-*- mode: org -*- #+TITLE: sisu sst #+DESCRIPTION: documents - structuring, various output representations & search #+FILETAGS: :sisu:sst: #+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah #+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]] #+COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2021 Ralph Amissah #+LANGUAGE: en #+STARTUP: content hideblocks hidestars noindent entitiespretty #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t #+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :noweb yes #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :eval no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :mkdirp yes * sst_from_xml.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/sst_from_xml.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_sstFromXML require_relative 'se' # se.rb class Convert begin require 'rexml/document' include REXML rescue LoadError SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:fuchsia). error('rexml/document NOT FOUND (LoadError)') end def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @sisu,@sisu_base=[],[] @ver=SiSU_Env::InfoVersion.instance.get_version end def tell(filename,type) SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], "XML #{type} to SiSU sst", "#{filename} --> #{filename}.sst" ).green_hi_blue end def read xml_to_sisu end def markup_head(text) text.strip! text.gsub!(/(?:\s*\n|\s\s+)/,' ') text.gsub!(/<header class=['"]\S+?['"]>(.+?)<\/header>/,'\1') text.gsub!(/<(\w+)>(.+?)<\/\w+>/,'@\1: \2') text.gsub!(/<header class=['"]\S+?['"]><(\w+)>(.+?)<\/\w+><\/header>/,'@\1: \2') text.gsub!(/\s +/,' ') text.strip! text + "\n\n" end def markup(text) text.strip! text.gsub!(/(?:\s*\n|\s\s+)/,' ') text.gsub!(/<text class='h1'>(.+?)<\/text>/,':A~ \1') text.gsub!(/<text class='h2'>(.+?)<\/text>/,':B~ \1') text.gsub!(/<text class='h3'>(.+?)<\/text>/,':C~ \1') text.gsub!(/<text class='h4'>(.+?)<\/text>/,'1~ \1') text.gsub!(/<text class='h5'>(.+?)<\/text>/,'2~ \1') text.gsub!(/<text class='h6'>(.+?)<\/text>/,'3~ \1') text.gsub!(/<text class='norm'>(.+?)<\/text>/,'\1') text.gsub!(/<endnote symbol='norm'>(.+?)<\/endnote>/,'~{ \1 }~') text.gsub!(/<br ?\/>/,'<br>') text.gsub!(/<i>(.+?)<\/i>/,'/{\1}/') text.gsub!(/<b>(.+?)<\/b>/,'*{\1}*') text.gsub!(/<u>(.+?)<\/u>/,'_{\1}_') text.gsub!(/<sem:([a-z_]+)\s+depth=['"]zero['"]>(\s*.+?\s*)<\/sem:\1>/,';{ \2 };\1') text.gsub!(/<sem:([a-z_]+)\s+depth=['"]one['"]>(\s*.+?\s*)<\/sem:\1>/,':{ \2 }:\1') text.gsub!(/<sem:([a-z_]+)\s+depth=['"]many['"]>(\s*.+?\s*)<\/sem:\1>/,'\1:{ \2 }:\1') text.gsub!(/<sem:([a-z_]+)>(\s*.+?\s*)<\/sem:\1>/,'\1:{ \2 }:\1') text.gsub!(/\s +/,' ') text.strip! text + "\n\n" end def sax out_file=File.new(@output_file_name,'w') head=@doc.root.get_elements('//head/header') body=@doc.root.get_elements('//object/text') out_file.puts "% SiSU text #{@ver.version} (generated from a SiSU XML markup representation)\n\n" head.each do |x| if x.name=='header' head=markup_head(x.to_s) out_file.puts head end end body.each do |x| if x.name=='text' body=markup(x.to_s) out_file.puts body end end end def node sax end def dom raise "#{__FILE__}::#{__LINE__} xml dom representation to sst not yet implemented (experimental simple xml representations sax and node to sst are in place)." end def xml_to_sisu unless @opt.files.empty? @opt.files.each do |xml| @sisu_base=[] if xml =~/\.sx[sdn]\.xml$/ begin @doc_str=IO.readlines(xml,'').join("\n") @output=File.new("#{xml}.sst",'w') @doc=REXML::Document.new(@doc_str) @output_file_name="#{Dir.pwd}/#{xml}.sst" @el=[] rescue REXML::ParseException end end if xml =~/\.sxs\.xml$/ unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on tell(xml,'sax') end sax elsif xml =~/\.sxd\.xml$/ unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on tell(xml,'dom') end dom elsif xml =~/\.sxn\.xml$/ unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on tell(xml,'node') end node else puts "filename not recognised: << #{xml} >>" end @output << @sisu_base end else puts '.xml file for conversion to sisu expected' end puts @opt.files.inspect end end end __END__ #+END_SRC * sst_to_s_xml_sax.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/sst_to_s_xml_sax.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_SimpleXML_ModelSax require_relative 'se_hub_particulars' # se_hub_particulars.rb include SiSU_Particulars require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb include SiSU_Param require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env require_relative 'ao_doc_str' # ao_doc_str.rb require_relative 'xml_shared' # xml_shared.rb include SiSU_XML_Munge require_relative 'shared_sem' # shared_sem.rb require_relative 'xml_format' # xml_format.rb include SiSU_XML_Format require_relative 'rexml' # rexml.rb include SiSU_Rexml @@alt_id_count=0 @@tablefoot='' class Convert @@fns=nil def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::CombinedSingleton.instance.get_env_md(opt) end def read begin @md=@particulars.md #bug, relies on info persistence, assumes -m has previously been run @env=@particulars.env SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'invert', 'XML SAX', "#{@md.fns} -> #{@md.fn[:sxs]}" ).colorize unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on if (@opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], @opt.fns, "#{Dir.pwd}/#{@md.fn[:sxs]}" ).flow end unless @@fns==@opt.fns @@fns=@opt.fns @@fns_array=[] end @fns_array=if @@fns_array.empty?; read_fnm else @@fns_array.dup #check end SiSU_SimpleXML_ModelSax::Convert::Songsheet.new(@fns_array,@particulars).songsheet rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure #file closed in songsheet end end def read_fnm ao=[] if FileTest.file?("#{Dir.pwd}/#{@opt.fns}") ao=IO.readlines("#{Dir.pwd}/#{@opt.fns}","\n\n") else STDERR.puts 'Error' end end private class Songsheet def initialize(data,particulars) @data,@particulars,@env,@md=data,particulars,particulars.env,particulars.md end def songsheet begin SiSU_SimpleXML_ModelSax::Convert::Scroll.new(@data,@particulars).songsheet if (@md.opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) SiSU_SimpleXML_ModelSax::Convert::Tidy.new(@md,@env).xml # test wellformedness, comment out when not in use end SiSU_Rexml::Rexml.new(@md,@md.fn[:sxs]).xml if @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on # test rexml parsing, comment out when not in use #debug rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@md.opt.cmd,@md.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end end class Scroll require_relative 'txt_shared' # txt_shared.rb require_relative 'css' # css.rb include SiSU_TextUtils @@xml={ body: [], open: [], close: [], head: [] } def initialize(data='',particulars='') @data,@env,@md=data,particulars.env,particulars.md @regx=/^(?:#{Mx[:mk_o]}:p[bn]#{Mx[:mk_c]}\s*)?(?:#{Mx[:lv_o]}[1-9]:(\S*)#{Mx[:lv_c]})?(.+)/ @tab="\t" if @md @trans=SiSU_XML_Munge::Trans.new(@md) end @sys=SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new end def songsheet pre markup post publish end protected def embedded_endnotes(para='') para.gsub!(/~\{(.+?)\}~/,'<endnote symbol="norm">\1</endnote> ') para.gsub!(/~\[([*+])\s+(.+?)\]~/,'<endnote symbol="\1">\2</endnote> ') end def xml_head(meta) txt=meta.text txt.gsub!(/\/{(.+?)}\//,'<i>\1</i>') txt.gsub!(/[*!]{(.+?)}[*!]/,'<b>\1</b>') txt.gsub!(/_{(.+?)}_/,'<u>\1</u>') txt.gsub!(/-{(.+?)}-/,'<del>\1</del>') txt.gsub!(/<br(?: \/)?>/,'<br />') txt.gsub!(/ & /,' and ') @@xml[:head] <<<<WOK #{@tab}<header class="#{meta.attrib}"> #{@tab*2}<#{meta.el}> #{@tab*3}#{txt} #{@tab*2}</#{meta.el}> #{@tab}</header> WOK end def xml_sc(md='') sc=if @md.sc_info <<WOK <source_control> <sc class="sourcefile"> #{@md.sc_filename} </sc> <sc class="number"> #{@md.sc_number} </sc> <sc class="date"> #{@md.sc_date} </sc> </source_control> WOK else '' end @@xml[:sc]=sc end def xml_structure(para='',lv='',hname='') #extracted endnotes lv=lv.to_i lv=nil if lv==0 embedded_endnotes(para) if para[@regx] paragraph="#{para[@regx,2]}" util=SiSU_TextUtils::Wrap.new(paragraph,70) wrapped=util.line_wrap end @@xml[:body] << "#{@tab*0}<object>" if para[@regx] @@xml[:body] << "#{@tab*1}" << "\n" if para[@regx] @@xml[:body] << if lv; %{#{@tab*1}<text class="h#{lv}">\n#{@tab*2}#{wrapped}\n#{@tab*1}</text>\n} << "\n" elsif wrapped =~/\A%%?\s+/; %{<!--\n#{@tab*1}<text class="comment">\n#{@tab*2}#{wrapped}\n#{@tab*1}</text>\n-->\n} # comments else %{#{@tab*1}<text class="norm">\n#{@tab*2}#{wrapped}\n#{@tab*1}</text>\n} # main text, contents, body KEEP end @@xml[:body] << "#{@endnotes}" if @endnotes # main text, endnotes KEEP @@xml[:body] << "#{@tab*0}</object>" << "\n" if para[@regx] @endnotes=[] end def block_structure(para='') para.gsub!(/<:block(?:-end)?>/,'') para.strip! @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*0}<object>} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*1}<text class="block">#{@tab*1}\n} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*2}#{para}#{@tab*1}\n} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*1}</text>\n} @@xml[:body] << "#{@tab*0}</object>" end def group_structure(para='') para.gsub!(/<:group(?:-end)?>/,'') para.strip! @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*0}<object>} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*1}<text class="group">#{@tab*1}\n} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*2}#{para}#{@tab*1}\n} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*1}</text>\n} @@xml[:body] << "#{@tab*0}</object>" end def poem_structure(para='') para.gsub!(/<:verse(?:-end)?>/,'') para.strip! @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*0}<object>} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*1}<text class="verse">#{@tab*1}\n} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*2}#{para}#{@tab*1}\n} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*1}</text>\n} @@xml[:body] << "#{@tab*0}</object>" << "\n" end def code_structure(para='') para.gsub!(/<:code(?:-end)?>/,'') para.strip! @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*0}<object>} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*1}<text class="code">#{@tab*1}\n} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*2}#{para}#{@tab*1}\n} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*1}</text>\n} @@xml[:body] << "#{@tab*0}</object>" << "\n" end def table_structure(table='') #tables @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*0}<object>} @@xml[:body] << %{#{@tab*1}#{table}\n#{@tab*1}\n} # unless lv # main text, contents, body KEEP @@xml[:body] << "#{@tab*0}</object>" << "\n" #if para[@regx] @endnotes=[] end def tidywords(wordlist) wordlist.each do |x| x.gsub!(/&/,'&') unless x =~/&\S+;/ end end def xml_clean(para) para.gsub!(/#{Mx[:gl_o]}[1-9]:\S*?#{Mx[:gl_c]}/,'') #Danger, watch para end def markup data=[] xml_sc(@md) @endnotes,@level,@cont,@copen,@xml_contents_close=[],[],[],[],[] @rcdc=false (0..6).each { |x| @cont[x]=@level[x]=false } (4..6).each { |x| @xml_contents_close[x]='' } @data.each do |para| data << SiSU_AO_DocumentStructureExtract::Structure.new(@md,para).structure #takes on Mx marks end data.each do |para| if para !~/^\s*(?:%+ |<:code>)/ if @md.sem_tag and para =~/[:;]\{|\}[:;]/ para=@trans.xml_semantic_tags(para) end if para =~/[:;]\{|\}[:;]/ para=SiSU_Sem::Tags.new(para,@md).rm.all end end para=@trans.markup_light(para) @trans.char_enc.utf8(para) if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i #% utf8 para.gsub!(/^@(\S+?):/,"#{Mx[:lv_o]}@\\1#{Mx[:lv_c]}") if para =~/\A#{Mx[:lv_o]}@(\S+?)#{Mx[:lv_c]}\s*(.+?)\Z/m # for headers d_meta=SiSU_TextUtils::HeaderScan.new(@md,para).meta if d_meta; xml_head(d_meta) end end para='' if para=~/#{Mx[:lv_o]}@\S+?#{Mx[:lv_c]}/ if @rcdc==false \ and (para =~/~metadata/ or para =~/^1~meta\s+Document Information/) @rcdc=true end if para !~/(^@\S+?:|^\s*$|<ENDNOTES>|<EOF>)/ @sto=SiSU_text_parts::SplitTextObject.new(@md,para).lev_segname_para unless @rcdc SiSU_XML_Format::FormatScroll.new(@md,@sto.text) if @sto.format =~/i[1-9]|ordinary/ case @sto.format when /^(1):(\S*)/ xml_clean(para) xml_structure(para,$1,$2) para=@sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body1 when /^(2):(\S*)/ xml_clean(para) xml_structure(para,$1,$2) para=@sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body2 when /^(3):(\S*)/ xml_clean(para) xml_structure(para,$1,$2) para=@sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body3 when /^(4):(\S*)/ # work on see SplitTextObject xml_clean(para) xml_structure(para,$1,$2) para=@sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body4 when /^(5):(\S*)/ xml_clean(para) xml_structure(para,$1,$2) para=@sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body5 when /^(6):(\S*)/ xml_clean(para) xml_structure(para,$1,$2) para=@sto.lev_para_ocn.heading_body6 else if para =~ /<:verse>/ para=poem_structure(para) elsif para =~ /<:group>/ para=group_structure(para) elsif para =~ /<:code>/ para.gsub!(/</,'<') para.gsub!(/>/,'>') para=code_structure(para) elsif para =~/<!Th?.+/ # tables come as single block #work area 2005w13 table=SiSU_Tables::TableXML.new(para) para=table.table_split para=table_structure(para) else xml_structure(para,nil,nil) end end if para =~/<a name="n\d+">/ \ and para =~/^(-\{{2}~\d+|<!e[:_]\d+!>)/ # -endnote para='' end if para =~/.*<:#>.*$/ para=case para when /<:i1>/ format_text=FormatTextObject.new(para,'') format_text.scr_inden_ocn_e_no_paranum when /<:i2>/ format_text=FormatTextObject.new(para,'') format_text.scr_inden_ocn_e_no_paranum end end if para =~/<:center>/ one,two=/(.*)<:center>(.*)/.match(para)[1,2] format_text=FormatTextObject.new(one,two) para=format_text.center end end para.gsub!(/<:\S+?>/,'') para.gsub!(/<!.+!>/,'') ## Clean Prepared Text #bugwatch reinstate para end para end 6.downto(4) do |x| y=x - 1; v=x - 3 @@xml[:body] << "#{@tab*5}</content>\n#{@tab*y}</contents#{v}>\n" if @level[x]==true end 3.downto(1) do |x| y=x - 1 @@xml[:body] << "#{@tab*y}</heading#{x}>\n" if @level[x]==true end end def pre rdf=SiSU_XML_Tags::RDF.new(@md) dir=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new @@xml[:head],@@xml[:body]=[],[] css=SiSU_Env::CSS_Select.new(@md).xml_sax encoding=if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i then '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>' else '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>' end @@xml[:open] =<<WOK #{encoding} <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="../#{dir.path.style}/#{css}"?> #{rdf.comment_xml_sax} <document> WOK @@xml[:head] << "<head>\n" @@xml[:body] << "<body>\n" end def post @@xml[:head] << @@xml[:sc] @@xml[:head] << "</head>\n" @@xml[:body] << "</body>\n" @@xml[:close] = "</document>\n" end def publish content=[] content << @@xml[:open] << @@xml[:head] << @@xml[:body] << @@xml[:metadata] content << @@xml[:owner_details] if @md.stmp =~/\w\w/ content << @@xml[:tail] << @@xml[:close] Output.new(content.join,@md).xml @@xml={} end end class Output def initialize(data,md) @data,@md=data,md end def xml @sisu=[] @data.each do |para| para.gsub!(/<:\S+?>/,'') para.gsub!(/<!.+?!>/,'') para="#{para}\n" unless para.empty? @sisu << para end new_file_data=@sisu.join @sisu=new_file_data.scan(/.+/) SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md).mkdir filename_sxm=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md,@md.fn[:sxs]).mkfile_pwd if filename_sxm.is_a?(File) @sisu.each {|para| filename_sxm.puts para} filename_sxm.close else puts 'file not created, is directory writable?' end end end class Tidy def initialize(md,dir) @md,@env=md,dir @prog=SiSU_Env::InfoProgram.new end def xml if @prog.tidy !=false #note values can be other than true if (@md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @md.opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'invert', 'Using XML Tidy', 'check document structure' ).colorize unless @md.opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @md.opt.act[:color_state][:set], '', '', 'check document structure' ) tell.grey_open unless @md.opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on tidyfile='/dev/null' #don't want one or screen output, check for alternative flags tidy =SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new("#{Dir.pwd}/#{@md.fn[:sxs]}",tidyfile) tidy.well_formed? tell.p_off unless @md.opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on end end end end end end __END__ #+END_SRC * sst_identify_markup.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/sst_identify_markup.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Markup class MarkupInform attr_accessor :version def initialize(version,message,declared_markup='',declared_type='') @version,@message,@declared_markup,@declared_type=version,message,declared_markup,declared_type end def version @version end def message @message end def declared_version @declared_markup end def declared_type @declared_type end def history MarkupHistory.new(@version).query end end class MarkupIdentify def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @description='This is a script attempts to identify the version of markup used in SiSU (and provides information on changes in markup)' end def help print <<WOK #{@description} WOK exit end def identify f=@opt.fns if f =~/(?:\.sst|\.ssm|\.ssi|\.s[123])$/ \ and File.exist?(f) file=File.open(f,'r') cont=file.readlines file.close links,oldlinks='','' markup=nil @declared_type,@declared_markup='[text?]','' if cont[0] =~ /^(?:%\s+)?SiSU\s+(text|master|insert)\s+([0-9](?:\.[0-9]+){1,2})/ \ or cont[0] =~ /^(?:%\s+)?sisu-([0-9](?:\.[0-9]+){1,2})/ @declared_type,@declared_markup=$1,$2 elsif cont[0] =~ /^(?:%\s+)?SiSU\s+([0-9](?:\.[0-9]+){1,2})/ \ or cont[0] =~ /^(?:%\s+)?sisu-([0-9](?:\.[0-9]+){1,2})/ @declared_markup=$1 end @flag_2_0,@flag_1_0,@flag_69,@flag_66,@flag_57,@flag_38=false,false,false,false,false,false cont.each_with_index do |y,i| if y =~/^(?:0\{?~links?|@links?:)\s/ \ and f =~/(?:\.sst|\.ssm|\.ssi|\.s[123])/ links=unless y =~/\{.+?\}\S+/; oldlinks=' (pre 0.20.4 header links)' else ' (post 0.20.4 header links)' end end if @flag_2_0 \ or y =~/^@make:|^@classify|^\s\s?:[a-z_-]+?:\s+\S/ version=2.0.to_f markup=MarkupInform.new(version,'2.0' + oldlinks,@declared_markup,@declared_type) @flag_2_0=true break end unless @flag_38 if (y =~/^:?A~/ and f =~/(?:\.sst|\.ssm|\.ssi)/) version='0.38' markup=MarkupInform.new(version,'0.38' + oldlinks,@declared_markup,@declared_type) @flag_38=true end end if @flag_38 if @flag_1_0 \ or y =~/^=\{.+?\}\s*$/ version='0.69' markup=MarkupInform.new(version,'0.69' + oldlinks,@declared_markup,@declared_type) @flag_1_0=true break end if @flag_66 \ or y =~/[a-z+][:;]\{.+?\}[:;][a-z+]/ version='0.66' markup=MarkupInform.new(version,'0.66' + oldlinks,@declared_markup,@declared_type) @flag_66=true break end end end unless @flag_2_0 \ or @flag_1_0 \ or @flag_66 cont.each_with_index do |y,i| if y =~/^(?:0\{?~links?|@links?:)\s/ \ and f =~/(?:\.sst|\.ssm|\.ssi|\.s[123])/ links=unless y =~/\{.+?\}\S+/; oldlinks=' (pre 0.20.4 header links)' else ' (post 0.20.4 header links)' end end if @flag_57 \ or (y =~/^:?A~\?? @title/ and f =~/(?:\.sst|\.ssm|\.ssi)/) version='0.57' markup=MarkupInform.new(version,'0.57' + oldlinks,@declared_markup,@declared_type) @flag_57=true break end if @flag_38 \ or (y =~/^:?A~/ and f =~/(?:\.sst|\.ssm|\.ssi)/) version='0.38' markup=MarkupInform.new(version,'0.38' + oldlinks,@declared_markup,@declared_type) @flag_38=true break if i >= 200 if y =~ /(?:~{\*+|~\[\*|~\[\+)\s/ version='0.42' markup=MarkupInform.new(version,'0.42' + oldlinks,@declared_markup,@declared_type) break end end if (y =~/^1~/ and f =~/(?:\.sst|\.ssm|\.ssi)/) \ and not @flag_38 version='0.37' markup=MarkupInform.new(version,'0.37 is substantially 0.16 - 0.36 markup with new file-extension' + oldlinks,@declared_markup,@declared_type) break end if y =~/^1~/ \ and f =~/\.([rs])([123])/ \ and not @flag_38 t,n=$1,$2 version='0.16' instruct=if t =~/r/ " (change file extension from .#{t}#{n} to .ssm)" else " (change file extension from .#{t}#{n} to .sst)" end markup=MarkupInform.new(version,'0.16 - 0.36' + instruct + links,@declared_markup,@declared_type) break end if y =~/^0\{~/ \ and not @flag_38 version='0.1' markup=MarkupInform.new(version,'0.1 - 0.15',@declared_markup,@declared_type) break end if y =~/^0\{{3}/ \ and not @flag_38 markup=MarkupInform.new('circa. 1997','old, check date',@declared_markup,@declared_type) break end markup='Not a recognised file type ' end end markup else MarkupHistory.new(@opt).help_query end end def determine_markup_version if @opt.fns.nil? \ or @opt.fns.empty? MarkupHistory.new(@opt).help_identify end if File.exist?(@opt.fns) if @opt.fns =~/\.(?:sst|ssm|ssi|s[123i]|r[123])/ markup=identify #(@opt.fns) if defined? markup.version unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on message=unless markup.declared_version.empty? "#{@opt.fns}\n markup Type Declared as SiSU #{markup.declared_version} #{markup.declared_type}\n appears to be SiSU #{markup.version}" else "Markup Type Appears to be SiSU #{markup.version}\n in file #{@opt.fns}" end puts message puts %{"sisu --query-#{markup.version}" for a brief description of markup type} end end else puts 'file-type not recognised: ' + @opt.fns end else puts 'file not found: ' + @opt.fns end (defined? markup.version) \ ? markup.version : 'markup type/version not determined' end def markup_version? if @opt.fns.empty? @opt.files.each do |fns| @opt.fns=fns determine_markup_version end else determine_markup_version end end end class MarkupHistory def initialize(opt) @opt=opt end def sisu_3_0 <<WOK SiSU 3.0 same as 2.0, apart from change to headers see document markup samples, and sisu --help headers WOK end def sisu_2_0 <<WOK SiSU 2.0 same as 1.0, apart from the changing of headers and the addition of a monospace tag related headers now grouped, e.g. @title: :subtitle: @creator: :author: :translator: :illustrator: see document markup samples, and sisu --help headers the monospace tag takes the form of a has '#' \#{ this enclosed text would be monospaced }# WOK end def sisu_1_0 <<WOK SiSU 1.0 same as 0.69 WOK end def sisu_0_69 <<WOK SiSU 0.69 (same as 1.0) as previous (0.57) with the addition of book index tags /^=\{.+?\}$/ e.g. appended to a paragraph, on a new-line (without a blank line in between) logical structure produced assuming this is the first text "object" ={GNU/Linux community distribution:Debian+2|Fedora|Gentoo;Free Software Foundation+5} Free Software Foundation, 1-6 GNU/Linux community distribution, 1 Debian, 1-3 Fedora, 1 Gentoo, WOK end def sisu_0_66 <<WOK SiSU 0.66 same as previous, adds semantic tags /[:;]\{.+?\}[:;][a-z+]/ e.g. :{ Ralph last;{Amissah};last }:author WOK end def sisu_0_65 <<WOK SiSU 0.65 same as previous, adds semantic tags /[a-z+][:;]\{.+?\}[:;][a-z+]/ e.g. author:{ Ralph last;{Amissah};last }:author WOK end def sisu_0_57 <<WOK SiSU 0.57 (a subset of 1.0) is the same as 0.42 with the introduction of some a shortcut to use the headers @title and @creator in the first heading [expanded using the contents of the headers @title: and @author:] :A~ @title by @author WOK end def sisu_0_42 <<WOK SiSU 0.42 (a subset of 1.0) is the same as 0.38 with the introduction of some additional endnote types, Introduces some varations on endnotes, in particular the use of the asterisk ~{* for example for describing an author }~ and ~{** for describing a second author }~ * for example for describing an author ** for describing a second author and ~[* my note ]~ or ~[+ another note ]~ which numerically increments an asterisk and plus respectively *1 my note +1 another note WOK end def sisu_0_38 <<WOK SiSU 0.38 (a subset of 1.0) introduced alternative experimental header and heading/structure markers, @headername: and headers :A~ :B~ :C~ 1~ 2~ 3~ as the equivalent of (the superceded) 0~headername and headers 1~ 2~ 3~ 4~ 5~ 6~ The internal document markup of SiSU 0.16 remains valid and standard Though note that SiSU 0.37 introduced a new file naming convention SiSU has in effect two sets of levels to be considered, using 0.38 notation A-C headings/levels, pre-ordinary paragraphs /pre-substantive text, and 1-3 headings/levels, levels which are followed by ordinary text. This may be conceptualised as levels A,B,C, 1,2,3, and using such letter number notation, in effect: A must exist, optional B and C may follow in sequence (not strict) 1 must exist, optional 2 and 3 may follow in sequence i.e. there are two independent heading level sequences A,B,C and 1,2,3 (using the 0.16 standard notation 1,2,3 and 4,5,6) on the positive side: * the 0.38 A,B,C,1,2,3 alternative makes explicit an aspect of structuring documents in SiSU that is not otherwise obvious to the newcomer (though it appears more complicated, is more in your face and likely to be understood fairly quickly) * the substantive text follows levels 1,2,3 and it is 'nice' to do most work in those levels WOK end def sisu_0_37 <<WOK SiSU 0.37 introduced the file naming convention, that remains in use in SiSU v1 and v2, using the file extensions .sst .ssm and .ssi to replace .s1 .s2 .s3 .r1 .r2 .r3 and .si this is captured by the following file 'rename' instruction: rename 's/\.s[123]$/\.sst/' *.s{1,2,3} rename 's/\.r[123]$/\.ssm/' *.r{1,2,3} rename 's/\.si$/\.ssi/' *.si The internal document markup remains unchanged, from SiSU 0.16 WOK end def sisu_0_16 <<WOK SiSU 0.16 (0.15 development branch) introduced the use of the header 0~ and headings/structure 1~ 2~ 3~ 4~ 5~ 6~ in place of the 0.1 header, heading/structure notation WOK end def sisu_0_1 <<WOK SiSU 0.1 headers and headings structure represented by header 0{~ and headings/structure 1{ 2{ 3{ 4{~ 5{ 6{ WOK end def help_query <<WOK sisu --query=[sisu version [0.38] or 'history] provides a short history of changes to SiSU markup WOK end def help_identify <<WOK sisu --identify [filename] attempts to identify the SiSU markup used in a file WOK end def query tell=if @opt.selections.str =~/--query/ tell=case @opt.selections.str when /history/ "#{sisu_3_0}#{sisu_2_0}#{sisu_1_0}#{sisu_0_69}#{sisu_0_66}#{sisu_0_57}#{sisu_0_42}#{sisu_0_38}\n#{sisu_0_37}\n#{sisu_0_16}\n#{sisu_0_1}" when /3.0/ "#{sisu_3_0}#{sisu_2_0}#{sisu_1_0}#{sisu_0_69}#{sisu_0_66}#{sisu_0_57}#{sisu_0_42}#{sisu_0_38}#{sisu_0_16}" when /2.0/ "#{sisu_2_0}#{sisu_1_0}#{sisu_0_69}#{sisu_0_66}#{sisu_0_57}#{sisu_0_42}#{sisu_0_38}#{sisu_0_16}" when /1.0/ "#{sisu_1_0}#{sisu_0_69}#{sisu_0_66}#{sisu_0_57}#{sisu_0_42}#{sisu_0_38}#{sisu_0_16}" when /0.69/ "#{sisu_0_69}#{sisu_0_66}#{sisu_0_57}#{sisu_0_42}#{sisu_0_38}#{sisu_0_16}" when /0.66/ "#{sisu_0_66}#{sisu_0_57}#{sisu_0_42}#{sisu_0_38}#{sisu_0_16}" when /0.65/ "#{sisu_0_65}#{sisu_0_57}#{sisu_0_42}#{sisu_0_38}#{sisu_0_16}" when /0.57/ "#{sisu_0_57}#{sisu_0_42}#{sisu_0_38}#{sisu_0_16}" when /0.42/ "#{sisu_0_42}#{sisu_0_38}#{sisu_0_16}" when /0.38/ "#{sisu_0_38}#{sisu_0_16}" when /0.37/ "#{sisu_0_37}\n#{sisu_0_16}" when /0.1[6-9]|0.2[0-9]|0.3[0-6]/ "#{sisu_0_16}\n#{sisu_0_1}" when /0.[1-9]|0.1[1-4]/ sisu_0_1 else puts "NOT RECOGNISED: #{@opt.selections.str}" help_query end tell else help_query end end end end __END__ #%% to use as independent program -------------------------> f=$* cf=f[0].to_s f.shift match_and_replace=[] unless f.length > 0; f=Dir.glob("[a-z]*.ss?") #restricted to sisu type files, it need not be end puts "SiSU files:" puts f f.each do |x| SiSU_Markup::MarkupIdentify.new(x).markup_version? end #+END_SRC * sst_do_inline_footnotes.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/sst_do_inline_footnotes.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_ConvertFootnotes require_relative 'se' # se.rb include SiSU_Env require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb include SiSU_Param require_relative 'ao_syntax' # ao_syntax.rb include SiSU_AO_Syntax require_relative 'i18n' # i18n.rb class Instantiate < SiSU_Param::Parameters::Instructions @@flag={} #Beware!! def initialize @@flag['table_to']=false @@counter=@@column=@@columns=@@flag_vocab=0 @@endnote={} @@endnote_array=@@word_mode=[] @@endnote_call_counter=1 @@line_mode='' end end class Source <Instantiate @@ao_array=[] @@fns=nil def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @@fns||@opt.fns @my_make=SiSU_Env::CreateFile.new(@opt.fns) @fnm=SiSU_Env::InfoFile.new(@opt.fns).marshal.ao_content end def read #creates ao begin @@ao_array=[] @@fns=@opt.fns create_ao rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure Instantiate.new end end def get #reads ao, unless does not exist then creates first begin ao=[] unless @@fns==@opt.fns @@fns=@opt.fns @@ao_array=[] end ao=(@@ao_array.empty?) \ ? read_fnm : @@ao_array.dup #check rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure Instantiate.new end end protected def create_ao ao_array=[] SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], 'convert footnotes' ).green_title_hi unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on file_array=IO.readlines(@opt.fns,'') file_array.each do |l| if l =~/\r\n/ then l.gsub!(/\r\n/,"\n") end end meta=file_array.dup meta=meta.join.split("\n\n") #check whether can be eliminated, some of these are large objects to have twice @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters::Instructions.new(meta,@opt).extract if @md.en[:mismatch]==0 \ or @md.opt.selections.str =~/=footnotes-force/ meta=nil ao=SiSU_ConvertFootnotes::Make.new(@md,file_array).song SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], @opt.fns, "#{@md.fns}.fn" ).output if @md.opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], "#{@md.fns}.fn -> #{@md.fns}.fn" ).txt_red unless @md.opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on ao.each {|s| ao_array << "#{s.strip}\n\n" unless s.strip.empty?} ao_array else SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @md.opt.act[:color_state][:set], '*WARN* no footnote conversion done, problem with source file', 'to override use --convert=footnote-force (this is not advised)' ).warn unless @md.opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on '' end end def read_fnm ao=[] ao=(FileTest.file?(@fnm)) \ ? (File.open(@fnm){ |f| ao=Marshal.load(f)}) : (SiSU_ConvertFootnotes::Source.new(@opt).create_ao) #watch end end class Output def initialize(md,data) @md,@data=md,data @my_make=SiSU_Env::CreateFile.new(@md.fns) SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns) @hard="#{Dir.pwd}/#{@md.fns}.fn" end def hard_output filename_note=@my_make.file_note @data.each {|s| filename_note.puts s.strip + "\n\n" unless s.strip.empty?} end end class Make @@endnote={} @@endnote_array=@@word_mode=[] @@endnote_call_counter=1 @@comment='%' @@flag={ ['table_to']=>false } def initialize(md,data) @md,@data=md,data @@word_mode=[] @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns) l=SiSU_Env::StandardiseLanguage.new(@md.opt.lng).language @language=l[:n] @translate=SiSU_Translate::Source.new(@md,@language) end def reset @@counter=@@column=@@columns=@@flag_vocab=0 @@endnote={} @@endnote_array=@@word_mode=[] @@endnote_call_counter=1 @@line_mode='' end def song reset data=@data @metafile="#{@env.processing_path.ao}/#{@md.fns}.meta" SiSU_Env::CreateFile.new(@md.fns) data=data.join.split("\n\n") data_new=[] data.each do |x| data_new << (x =~ /\n\n/m) \ ? (x.split(/\n\n+/)) : x end data=data_new.flatten data=SiSU_ConvertFootnotes::Make.new(@md,data).character_check data=SiSU_ConvertFootnotes::Make.new(@md,data).endnotes SiSU_ConvertFootnotes::Output.new(@md,data).hard_output reset data end protected def vocabulary data=@data tuned_file,vocab_insert=[],[] data.each do |para| if para =~/^1~/ \ and @@flag_vocab==0 vocab_insert << '@vocabulary: lex' << "\n\n" << para tuned_file << vocab_insert unless para.nil? @@flag_vocab=1 else tuned_file << para unless para.nil? end end tuned_file end def character_check reset data=@data @tuned_file=[] endnote_no=1 data.each do |para| para.strip! para.gsub!(/^[{~}]\s*$/,'') para.gsub!(/^#{@@comment}.*/,'') #remove comment and divider #% para.gsub!(/<~#>|~#\s*/,'~#') para.gsub!(/-#\s*/,'-#') para.gsub!(/(~\{ )\s+/,'\1') para.gsub!(/ \/\//,'<br />') #added 2004w29 para.gsub!(/<br>/,'<br />') #needed by xml, xhtml etc. para.gsub!(/`/,"'") para.gsub!(/\342\200\231/,"'") #if para =~/’/ #Avoid #‘ ’ #“ ” para.gsub!(/\t/,' ') para.gsub!(/�/,' ') #watch, replace with char code para.gsub!(/[“”]/,'""') para.gsub!(/[–—]/,'-') #— – chk para.gsub!(/·/,'*') para.gsub!(/\\copy(?:right)?\b/,'©') para.gsub!(/\\trademark\b|\\tm\b/,'®') para.gsub!(/\44/,'$') #$ watch para=para + "\n" case para when /\^~/ # endnotes #% Note must do this first (earlier loop) and then enter gathered data into ~^\d+ sub_para=para.dup @@endnote_array << sub_para.gsub!(/\n/,'').gsub!(/\^~\s+(.+)\s*/,'~{ \1 }~').strip endnote_no+=1 para=nil if para =~/\^~ .+/ #removes 'binary' endnote now in endnote array for later insertion end @tuned_file << para unless para.nil? end @tuned_file end def name_endnote_seg data=@data @tuned_file=[] data.each do |para| para.gsub!(/<:3>\s*<:ee>/, "#{@@endnote['special_align']} <p /><br />\r " + "#{@@endnote['seg_name_3']} <p /> " + "#{@@endnote['special_align_close']}") para.gsub!(/<:2>\s*<:ee>/, "#{@@endnote['special_align']} <p /><br />\r " + "#{@@endnote['seg_name_2']} <p />" + "#{@@endnote['special_align_close']}") para.gsub!(/<:1>\s*<:ee>/, "#{@@endnote['special_align']} <p /><br />\r " + "#{@@endnote['seg_name_1']} <p /> " + "#{@@endnote['special_align_close']}") @tuned_file << para end if @md.flag_auto_endnotes \ and @md.flag_separate_endnotes_make @tuned_file << "\n1~endnotes Endnotes" #prob numbering, revisit end @tuned_file << "\n<ENDNOTES>" @tuned_file end def owner_details_seg data << '1~owner.details Owner Details' end def number_sub_heading(para,num,title_no) case para when /#{num}~- / then para.gsub!(/#{num}~- /,"#{title_no} ") when /^#{num}~#\s*/ then para.gsub!(/^#{num}~#\s*/,"#{title_no} ") when /^#{num}~[a-z_\.]+ / para.gsub!(/^#{num}~([a-z_\.]+)\s+(.+)/i,%{#{num}~\\1 #{title_no} \\2 <:name##{title_no}>}) else para.gsub!(/^#{num}~ /,"#{num}~#{title_no} #{title_no} ") #main end if @md.toc_lev_limit \ and @md.toc_lev_limit < num para.gsub!(/^[2-6]~(?:~\S+)?\s*/,'!_ ') end para end def set_heading_top #% make sure no false positives unless @md.set_heading_top if (@md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) puts "\tdocument contains no top level heading, (will have to manufacture one)" end data=@data @tuned_file=[] data.each do |para| unless @md.set_heading_top if para !~/^(?:@\S+:|0~\S+)\s/m \ and para !~/\A\s*\Z/m @md.set_heading_top=true head=(@md.title.full) \ ? (":A~ #{@md.title.full}") : (':A~ [no title provided]') @tuned_file << head end end @tuned_file << para end @tuned_file end end def set_heading_seg #% make sure no false positives unless @md.set_heading_seg if (@md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) puts "\tdocument contains no segment level, (will have to manufacture one)" end data=@data @tuned_file=[] data.each do |para| unless @md.set_heading_seg if para !~/^(?:@\S+:|0~\S+|:[ABC]~)/m \ and para !~/\A\s*\Z/m \ and para !~/<:p[bn]>/ @md.set_heading_seg=true head=(@md.title.full) \ ? ("1~seg [#{@md.title.full}]") : ('1~seg [segment]') @tuned_file << head end end @tuned_file << para end @tuned_file end end def set_header_title #% make sure no false positives unless @md.set_header_title if (@md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) puts "\t no document title provided, (will have to manufacture one)" end data=@data @tuned_file=[] data.each do |para| unless @md.set_header_title if para !~/^%{1,2}\s/m \ and para !~/\A\s*\Z/m @tuned_file << "0~title #{@md.heading_seg_first}" @md.title.full=@md.heading_seg_first @md.set_header_title=true end end @tuned_file << para end @tuned_file end end def endnotes #% endnote work zone data=@data @tuned_file=[] endnote_ref=1 data.each do |para| case para # manually numbered endnotes <!e(\d)!> <!e_(\d)!> --> when /~\{\s+.+?\}~/ # auto-numbered endnotes <!e!> <!e_!> --> para.gsub!(/\s*\}~/,' }~') # required 2003w31 @word_mode=para.scan(/\S+/) word_mode=SiSU_ConvertFootnotes::Make.new(@md,@word_mode).endnote_call_number para=word_mode.join(' ') endnote_ref+=1 when /~\^(?:\s|$)|<:e>/ #%Note inserts endnotes previously gathered from /^(<!e[:_]!>|[-~]\{{3})/ (in earlier loop) word_mode=para.scan(/\S+/) word_mode=SiSU_ConvertFootnotes::Make.new(@md,word_mode).endnote_call_number para=word_mode.join(' ') endnote_ref+=1 end @tuned_file << para end @tuned_file end def endnote_call_number data=@data data.each do |word| case word when /~\{/ unless word =~/~\{\*+/ @@endnote_call_counter+=1 end when /~\^|<:e>/ word.gsub!(/~\^|<:e>/,"#{@@endnote_array[@@endnote_call_counter-1]}") @@endnote_call_counter+=1 end end end def strip_clean_extra_spaces(s) # ao output tuned s=s.dup s=s.gsub(/[ ]+([,.;:?](?:$|\s))/,'\1') s=s.gsub(/ [ ]+/,' ') s=s.gsub(/^ [ ]+/,'') s=s.gsub(/ [ ]+$/,'') s=s.gsub(/(<\/[bi]>')[ ]+(s )/,'\1\2') end def strip_clean_of_markup(s) # used for digest, define rules, make same as in db clean s=s.dup s=s.gsub(/(?:<\/?[ib]>|^:[A-C]~\S+|^[1-6]~\S+|~\{\d+\s.+?\}~)/,'') # markup and endnotes removed #% same as db clean --> s=s.gsub(/<del>(.+?)<\/del>/,'DELETED(\1)') # deletions s=s.gsub(/<sup>(\d+)<\/sup>/,'[\1]') s=s.gsub(/(?: \\;|#{Mx[:nbsp]})+/,' ') #checking source Mx not necessary s=s.gsub(/\{.+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif).+?\}(?:https?|file|ftp)\\\:\S+ /,' [image] ') # else image names found in search s=s.gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}.+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif).+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}/,' [image] ') # else image names found in search, re-check s=s.gsub(/\s\s+/,' ') s=s.strip end end end __END__ @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::CombinedSingleton.instance.get_all(opt) ao_array=@particulars.ao_array # ao file drawn here #+END_SRC * sst_convert_markup.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/sst_convert_markup.rb" # <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_Modify require_relative 'sst_identify_markup' # sst_identify_markup.rb require_relative 'sst_from_xml' # sst_from_xml.rb require_relative 'utils_response' # utils_response.rb class ConvertMarkup include SiSU_Response def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @description='This is a script that contains canned text conversions for reuse' @warn='WARNING, PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK, will make file changes.' end def current_match_and_replace convert_37_to_38 end def message(text) response='' unless @opt.cmd=~/QQ/ \ or @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on response=response?(%{#{ text}\nProceed? }) end end def help print <<WOK #{@description} sisu --convert --to38 [filename/wildcard] converts pre 0.37 sisu markup to 0.38 experimental [--37to38] sisu --convert --to37 [filename/wildcard] converts pre 0.37 sisu markup to 0.38 experimental [--38to37] sisu --convert --36to37 [filename/wildcard] converts pre 0.36 file-name, to 0.37 file-name [--36to37] sisu --identify [filename] attempts to identify markup version used in file sisu --query [version number] gives short summary of distinguishing characteristic of that version of markup WOK exit end #%% substitutions to be made def convert_37_to_38 message("#{@warn}\nConvert sisu markup from 0.37 to 0.38") [ [/^0~(\S+?)([+-])\s+/, '@\1:\2 ', //], [/^0~(\S+)\s+/, '@\1: ', //], [/^@toc:\s+/, '@structure: ', //], [/^1~/, ':A~', //], [/^2~/, ':B~', //], [/^3~/, ':C~', //], [/^4~/, '1~', //], [/^5~/, '2~', //], [/^6~/, '3~', //], [/^7~/, '4~', //], [/^8~/, '5~', //], [/^9~/, '6~', //], [/1/, ':A', /^@(?:level|markup):\s/], [/2/, ':B', /^@(?:level|markup):\s/], [/3/, ':C', /^@(?:level|markup):\s/], [/4/, '1', /^@(?:level|markup):\s/], [/5/, '2', /^@(?:level|markup):\s/], [/6/, '3', /^@(?:level|markup):\s/] ] end def convert_38_to_37 message("#{@warn}\nConvert sisu markup from 0.38 to 0.37") [ [/^@(\S+?):([+-])\s+/, '0~\1\2 ', //], [/^@(\S+?):\s+/, '0~\1 ', //], [/^0~structure\s+/, '0~toc ', //], [/^1~/, '4~', //], [/^2~/, '5~', //], [/^3~/, '6~', //], [/^4~/, '7~', //], [/^5~/, '8~', //], [/^6~/, '9~', //], [/^:?A~/, '1~', //], [/^:?B~/, '2~', //], [/^:?C~/, '3~', //], [/1/, '4', /^0~(?:level|markup)\s/], [/2/, '5', /^0~(?:level|markup)\s/], [/3/, '6', /^0~(?:level|markup)\s/], [/:?A/, '1', /^0~(?:level|markup)\s/], [/:?B/, '2', /^0~(?:level|markup)\s/], [/:?C/, '3', /^0~(?:level|markup)\s/] ] end def convert_filename_36_to_37 @opt.files.each do |f| s=case f when /(\.s[1-3])$/ then f.sub($1,'.sst') when /(\.r[1-3])$/ then f.sub($1,'.ssm') when /(\.ri)$/ then f.sub($1,'.ssi') else f end pwd=Dir.pwd unless f==s unless File.exist?("#{pwd}/#{s}") puts "./#{f} -> ./#{s}" FileUtils::cp("#{pwd}/#{f}","#{pwd}/#{s}") else "File already exists, < #{s} > will not overwrite" end end end end def convert_to_simple_xml_model_sax SiSU_SimpleXML_ModelSax::Convert.new(@opt).read end def convert_to_simple_xml_model_dom SiSU_simple_xml_model_dom::Convert.new(@opt).read end def convert_to_simple_xml_model_node SiSU_simple_xml_model_node::Convert.new(@opt).read end def convert_kdi_to_sst SiSU_Kdissert::Convert.new(@opt).read end def convert_s_xml_to_sst SiSU_sstFromXML::Convert.new(@opt).read end def convert_footnotes require_relative 'sst_do_inline_footnotes' SiSU_ConvertFootnotes::Source.new(@opt).read end def conversion #%% do it --------------------------> if @opt.files \ and @opt.files.length > 0 mr=nil #%% changes to make m match, r replace --------------------------> if @opt.selections.str =~/--help/ then help elsif @opt.selections.str =~/(?:convert|to)[=-](?:xml |sxs|sax|sxd|dom|sxn|node)/ ext=case @opt.selections.str when /(?:convert|to)[=-](?:xml|sxs|sax)/ then '.sxs.xml' when /(?:convert|to)[=-](?:sxd|dom)/ then '.sxd.xml' when /(?:convert|to)[=-](?:sxn|node)/ then '.sxn.xml' end message("#{@opt.files.inspect}\n\nWARNING, PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK,\noverwriting any equivalent file with the extension #{ext}") mr=case @opt.selections.str when /(?:convert|to)[=-](?:sxs|sax|xml )/ then convert_to_simple_xml_model_sax when /(?:convert|to)[=-](?:sxd|dom)/ then convert_to_simple_xml_model_dom when /(?:convert|to)[=-](?:sxn|node)/ then convert_to_simple_xml_model_node else help end else mr=case @opt.selections.str when /(?:(?:37)?to-?38|--(?:convert|to)[=-](?:current|0.38))/ then convert_37_to_38 when /(?:(?:38)?to-?37|--(?:convert|to)[=-](?:0.37))/ then convert_38_to_37 when /(?:36to37)/ then convert_filename_36_to_37 when /(?:convert|from)[=-]kdi/ then convert_kdi_to_sst when /(?:(?:convert|from)[=-])?(?:xml_to_sst|xml2sst|sxml|sxs|sxd|sxd)/ then convert_s_xml_to_sst when /(?:convert|to)[=-]footnotes/ then convert_footnotes when /convert|default/ then current_match_and_replace else help end end unless @opt.selections.str =~/kdi/ match_and_replace=mr #start_processing =/not used in this example/i end_processing =/END\s+OF\s+FILE/ i=@opt.fns if i =~/(?:\.sst|\.ssm|\.ssi)$/ @new,@matched,@flag_start,@flag_end,@empty1,@empty2=true,false,false,false,false,false o="#{i}.bk" #o is for old markup_version=SiSU_Markup::MarkupIdentify.new(@opt).markup_version? if (@opt.selections.str=~/37/ and markup_version=~/0.38/) \ or (@opt.selections.str=~/current|38/ and markup_version=~/0.37/) puts "#{i} #{markup_version}" file=File.open(i,'r') cont=file.readlines file.close cont.each do |y| match_and_replace.each do |m,r,w| if y =~m \ and y =~w if @new @new=false File.unlink(o) if File.exist?(o) File.rename(i,o) File.unlink(i) if File.exist?(i) @file=File.new(i,'w') @matched=true break end end end end if @matched puts "conversion match in #{i}" unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on @flag_start=true cont.each do |y| if y =~end_processing @flag_end=true end if @flag_start \ and not @flag_end match_and_replace.each do |m,r,w| if y =~m \ and y =~w puts m.inspect + ' -> ' + r unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on if (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) puts "in: #{y}" end y.gsub!(m,r) if m and r if (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) puts "out: #{y}" end end end end @empty1=(y=~/^\s*$/) \ ? true : false @file.puts y unless (@empty1==true and @empty2==true) @empty2=(y=~/^\s*$/) \ ? true : false end @file.close else puts "NO conversion match in #{i}" unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on end else if (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) puts "Requested conversion #{@opt.selections.str} markup #{markup_version} identified in #{i}" end end end end else puts 'this routine makes permanent changes to the contents of the files matched, as instructed within [no matches]' end end end end #%% files to match for this conversion set -------------------------> require_relative 'hub_options' # hub_options.rb argv=$* base_path=Dir.pwd @opt=SiSU_Commandline::Options.new(argv,base_path) case @opt.selections.str when /=kdi/ SiSU_Modify::ConvertMarkup.new(@opt).conversion when /(?:36|37|38)?to-?(?:37|38)|--convert|--to|--from|default/ @opt.files.each do |fns| @opt.fns=fns SiSU_Modify::ConvertMarkup.new(@opt).conversion end else @opt.selections.str='--help' SiSU_Modify::ConvertMarkup.new(@opt).help end __END__ #+END_SRC * document header #+NAME: sisu_document_header #+BEGIN_SRC text encoding: utf-8 - Name: SiSU - Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search sst - Author: Ralph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com> - Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved. - License: GPL 3 or later: SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be available at these locations: <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html> <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/en/manifest/gpl.fsf.html> - SiSU uses: - Standard SiSU markup syntax, - Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the - Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system - Homepages: <http://www.sisudoc.org> - Git <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/> <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/?p=software/sisu.git;a=summary> <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/?p=markup/sisu-markup-samples.git;a=summary> #+END_SRC