016』No. of English language articles|25|16,000|101,000|190,000|320,000|630,000』No. of articles, all languages|25|19,000|138,000|490,000|862,000|1,600,000』 .BR * Contributed at least ten times; ** at least 5 times in last month; *** more than 100 times in last month. .SH POEM .BR .B basic markup: .nf poem{ Your poem here }poem Each verse in a poem is given an object number. .fi .BR .B markup example: .nf poem{ `Fury said to a mouse, That he met in the house, "Let us both go to law: I will prosecute YOU. --Come, I'll take no denial; We must have a trial: For really this morning I've nothing to do." Said the mouse to the cur, "Such a trial, dear Sir, With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath." "I'll be judge, I'll be jury," Said cunning old Fury: "I'll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death."' }poem .fi .BR .B resulting output: `Fury said to a mouse, That he met in the house, "Let us both go to law: I will prosecute YOU. --Come, I'll take no denial; We must have a trial: For really this morning I've nothing to do." Said the mouse to the cur, "Such a trial, dear Sir, With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath." "I'll be judge, I'll be jury," Said cunning old Fury: "I'll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death."' .SH GROUP .BR .B basic markup: .nf group{ Your grouped text here }group A group is treated as an object and given a single object number. .fi .BR .B markup example: .nf group{ `Fury said to a mouse, That he met in the house, "Let us both go to law: I will prosecute YOU. --Come, I'll take no denial; We must have a trial: For really this morning I've nothing to do." Said the mouse to the cur, "Such a trial, dear Sir, With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath." "I'll be judge, I'll be jury," Said cunning old Fury: "I'll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death."' }group .fi .BR .B resulting output: `Fury said to a mouse, That he met in the house, "Let us both go to law: I will prosecute YOU. --Come, I'll take no denial; We must have a trial: For really this morning I've nothing to do." Said the mouse to the cur, "Such a trial, dear Sir, With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath." "I'll be judge, I'll be jury," Said cunning old Fury: "I'll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death."' .SH CODE .BR Code tags code{ ... }code (used as with other group tags described above) are used to escape regular sisu markup, and have been used extensively within this document to provide examples of .B SiSU markup. You cannot however use code tags to escape code tags. They are however used in the same way as group or poem tags. .BR A code-block is treated as an object and given a single object number. [an option to number each line of code may be considered at some later time] .BR .B use of code tags instead of poem compared, resulting output: .nf `Fury said to a mouse, That he met in the house, "Let us both go to law: I will prosecute YOU. --Come, I'll take no denial; We must have a trial: For really this morning I've nothing to do." Said the mouse to the cur, "Such a trial, dear Sir, With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath." "I'll be judge, I'll be jury," Said cunning old Fury: "I'll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death."' .fi .BR From .B SiSU 2.7.7 on you can number codeblocks by placing a hash after the opening code tag code{# as demonstrated here: .nf 1 | `Fury said to a 2 | mouse, That he 3 | met in the 4 | house, 5 | "Let us 6 | both go to 7 | law: I will 8 | prosecute 9 | YOU. --Come, 10 | I'll take no 11 | denial; We 12 | must have a 13 | trial: For 14 | really this 15 | morning I've 16 | nothing 17 | to do." 18 | Said the 19 | mouse to the 20 | cur, "Such 21 | a trial, 22 | dear Sir, 23 | With 24 | no jury 25 | or judge, 26 | would be 27 | wasting 28 | our 29 | breath." 30 | "I'll be 31 | judge, I'll 32 | be jury," 33 | Said 34 | cunning 35 | old Fury: 36 | "I'll 37 | try the 38 | whole 39 | cause, 40 | and 41 | condemn 42 | you 43 | to 44 | death."' .fi .SH ADDITIONAL BREAKS - LINEBREAKS WITHIN OBJECTS, COLUMN AND PAGE-BREAKS .SH LINE-BREAKS .BR To break a line within a "paragraph object", two backslashes \e\e with a space before and a space or newline after them may be used. .nf To break a line within a "paragraph object", two backslashes \e\e with a space before and a space or newline after them \e\e may be used. .fi .BR The html break br enclosed in angle brackets (though undocumented) is available in versions prior to 3.0.13 and 2.9.7 (it remains available for the time being, but is depreciated). .BR To draw a dividing line dividing paragraphs, see the section on page breaks. .SH PAGE BREAKS .BR Page breaks are only relevant and honored in some output formats. A page break or a new page may be inserted manually using the following markup on a line on its own: .BR page new =\e= or breaks the page, starts a new page. .BR page break -\e- or breaks a column, starts a new column, if using columns, else breaks the page, starts a new page. .BR page break line across page -..- draws a dividing line, dividing paragraphs .BR page break: .nf -\e\e- or <:pb> .fi .BR page (break) new: .nf =\e\e= or <:pn> .fi .BR page (break) line across page (dividing paragraphs): .nf -..- .fi .SH BOOK INDEX .BR To make an index append to paragraph the book index term relates to it, using an equal sign and curly braces. .BR Currently two levels are provided, a main term and if needed a sub-term. Sub-terms are separated from the main term by a colon. .nf Paragraph containing main term and sub-term. ={Main term:sub-term} .fi .BR The index syntax starts on a new line, but there should not be an empty line between paragraph and index markup. .BR The structure of the resulting index would be: .nf Main term, 1 sub-term, 1 .fi .BR Several terms may relate to a paragraph, they are separated by a semicolon. If the term refers to more than one paragraph, indicate the number of paragraphs. .nf Paragraph containing main term, second term and sub-term. ={first term; second term: sub-term} .fi .BR The structure of the resulting index would be: .nf First term, 1, Second term, 1, sub-term, 1 .fi .BR If multiple sub-terms appear under one paragraph, they are separated under the main term heading from each other by a pipe symbol. .nf Paragraph containing main term, second term and sub-term. ={Main term: sub-term+2|second sub-term; Another term } A paragraph that continues discussion of the first sub-term .fi .BR The plus one in the example provided indicates the first sub-term spans one additional paragraph. The logical structure of the resulting index would be: .nf Main term, 1, sub-term, 1-3, second sub-term, 1, Another term, 1 .fi .SH COMPOSITE DOCUMENTS MARKUP .BR It is possible to build a document by creating a master document that requires other documents. The documents required may be complete documents that could be generated independently, or they could be markup snippets, prepared so as to be easily available to be placed within another text. If the calling document is a master document (built from other documents), it should be named with the suffix .B .ssm Within this document you would provide information on the other documents that should be included within the text. These may be other documents that would be processed in a regular way, or markup bits prepared only for inclusion within a master document .B .sst regular markup file, or .B .ssi (insert/information) A secondary file of the composite document is built prior to processing with the same prefix and the suffix .B ._sst .BR basic markup for importing a document into a master document .nf << filename1.sst << filename2.ssi .fi .BR The form described above should be relied on. Within the .I Vim editor it results in the text thus linked becoming hyperlinked to the document it is calling in which is convenient for editing. .SH SUBSTITUTIONS .BR .B markup example: .nf The current Debian is ${debian_stable} the next debian will be ${debian_testing} Configure substitution in _sisu/sisu_document_make @make: :substitute: /${debian_stable}/,'*{Wheezy}*' /${debian_testing}/,'*{Jessie}*' .fi .BR .B resulting output: .BR The current .B Debian is .B Wheezy the next debian will be .B Jessie .BR Configure substitution in _sisu/sisu_document_make .SH SISU FILETYPES .BR .B SiSU has .I plaintext and binary filetypes, and can process either type of document. .SH .SST .SSM .SSI MARKED UP PLAIN TEXT .TP .B SiSU documents are prepared as plain-text (utf-8) files with .B SiSU markup. They may make reference to and contain images (for example), which are stored in the directory beneath them _sisu/image. 〔b¤SiSU .I plaintext markup files are of three types that may be distinguished by the file extension used: regular text .sst; master documents, composite documents that incorporate other text, which can be any regular text or text insert; and inserts the contents of which are like regular text except these are marked .ssi and are not processed. .BR .B SiSU processing can be done directly against a sisu documents; which may be located locally or on a remote server for which a url is provided. .BR .B SiSU source markup can be shared with the command: .BR sisu -s [filename] .SH SISU TEXT - REGULAR FILES (.SST) .BR The most common form of document in .B SiSU, see the section on .B SiSU markup. .SH SISU MASTER FILES (.SSM) .BR Composite documents which incorporate other .B SiSU documents which may be either regular .B SiSU text .sst which may be generated independently, or inserts prepared solely for the purpose of being incorporated into one or more master documents. .BR The mechanism by which master files incorporate other documents is described as one of the headings under under .B SiSU markup in the .B SiSU manual. .BR Note: Master documents may be prepared in a similar way to regular documents, and processing will occur normally if a .sst file is renamed .ssm without requiring any other documents; the .ssm marker flags that the document may contain other documents. .BR Note: a secondary file of the composite document is built prior to processing with the same prefix and the suffix ._sst [^11] .SH SISU INSERT FILES (.SSI) .BR Inserts are documents prepared solely for the purpose of being incorporated into one or more master documents. They resemble regular .B SiSU text files except they are ignored by the .B SiSU processor. Making a file a .ssi file is a quick and convenient way of flagging that it is not intended that the file should be processed on its own. .SH SISUPOD, ZIPPED BINARY CONTAINER (SISUPOD.ZIP, .SSP) .BR A sisupod is a zipped .B SiSU text file or set of .B SiSU text files and any associated images that they contain (this will be extended to include sound and multimedia-files) .TP .B SiSU .I plaintext files rely on a recognised directory structure to find contents such as images associated with documents, but all images for example for all documents contained in a directory are located in the sub-directory _sisu/image. Without the ability to create a sisupod it can be inconvenient to manually identify all other files associated with a document. A sisupod automatically bundles all associated files with the document that is turned into a pod. .BR The structure of the sisupod is such that it may for example contain a single document and its associated images; a master document and its associated documents and anything else; or the zipped contents of a whole directory of prepared .B SiSU documents. .BR The command to create a sisupod is: .BR sisu -S [filename] .BR Alternatively, make a pod of the contents of a whole directory: .BR sisu -S .BR .B SiSU processing can be done directly against a sisupod; which may be located locally or on a remote server for which a url is provided. .BR <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/sisu_commands> .BR <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/sisu_manual> .SH CONFIGURATION .SH CONFIGURATION FILES .SH CONFIG.YML .BR .B SiSU configration parameters are adjusted in the configuration file, which can be used to override the defaults set. This includes such things as which directory interim processing should be done in and where the generated output should be placed. .BR The .B SiSU configuration file is a yaml file, which means indentation is significant. .BR .B SiSU resource configuration is determined by looking at the following files if they exist: .BR ./_sisu/v4/sisurc.yml .BR ./_sisu/sisurc.yml .BR ~/.sisu/v4/sisurc.yml .BR ~/.sisu/sisurc.yml .BR /etc/sisu/v4/sisurc.yml .BR /etc/sisu/sisurc.yml .BR The search is in the order listed, and the first one found is used. .BR In the absence of instructions in any of these it falls back to the internal program defaults. .BR Configuration determines the output and processing directories and the database access details. .BR If .B SiSU is installed a sample sisurc.yml may be found in /etc/sisu/sisurc.yml .SH SISU_DOCUMENT_MAKE .BR Most sisu document headers relate to metadata, the exception is the @make: header which provides processing related information. The default contents of the @make header may be set by placing them in a file sisu_document_make. .BR The search order is as for resource configuration: .BR ./_sisu/v4/sisu_document_make .BR ./_sisu/sisu_document_make .BR ~/.sisu/v4/sisu_document_make .BR ~/.sisu/sisu_document_make .BR /etc/sisu/v4/sisu_document_make .BR /etc/sisu/sisu_document_make .BR A sample sisu_document_make can be found in the _sisu/ directory under along with the provided sisu markup samples. .SH CSS - CASCADING STYLE SHEETS (FOR HTML, XHTML AND XML) .BR CSS files to modify the appearance of .B SiSU html, .I XHTML or .I XML may be placed in the configuration directory: ./_sisu/css ; ~/.sisu/css or; /etc/sisu/css and these will be copied to the output directories with the command sisu -CC. .BR The basic CSS file for html output is html. css, placing a file of that name in directory _sisu/css or equivalent will result in the default file of that name being overwritten. .BR .I HTML: html. css .BR .I XML DOM: dom.css .BR .I XML SAX: sax.css .BR .I XHTML: xhtml. css .BR The default homepage may use homepage.css or html. css .BR Under consideration is to permit the placement of a CSS file with a different name in directory _sisu/css directory or equivalent.[^12] .SH ORGANISING CONTENT - DIRECTORY STRUCTURE AND MAPPING .BR .B SiSU v3 has new options for the source directory tree, and output directory structures of which there are 3 alternatives. .SH DOCUMENT SOURCE DIRECTORY .BR The document source directory is the directory in which sisu processing commands are given. It contains the sisu source files (.sst .ssm .ssi), or (for sisu v3 may contain) subdirectories with language codes which contain the sisu source files, so all English files would go in subdirectory en/, French in fr/, Spanish in es/ and so on. ISO 639-1 codes are used (as varied by po4a). A list of available languages (and possible sub-directory names) can be obtained with the command "sisu --help lang" The list of languages is limited to langagues supported by XeTeX polyglosia. .SH GENERAL DIRECTORIES .nf \./subject_name/ % files stored at this level e.g. sisu_manual.sst or % for sisu v3 may be under language sub-directories % e.g. ./subject_name/en ./subject_name/fr ./subject_name/es ./subject_name/_sisu ./subject_name/_sisu/css ./subject_name/_sisu/image .fi .SH DOCUMENT OUTPUT DIRECTORY STRUCTURES .SH OUTPUT DIRECTORY ROOT .BR The output directory root can be set in the sisurc.yml file. Under the root, subdirectories are made for each directory in which a document set resides. If you have a directory named poems or conventions, that directory will be created under the output directory root and the output for all documents contained in the directory of a particular name will be generated to subdirectories beneath that directory (poem or conventions). A document will be placed in a subdirectory of the same name as the document with the filetype identifier stripped (.sst .ssm) .BR The last part of a directory path, representing the sub-directory in which a document set resides, is the directory name that will be used for the output directory. This has implications for the organisation of document collections as it could make sense to place documents of a particular subject, or type within a directory identifying them. This grouping as suggested could be by subject (sales_law, english_literature); or just as conveniently by some other classification (X University). The mapping means it is also possible to place in the same output directory documents that are for organisational purposes kept separately, for example documents on a given subject of two different institutions may be kept in two different directories of the same name, under a directory named after each institution, and these would be output to the same output directory. Skins could be associated with each institution on a directory basis and resulting documents will take on the appropriate different appearance. .SH ALTERNATIVE OUTPUT STRUCTURES .BR There are 3 possibile output structures described as being, by language, by filetype or by filename, the selection is made in sisurc.yml .nf #% output_dir_structure_by: language; filetype; or filename output_dir_structure_by: language #(language & filetype, preferred?) #output_dir_structure_by: filetype #output_dir_structure_by: filename #(default, closest to original v1 & v2) .fi .SH BY LANGUAGE .BR The by language directory structure places output files .BR The by language directory structure separates output files by language code (all files of a given language), and within the language directory by filetype. .BR Its selection is configured in sisurc.yml .BR output_dir_structure_by: language .nf |-- en |-- epub |-- hashes |-- html | |-- viral_spiral.david_bollier | |-- manifest | |-- qrcode | |-- odt | |-- pdf | |-- sitemaps | |-- txt | |-- xhtml | `-- xml |-- po4a | `-- live-manual | |-- po | |-- fr | `-- pot `-- _sisu |-- css |-- image |-- image_sys -> ../../_sisu/image_sys `-- xml |-- rnc |-- rng `-- xsd .fi .BR #by: language subject_dir/en/manifest/filename.html .SH BY FILETYPE .BR The by filetype directory structure separates output files by filetype, all html files in one directory pdfs in another and so on. Filenames are given a language extension. .BR Its selection is configured in sisurc.yml .BR output_dir_structure_by: filetype .nf |-- epub |-- hashes |-- html |-- viral_spiral.david_bollier |-- manifest |-- qrcode |-- odt |-- pdf |-- po4a |-- live-manual | |-- po | |-- fr | `-- pot |-- _sisu | |-- css | |-- image | |-- image_sys -> ../../_sisu/image_sys | `-- xml | |-- rnc | |-- rng | `-- xsd |-- sitemaps |-- txt |-- xhtml `-- xml .fi .BR #by: filetype subject_dir/html/filename/manifest.en.html .SH BY FILENAME .BR The by filename directory structure places most output of a particular file (the different filetypes) in a common directory. .BR Its selection is configured in sisurc.yml .BR output_dir_structure_by: filename .nf |-- epub |-- po4a |-- live-manual | |-- po | |-- fr | `-- pot |-- _sisu | |-- css | |-- image | |-- image_sys -> ../../_sisu/image_sys | `-- xml | |-- rnc | |-- rng | `-- xsd |-- sitemaps |-- src |-- pod `-- viral_spiral.david_bollier .fi .BR #by: filename subject_dir/filename/manifest.en.html .SH REMOTE DIRECTORIES .nf ./subject_name/ % containing sub_directories named after the generated files from which they are made ./subject_name/src % contains shared source files text and binary e.g. sisu_manual.sst and sisu_manual.sst.zip ./subject_name/_sisu % configuration file e.g. sisurc.yml ./subject_name/_sisu/skin % skins in various skin directories doc, dir, site, yml ./subject_name/_sisu/css ./subject_name/_sisu/image % images for documents contained in this directory ./subject_name/_sisu/mm .fi .SH SISUPOD .nf ./sisupod/ % files stored at this level e.g. sisu_manual.sst ./sisupod/_sisu % configuration file e.g. sisurc.yml ./sisupod/_sisu/skin % skins in various skin directories doc, dir, site, yml ./sisupod/_sisu/css ./sisupod/_sisu/image % images for documents contained in this directory ./sisupod/_sisu/mm .fi .SH ORGANISING CONTENT .SH HOMEPAGES .BR .B SiSU is about the ability to auto-generate documents. Home pages are regarded as custom built items, and are not created by .B SiSU. More accurately, .B SiSU has a default home page, which will not be appropriate for use with other sites, and the means to provide your own home page instead in one of two ways as part of a site's configuration, these being: .BR 1. through placing your home page and other custom built documents in the subdirectory _sisu/home/ (this probably being the easier and more convenient option) .BR 2. through providing what you want as the home page in a skin, .BR Document sets are contained in directories, usually organised by site or subject. Each directory can/should have its own homepage. See the section on directory structure and organisation of content. .SH HOME PAGE AND OTHER CUSTOM BUILT PAGES IN A SUB-DIRECTORY .BR Custom built pages, including the home page index.html may be placed within the configuration directory _sisu/home/ in any of the locations that is searched for the configuration directory, namely ./_sisu ; ~/_sisu ; /etc/sisu From there they are copied to the root of the output directory with the command: .BR sisu -CC .SH MARKUP AND OUTPUT EXAMPLES .SH MARKUP EXAMPLES .BR Current markup examples and document output samples are provided off <http://sisudoc.org> or <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu> and in the sisu -markup-sample package available off <http://sources.sisudoc.org> .BR For some documents hardly any markup at all is required at all, other than a header, and an indication that the levels to be taken into account by the program in generating its output are. .SH SISU MARKUP SAMPLES .BR A few additional sample books prepared as sisu markup samples, output formats to be generated using .B SiSU are contained in a separate package sisu -markup-samples. sisu -markup-samples contains books (prepared using sisu markup), that were released by their authors various licenses mostly different Creative Commons licences that do not permit inclusion in the .B Debian Project as they have requirements that do not meet the .B Debian Free Software Guidelines for various reasons, most commonly that they require that the original substantive text remain unchanged, and sometimes that the works be used only non-commercially. .BR .I Accelerando, Charles Stross (2005) accelerando.charles_stross.sst .BR .I Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll (1865) alices_adventures_in_wonderland.lewis_carroll.sst .BR .I CONTENT, Cory Doctorow (2008) content.cory_doctorow.sst .BR .I Democratizing Innovation, Eric von Hippel (2005) democratizing_innovation.eric_von_hippel.sst .BR .I Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, Cory Doctorow (2003) down_and_out_in_the_magic_kingdom.cory_doctorow.sst .BR .I For the Win, Cory Doctorow (2010) for_the_win.cory_doctorow.sst .BR .I Free as in Freedom - Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software, Sam Williams (2002) free_as_in_freedom.richard_stallman_crusade_for_free_software.sam_williams.sst .BR .I Free as in Freedom 2.0 - Richard Stallman and the Free Software Revolution, Sam Williams (2002), Richard M. Stallman (2010) free_as_in_freedom_2.richard_stallman_and_the_free_software_revolution.sam_williams.richard_stallman.sst .BR .I Free Culture - How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity, Lawrence Lessig (2004) free_culture.lawrence_lessig.sst .BR .I Free For All - How Linux and the Free Software Movement Undercut the High Tech Titans, Peter Wayner (2002) free_for_all.peter_wayner.sst .BR .I GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v2, Free Software Foundation (1991) gpl2.fsf.sst .BR .I GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3, Free Software Foundation (2007) gpl3.fsf.sst .BR .I Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift (1726 / 1735) gullivers_travels.jonathan_swift.sst .BR .I Little Brother, Cory Doctorow (2008) little_brother.cory_doctorow.sst .BR .I The Cathederal and the Bazaar, Eric Raymond (2000) the_cathedral_and_the_bazaar.eric_s_raymond.sst .BR .I The Public Domain - Enclosing the Commons of the Mind, James Boyle (2008) the_public_domain.james_boyle.sst .BR .I The Wealth of Networks - How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, Yochai Benkler (2006) the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler.sst .BR .I Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll (1871) through_the_looking_glass.lewis_carroll.sst .BR .I Two Bits - The Cultural Significance of Free Software, Christopher Kelty (2008) two_bits.christopher_kelty.sst .BR .I UN Contracts for International Sale of Goods, UN (1980) un_contracts_international_sale_of_goods_convention_1980.sst .BR .I Viral Spiral, David Bollier (2008) viral_spiral.david_bollier.sst .SH SISU SEARCH - INTRODUCTION .BR .B SiSU output can easily and conveniently be indexed by a number of standalone indexing tools, such as Lucene, Hyperestraier. .BR Because the document structure of sites created is clearly defined, and the text .I object citation system is available hypothetically at least, for all forms of output, it is possible to search the sql database, and either read results from that database, or just as simply map the results to the html output, which has richer text markup. .BR In addition to this .B SiSU has the ability to populate a relational sql type database with documents at an object level, with objects numbers that are shared across different output types, which make them searchable with that degree of granularity. Basically, your match criteria is met by these documents and at these locations within each document, which can be viewed within the database directly or in various output formats. .SH SQL .SH POPULATING SQL TYPE DATABASES .BR .B SiSU feeds sisu markupd documents into sql type databases .I PostgreSQL [^13] and/or .I SQLite [^14] database together with information related to document structure. .BR This is one of the more interesting output forms, as all the structural data of the documents are retained (though can be ignored by the user of the database should they so choose). All site texts/documents are (currently) streamed to four tables: .BR * one containing semantic (and other) headers, including, title, author, subject, (the .I Dublin Core. ..); .BR * another the substantive texts by individual "paragraph" (or object) - along with structural information, each paragraph being identifiable by its paragraph number (if it has one which almost all of them do), and the substantive text of each paragraph quite naturally being searchable (both in formatted and clean text versions for searching); and .BR * a third containing endnotes cross-referenced back to the paragraph from which they are referenced (both in formatted and clean text versions for searching). .BR * a fourth table with a one to one relation with the headers table contains full text versions of output, eg. pdf, html, xml, and .I ascii. .BR There is of course the possibility to add further structures. .BR At this level .B SiSU loads a relational database with documents chunked into objects, their smallest logical structurally constituent parts, as text objects, with their object citation number and all other structural information needed to construct the document. Text is stored (at this text object level) with and without elementary markup tagging, the stripped version being so as to facilitate ease of searching. .BR Being able to search a relational database at an object level with the .B SiSU citation system is an effective way of locating content generated by .B SiSU. As individual text objects of a document stored (and indexed) together with object numbers, and all versions of the document have the same numbering, complex searches can be tailored to return just the locations of the search results relevant for all available output formats, with live links to the precise locations in the database or in html/xml documents; or, the structural information provided makes it possible to search the full contents of the database and have headings in which search content appears, or to search only headings etc. (as the .I Dublin Core is incorporated it is easy to make use of that as well). .SH POSTGRESQL .SH NAME .BR .B SiSU - Structured information, Serialized Units - a document publishing system, postgresql dependency package .SH DESCRIPTION .BR Information related to using postgresql with sisu (and related to the sisu_postgresql dependency package, which is a dummy package to install dependencies needed for .B SiSU to populate a postgresql database, this being part of .B SiSU - man sisu) . .SH SYNOPSIS .BR sisu -D [instruction] [filename/wildcard if required] .BR sisu -D --pg --[instruction] [filename/wildcard if required] .SH COMMANDS .BR Mappings to two databases are provided by default, postgresql and sqlite, the same commands are used within sisu to construct and populate databases however -d (lowercase) denotes sqlite and -D (uppercase) denotes postgresql, alternatively --sqlite or --pgsql may be used .BR .B -D or --pgsql may be used interchangeably. .SH CREATE AND DESTROY DATABASE .TP .B --pgsql --createall initial step, creates required relations (tables, indexes) in existing (postgresql) database (a database should be created manually and given the same name as working directory, as requested) (rb.dbi) .TP .B sisu -D --createdb creates database where no database existed before .TP .B sisu -D --create creates database tables where no database tables existed before .TP .B sisu -D --Dropall destroys database (including all its content)! kills data and drops tables, indexes and database associated with a given directory (and directories of the same name). .TP .B sisu -D --recreate destroys existing database and builds a new empty database structure .SH IMPORT AND REMOVE DOCUMENTS .TP .B sisu -D --import -v [filename/wildcard] populates database with the contents of the file. Imports documents(s) specified to a postgresql database (at an object level). .TP .B sisu -D --update -v [filename/wildcard] updates file contents in database .TP .B sisu -D --remove -v [filename/wildcard] removes specified document from postgresql database. .SH SQLITE .SH NAME .BR .B SiSU - Structured information, Serialized Units - a document publishing system. .SH DESCRIPTION .BR Information related to using sqlite with sisu (and related to the sisu_sqlite dependency package, which is a dummy package to install dependencies needed for .B SiSU to populate an sqlite database, this being part of .B SiSU - man sisu) . .SH SYNOPSIS .BR sisu -d [instruction] [filename/wildcard if required] .BR sisu -d --(sqlite|pg) --[instruction] [filename/wildcard if required] .SH COMMANDS .BR Mappings to two databases are provided by default, postgresql and sqlite, the same commands are used within sisu to construct and populate databases however -d (lowercase) denotes sqlite and -D (uppercase) denotes postgresql, alternatively --sqlite or --pgsql may be used .BR .B -d or --sqlite may be used interchangeably. .SH CREATE AND DESTROY DATABASE .TP .B --sqlite --createall initial step, creates required relations (tables, indexes) in existing (sqlite) database (a database should be created manually and given the same name as working directory, as requested) (rb.dbi) .TP .B sisu -d --createdb creates database where no database existed before .TP .B sisu -d --create creates database tables where no database tables existed before .TP .B sisu -d --dropall destroys database (including all its content)! kills data and drops tables, indexes and database associated with a given directory (and directories of the same name). .TP .B sisu -d --recreate destroys existing database and builds a new empty database structure .SH IMPORT AND REMOVE DOCUMENTS .TP .B sisu -d --import -v [filename/wildcard] populates database with the contents of the file. Imports documents(s) specified to an sqlite database (at an object level). .TP .B sisu -d --update -v [filename/wildcard] updates file contents in database .TP .B sisu -d --remove -v [filename/wildcard] removes specified document from sqlite database. .SH INTRODUCTION .SH SETUP SEARCH FORM .BR You will need a web server, httpd with cgi enabled, and a postgresql database to which you are able to create databases. .BR Setup postgresql, make sure you are able to create and write to the database, e.g.: .nf sudo su postgres createuser -d -a ralph .fi .BR You then need to create the database that sisu will use, for sisu manual in the directory manual/en for example, (when you try to populate a database that does not exist sisu prompts as to whether it exists): .nf createdb SiSUv6a_manual .fi .BR .B SiSU is then able to create the required tables that allow you to populate the database with documents in the directory for which it has been created: .nf sisu --pg --createall -v .fi .BR You can then start to populate the database, in this example with a single document: .nf sisu --pg --update -v en/sisu_manual.ssm .fi .BR To create a sample search form, from within the same directory run: .BR A sample setup for nginx is provided that assumes data will be stored under /srv/www and cgi scripts under /srv/cgi .SH SEARCH - DATABASE FRONTEND SAMPLE, UTILISING DATABASE AND SISU FEATURES, INCLUDING OBJECT CITATION NUMBERING (BACKEND CURRENTLY POSTGRESQL) .BR Sample search frontend <http://search.sisudoc.org> [^15] A small database and sample query front-end (search from) that makes use of the citation system, .I object citation numbering to demonstrates functionality.[^16] .BR .B SiSU can provide information on which documents are matched and at what locations within each document the matches are found. These results are relevant across all outputs using .I object citation numbering, which includes html, .I XML, .I EPUB, .I LaTeX, .I PDF and indeed the .I SQL database. You can then refer to one of the other outputs or in the .I SQL database expand the text within the matched objects (paragraphs) in the documents matched. .BR Note you may set results either for documents matched and object number locations within each matched document meeting the search criteria; or display the names of the documents matched along with the objects (paragraphs) that meet the search criteria.[^17] .TP .B sisu -F --webserv-webrick builds a cgi web search frontend for the database created .BR The following is feedback on the setup on a machine provided by the help command: .BR sisu --help sql .nf Postgresql user: ralph current db set: SiSU_sisu port: 5432 dbi connect: DBI:Pg:database=SiSU_sisu;port=5432 sqlite current db set: /home/ralph/sisu_www/sisu/sisu_sqlite.db dbi connect DBI:SQLite:/home/ralph/sisu_www/sisu/sisu_sqlite.db .fi .BR Note on databases built .BR By default, [unless otherwise specified] databases are built on a directory basis, from collections of documents within that directory. The name of the directory you choose to work from is used as the database name, i.e. if you are working in a directory called /home/ralph/ebook the database SiSU_ebook is used. [otherwise a manual mapping for the collection is necessary] .SH SEARCH FORM .TP .B sisu -F generates a sample search form, which must be copied to the web-server cgi directory .TP .B sisu -F --webserv-webrick generates a sample search form for use with the webrick server, which must be copied to the web-server cgi directory .TP .B sisu -W starts the webrick server which should be available wherever sisu is properly installed .BR The generated search form must be copied manually to the webserver directory as instructed .SH SISU_WEBRICK .SH NAME .BR .B SiSU - Structured information, Serialized Units - a document publishing system .SH SYNOPSIS .BR sisu_webrick [port] .BR or .BR sisu -W [port] .SH DESCRIPTION .BR sisu_webrick is part of .B SiSU (man sisu) sisu_webrick starts .B Ruby ' s Webrick web-server and points it to the directories to which .B SiSU output is written, providing a list of these directories (assuming .B SiSU is in use and they exist). .BR The default port for sisu_webrick is set to 8081, this may be modified in the yaml file: ~/.sisu/sisurc.yml a sample of which is provided as /etc/sisu/sisurc.yml (or in the equivalent directory on your system). .SH SUMMARY OF MAN PAGE .BR sisu_webrick, may be started on it's own with the command: sisu_webrick [port] or using the sisu command with the -W flag: sisu -W [port] .BR where no port is given and settings are unchanged the default port is 8081 .SH DOCUMENT PROCESSING COMMAND FLAGS .BR sisu -W [port] starts .B Ruby Webrick web-server, serving .B SiSU output directories, on the port provided, or if no port is provided and the defaults have not been changed in ~/.sisu/sisurc.yaml then on port 8081 .SH SUMMARY OF FEATURES .BR * sparse/minimal markup (clean utf-8 source texts). Documents are prepared in a single .I UTF-8 file using a minimalistic mnemonic syntax. Typical literature, documents like "War and Peace" require almost no markup, and most of the headers are optional. .BR * markup is easily readable/parsable by the human eye, (basic markup is simpler and more sparse than the most basic .I HTML ) , [this may also be converted to .I XML representations of the same input/source document]. .BR * markup defines document structure (this may be done once in a header pattern-match description, or for heading levels individually); basic text attributes (bold, italics, underscore, strike-through etc.) as required; and semantic information related to the document (header information, extended beyond the Dublin core and easily further extended as required); the headers may also contain processing instructions. .B SiSU markup is primarily an abstraction of document structure and document metadata to permit taking advantage of the basic strengths of existing alternative practical standard ways of representing documents [be that browser viewing, paper publication, sql search etc.] (html, epub, xml, odf, latex, pdf, sql) .BR * for output produces reasonably elegant output of established industry and institutionally accepted open standard formats.[3] takes advantage of the different strengths of various standard formats for representing documents, amongst the output formats currently supported are: .BR * .I HTML - both as a single scrollable text and a segmented document .BR * .I XHTML .BR * .I EPUB .BR * .I XML - both in sax and dom style xml structures for further development as required .BR * .I ODT - Open Document Format text, the iso standard for document storage .BR * .I LaTeX - used to generate pdf .BR * .I PDF (via .I LaTeX ) .BR * .I SQL - population of an sql database ( .I PostgreSQL or .I SQLite ) , (at the same object level that is used to cite text within a document) .BR Also produces: concordance files; document content certificates (md5 or sha256 digests of headings, paragraphs, images etc.) and html manifests (and sitemaps of content). (b) takes advantage of the strengths implicit in these very different output types, (e.g. PDFs produced using typesetting of .I LaTeX, databases populated with documents at an individual object/paragraph level, making possible .I granular search (and related possibilities)) .BR * ensuring content can be cited in a meaningful way regardless of selected output format. Online publishing (and publishing in multiple document formats) lacks a useful way of citing text internally within documents (important to academics generally and to lawyers) as page numbers are meaningless across browsers and formats. sisu seeks to provide a common way of pinpoint the text within a document, (which can be utilized for citation and by search engines). The outputs share a common numbering system that is meaningful (to man and machine) across all digital outputs whether paper, screen, or database oriented, (pdf, .I HTML, .I EPUB, xml, sqlite, postgresql) , this numbering system can be used to reference content. .BR * Granular search within documents. .I SQL databases are populated at an object level (roughly headings, paragraphs, verse, tables) and become searchable with that degree of granularity, the output information provides the object/paragraph numbers which are relevant across all generated outputs; it is also possible to look at just the matching paragraphs of the documents in the database; [output indexing also work well with search indexing tools like hyperestraier]. .BR * long term maintainability of document collections in a world of changing formats, having a very sparsely marked-up source document base. there is a considerable degree of future-proofing, output representations are "upgradeable", and new document formats may be added. e.g. addition of odf (open document text) module in 2006, epub in 2009 and in future html5 output sometime in future, without modification of existing prepared texts .BR * .I SQL search aside, documents are generated as required and static once generated. .BR * documents produced are static files, and may be batch processed, this needs to be done only once but may be repeated for various reasons as desired (updated content, addition of new output formats, updated technology document presentations/representations) .BR * document source ( .I plaintext utf-8) if shared on the net may be used as input and processed locally to produce the different document outputs .BR * document source may be bundled together (automatically) with associated documents (multiple language versions or master document with inclusions) and images and sent as a zip file called a sisupod, if shared on the net these too may be processed locally to produce the desired document outputs .BR * generated document outputs may automatically be posted to remote sites. .BR * for basic document generation, the only software dependency is .B Ruby, and a few standard Unix tools (this covers .I plaintext, .I HTML, .I EPUB, .I XML, .I ODF, .I LaTeX ) . To use a database you of course need that, and to convert the .I LaTeX generated to pdf, a latex processor like tetex or texlive. .BR * as a developers tool it is flexible and extensible .BR Syntax highlighting for .B SiSU markup is available for a number of text editors. .BR .B SiSU is less about document layout than about finding a way with little markup to be able to construct an abstract representation of a document that makes it possible to produce multiple representations of it which may be rather different from each other and used for different purposes, whether layout and publishing, or search of content .BR i.e. to be able to take advantage from this minimal preparation starting point of some of the strengths of rather different established ways of representing documents for different purposes, whether for search (relational database, or indexed flat files generated for that purpose whether of complete documents, or say of files made up of objects), online viewing (e.g. html, xml, pdf) , or paper publication (e.g. pdf) ... .BR the solution arrived at is by extracting structural information about the document (about headings within the document) and by tracking objects (which are serialized and also given hash values) in the manner described. It makes possible representations that are quite different from those offered at present. For example objects could be saved individually and identified by their hashes, with an index of how the objects relate to each other to form a document. .TP .BI *1. square brackets .BR .TP .BI *2. square brackets .BR .TP .BI +1. square brackets .BR .TP .BI 1. <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/> .BR .TP .BI 2. <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/sisu.1.html> .BR .TP .BI 3. From sometime after SiSU 0.58 it should be possible to describe SiSU markup using SiSU, which though not an original design goal is useful. .BR .TP .BI 4. files should be prepared using UTF-8 character encoding .BR .TP .BI 5. a footnote or endnote .BR .TP .BI 6. self contained endnote marker & endnote in one .BR .TP .BI *. unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote, insert multiple asterisks if required .BR .TP .BI **. another unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote .BR .TP .BI *3. editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series .BR .TP .BI +2. editors notes, numbered plus symbol footnote/endnote series .BR .TP .BI 7. <http://www.sisudoc.org/> .BR .TP .BI 8. <http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/> .BR .TP .BI 10. Table from the Wealth of Networks by Yochai Benkler <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler> .BR .TP .BI 11. \.ssc (for composite) is under consideration but \._sst makes clear that this is not a regular file to be worked on, and thus less likely that people will have "accidents", working on a \.ssc file that is overwritten by subsequent processing. It may be however that when the resulting file is shared \.ssc is an appropriate suffix to use. .BR .TP .BI 12. SiSU has worked this way in the past, though this was dropped as it was thought the complexity outweighed the flexibility, however, the balance was rather fine and this behaviour could be reinstated. .BR .TP .BI 13. <http://www.postgresql.org/> <http://advocacy.postgresql.org/> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postgresql> .BR .TP .BI 14. <http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sqlite> .BR .TP .BI 15. <http://search.sisudoc.org> .BR .TP .BI 16. (which could be extended further with current back-end). As regards scaling of the database, it is as scalable as the database (here Postgresql) and hardware allow. .BR .TP .BI 17. of this feature when demonstrated to an IBM software innovations evaluator in 2004 he said to paraphrase: this could be of interest to us. We have large document management systems, you can search hundreds of thousands of documents and we can tell you which documents meet your search criteria, but there is no way we can tell you without opening each document where within each your matches are found. .BR .TP .SH SEE ALSO sisu(1), sisu-epub(1), sisu-harvest(1), sisu-html(1), sisu-odf(1), sisu-pdf(1), sisu-pg(1), sisu-sqlite(1), sisu-txt(1). sisu_vim(7) .TP .SH HOMEPAGE More information about SiSU can be found at <http://www.sisudoc.org/> or <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/> .TP .SH SOURCE <http://sources.sisudoc.org/> .TP .SH AUTHOR SiSU is written by Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>