(emacs:evil mode gifts a "vim" of "alternative" powers! ;)

* Markup :sisu:markup:

** sisu

#% structure - headings, levels
  * headings (A-D, 1-3)
    * inline
      'A~ ' NOTE title level
      'B~ ' NOTE optional
      'C~ ' NOTE optional
      'D~ ' NOTE optional
      '1~ ' NOTE chapter level
      '2~ ' NOTE optional
      '3~ ' NOTE optional
      '4~ ' NOTE optional :consider:
  * node
    * parent
    * children

#% font face NOTE open & close marks, inline within paragraph
  * emphasize '*{ ... }*' NOTE configure whether bold italics or underscore, default bold
  * bold '!{ ... }!'
  * italics '/{ ... }/'
  * underscore '_{ ... }_'
  * superscript '^{ ... }^'
  * subscript ',{ ... },'
  * strike '-{ ... }-'
  * add '+{ ... }+'
  * monospace '#{ ... }#'
#% para NOTE paragraph controls are at the start of a paragraph
  * a para is a block of text separated from others by an empty line
  * indent
    * default, all '_1 ' up to '_9 '
    * first line hang '_1_0 '
    * first line indent further '_0_1 '
  * bullet
    [levels 1-6]
      '_* '
      '_1* '
      '_2* '
  * numbered list
    [levels 1-3]
      '# '

#% blocks NOTE text blocks that are not to be treated in the way that ordinary paragraphs would be
  * code
    * [type of markup if any]
  * poem
  * group
  * alt
  * tables
#% boxes
  NOTE grouped text with code block type color & possibly default image, warning, tip, red, blue etc. decide [NB N/A not implemented]

#% notes NOTE inline within paragraph at the location where the note reference is to occur
  * footnotes '~{ ... }~'
  * [bibliography] [NB N/A not implemented]

#% links, linking
  * links - external, web, url
  * links - internal

#% images [multimedia?]
  * images
  * [base64 inline] [N/A not implemented]

#% object numbers
  * ocn (object numbers)
    automatically attributed to substantive objects, paragraphs, tables, blocks, verse (unless exclude marker provided)

#% contents
  * toc (table of contents)
    autogenerated from structure/headings information
  * index (book index)
    built from hints in newline text following a paragraph and starting with ={} has identifying rules for main and subsidiary text

#% breaks
  * line break ' \\ ' inline
  * page break, column break ' -\\- ' start of line, breaks a column, starts a new column, if using columns, else breaks the page, starts a new page.
  * page break, page new ' =\\= ' start of line, breaks the page, starts a new page.
  * horizontal '-..-' start of line, rule page (break) line across page (dividing paragraphs)

#% book type index

#% comment
  * comment

#% misc
  * term & definition

** proposals/additions

*** TODO [#B] markup syntax code block, indicate syntax of code :feature:
    ``` code:ruby

*** TODO [#C] colored boxes round text :feature:ponder:
    ``` box:red              (select color of box)
    ``` box:warn ``` box:tip (some default boxes? decide)
    ``` box:red:"Warn"       (select color and lead text of box, else instead
          select color box & use regular single line bold markup ^!_ Warn$)

*** TODO [#D] bibliography            :feature:ponder:

*** TODO speaker, as e.g. play (irc?) :feature:ponder:
    ``` Ophelia:

*** TODO [#F] time stamp (e.g. for irc, video text?):feature:ponder:
    ``` 04:03
    ``` 04:03 ... 07:12
    ``` 04:03 + 03:09
    ``` 12:04:03
    ``` 12:04:03 ... 12:07:12
    ``` 12:04:03 + 03:09
    probably not worth the effort, as time stamp is an alternative
    identifying number (to ocn, and ∴ sisu objects not ideal)

*** TODO book index, alternative based on search within text

** syntax hilighting

*** vim

*** emacs

* Document Abstraction :sisu:doc_abstr:

** TODO [#D] XML middle layer?

*** XMLda sisu
  consder alternative sisu layer in XML

*** TODO [#D] RelaxNG sisu

* Output :sisu:output:

** New outputs

*** XML :xml:
%% xml, docbook.txt fictionbook.txt xldl.txt lml.txt tei.txt emacs.txt


xml editor vim emacs
nXML plugin
emacs.txt evil.txt


To validate a book.xml file using xmllint, run the following command:
$ xmllint --postvalid --xinclude --noout book.xml

The default location where xmllint will look for the catalog file is
/etc/xml/catalog. Alternatively, you can set the environment variable
XML_CATALOG_FILES to define another default location for catalog
files. Once you’ve got the DTD and catalog set up locally, you can
validate as before:
$ xmllint --postvalid --xinclude --noout book.xml

%% Docbook

%% Fictionbook


%% Literature Markup Language

%% Text Encoding Initiative

**** TODO [#B] docbook :feature:

***** urls
#% docbook book xml.txt





***** rb file

***** transformations :transform:markup_docbook:
#% structure - headings, levels
  [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
  [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration)
  [] node (child, parent ...)

#% font face
  [] bold
  [] italics
  [] underscore
  [] superscript
  [] subscript
  [] strike
  [] add

#% para
  [] default
  [] indent
    [] default, all
    [] first line hang or indent further
  [] bullet

#% blocks
  [] code
    [] [type of markup if any]
  [] poem
  [] group
  [] alt
  [] tables

#% notes
  [] footnotes
    [] [bibliography?]

#% links, linking
  [] links - external, web, url
  [] links - internal

#% images [multimedia?]
  [] images
    [] [base 64]

#% object numbers
  [] ocn (object numbers)

#% contents
  [] toc (table of contents)
  [] index (book index)

#% misc

**** TODO [#D] fictionbook :feature:

***** urls
#% fictionbook xml.txt

***** rb file

***** transformations :transformations:markup_fictionbok: #%
#% structure - headings, levels
  [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
  [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration)
  [] node (child, parent ...)

#% font face
  [] bold
  [] italics
  [] underscore
  [] superscript
  [] subscript
  [] strike
  [] add
  [] monospace

#% para
  [] default
  [] indent
    [] default, all
    [] first line hang or indent further
  [] bullet

#% blocks
  [] code
    [] [type of markup if any]
  [] poem
  [] group
  [] alt
  [] tables

#% notes
  [] footnotes
    [] [bibliography?]

#% links, linking
  [] links - external, web, url
  [] links - internal

#% images [multimedia?]
  [] images
    [] [base 64]

#% object numbers
  [] ocn (object numbers)

#% contents
  [] toc (table of contents)
  [] index (book index)

#% breaks
  [] line break
  [] horizontal rule
  [] column break
  [] page break

#% comment
  [] comment

#% misc




**** TODO [#D] XLDL :feature:

***** urls
%% xml.txt xldl - novels, stories, poems
Name: XLDL - an XML doctype for novels, stories, poems, playsName: XLDL - an XML doctype for novels, stories, poems, plays
<line> <stanza>

**** TODO [#E] Literature Markup Language - <LML /> :feature:

***** urls
%% Literature Markup Language - <LML />
"It is assumed, that there are three quite different techniques to provide text,
respectively three types of text, this is prose and poetry and code (for
example source code of computer programs or from markup languages)."
Suggestions and Ideas for Literature Markup Language - <LML /> 1.1

**** TODO [#E] TEI Lite (Text Encoding Initiative) :feature:

***** urls
%% TEI Lite (Text Encoding Initiative)

*** Text :txt:

sisu_markup.txt asciidoc.txt markdown.txt textile.txt rst.txt

**** TODO [#D] asciidoc :feature:

***** urls
#% asciidoc




***** rb file

***** transformations :transformations:markup_asciidoc: #%
#% structure - headings, levels
  [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
  [] collapsed (1-4) (decoration)
    [] inline
      '== '
      '=== '
      '==== '
      '===== '
    [] underscore
      '' ['.' proposed]
      '' ['.' proposed]
  [] node (child, parent ...)

#% font face
  [open & close marks]
  [] bold
  [] italics
  [] underscore
  [] superscript
  [] subscript
  [] strike
  [] add
  [] monospace
      '`' pass markup through unchanged, monospace code

#% para
  [] default
  [] indent
    [] default, all
    [] first line hang or indent further
  [] bullet
    [levels 1-6]
  [] numbered list
    [levels 1-3]
      '. '     number
      '.. '    lower alpha
      '... '   lower roman
      '.... '  upper alpha
      '..... ' upper roman

#% blocks
  [] code
      code here
    [] [type of markup if any]
  [] poem
  [] group
      grouped text here, actually a listing block
  [] alt
  [] tables

#% notes
  [] footnotes
    [] [bibliography?]

#% links, linking
  [] links - external, web, url
       http://google.com[Google Search]
  [] links - internal

#% images [multimedia?]
  [] images
    [] [base 64]

#% object numbers
  [] ocn (object numbers)

#% contents
  [] toc (table of contents)
  [] index (book index)

#% breaks
  [] line break
      forced +
      line break
  [] horizontal rule
  [] column break
  [] page break

#% comment
  [] comment

#% misc

  [] term & definition
Term 1:: Definition 1
Term 2:: Definition 2
    Term 2.1;;
        Definition 2.1
    Term 2.2;;
        Definition 2.2

**** TODO [#E] markdown :feature:

***** urls
#% markdown

Markdown supports two styles of headers, Setext and atx




#% pandoc markdown

#% multimarkdown

#% markdown pandoc v multimarkdown

#% rST v markdown

***** rb file

***** transformations :transformations:markup_markdown: #%
#% structure - headings, levels
  [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
  [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration)
    [inline 1-5]
    [underscore 1-5]
  [] node (child, parent ...)

#% font face
  [open & close marks]
  [] bold
  [] italics
  [] underscore
  [] superscript
  [] subscript
  [] strike
  [] add
  [] monospace

#% para
  [] default
  [] indent
    [] default, all
    [] first line hang or indent further
  [] bullet
  [] numbered list

#% blocks
  [] code
    '    ' #indent at least 4 spaces
    [] [type of markup if any]
  [] poem
  [] group
  [] alt
  [] tables

#% notes
  [] footnotes
    [] [bibliography?]

#% links, linking
  [] links - external, web, url
  [] links - internal

#% images [multimedia?]
  [] images
    [] [base 64]

#% object numbers
  [] ocn (object numbers)

#% contents
  [] toc (table of contents)
  [] index (book index)

#% breaks
  [] line break
  [] horizontal rule
      (three or more asterisks hypens or underscores)
      * * *
      - - -
  [] column break
  [] page break

#% misc

**** TODO [#F] rst :feature:

***** urls
#% rST


#% rST v markdown

***** rb file

***** transformations :transformations:markup_rst: #%
#% structure - headings, levels
  [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
  [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration)
       Titles are underlined (or over- and underlined) with a printing
       nonalphanumeric 7-bit ASCII character. Recommended choices are
       "= - ` : ' " ~ ^ _ * + # < >". The underline/overline must be at
       least as long as the title text.

  [] node (child, parent ...)

#% font face
  [] bold
  [] italics
  [] underscore
  [] superscript
  [] subscript
  [] strike
  [] add
  [] monospace

#% para
  [] default
  [] indent
    [] default, all
    [] first line hang or indent further
  [] bullet
      "-", "*" or "+"
  [] numbered list

#% blocks
  [] code
    [] [type of markup if any]
  [] poem
  [] group
  [] alt
  [] tables

#% notes
  [] footnotes
      Footnote references, like [5]_.
      Note that footnotes may get
      rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of
      the "page".
      .. [5] A numerical footnote.
       Autonumbered footnotes are
       possible, like using [#]_ and [#]_.
       .. [#] This is the first one.
       .. [#] This is the second one.

    [] [bibliography?]

#% links, linking
  [] links - external, web, url
    	Typical result
      External hyperlinks, like Python_.
      .. _Python: <http://www.python.org/>
      External hyperlinks, like `Python
  [] links - internal
      Internal crossreferences, like example_.
      .. _example:

      This is an example crossreference target.
      Titles are targets, too
      Implict references, like `Titles are
      targets, too`_.

#% images [multimedia?]
  [] images
    [] [base 64]

#% object numbers
  [] ocn (object numbers)

#% contents
  [] toc (table of contents)
  [] index (book index)

#% breaks
  [] line break
  [] horizontal rule
  [] column break
  [] page break

#% misc

**** TODO [#F] textile :feature:

***** urls
#% textile

***** rb file

***** transformations :transformations:markup_textile: #%
#% structure - headings, levels
  [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
  [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration)
      h1(#id). An HTML first-level heading
      h2. An HTML second-level heading
      h3. An HTML third-level heading
      h4. An HTML fourth-level heading
      h5. An HTML fifth-level heading
      h6. An HTML sixth-level heading

  [] node (child, parent ...)

#% font face
  [] bold
      *bold text*
  [] italics
      _italic text_
  [] underscore
      +underlined text+
  [] superscript
  [] subscript
  [] strike
     -strikethrough text-
  [] add

#% para
  [] default
  [] indent
    [] default, all
    [] first line hang or indent further
  [] bullet
      * bulleted list
      ** 2-level

#% blocks
  [] code
    [] [type of markup if any]
  [] poem
  [] group
  [] alt
  [] tables
      |Table | with two columns |
      |and two | rows |

#% notes
  [] footnotes
      Text with a link to some reference[1]
      fn1. Footnote explanation
    [] [bibliography?]

#% links, linking
  [] links - external, web, url
      "(classname)link text(title tooltip)":link_address
      "Link to Wikipedia":http://www.wikipedia.org
  [] links - internal

#% images [multimedia?]
  [] images
      !imageurl(alt text)!
    [] [base 64]

#% object numbers
  [] ocn (object numbers)

#% contents
  [] toc (table of contents)
  [] index (book index)

#% breaks
  [] line break
  [] horizontal rule
  [] column break
  [] page break

#% misc
    [] *_bold italic text_*
    [] *-bold strikethrough text-*
    [] *_-bold italic strikethrough text-_*
    [] *+bold underlined text+*
    [] *_+italic underlined text+_
    [] *_+bold italic underlined text+_
    [] *_-+bold italic strikethrough underlined text+-_*
    %{font-size:18pt}font size%
    %{color:red}text in red%
    # Chapter 1

#% notes
heading inline only
footnotes uses marker and endnote, check

** Improvements

*** HTML

*** XML

*** --strict mode (html w3c compliant ocn etc.)

* Code (ruby) :sisu:code:

** code enhancements :enhance:

*** TODO [#D] directory & path, use ruby directory tools

*** TODO [#D] document url shortcut, allow addition of alternative dir stub
(e.g. viral Spiral)

** code refactoring :refactor:

*** ruby 2.1

**** DONE make sure sisu works

*** TODO [#C] refactor ruby :ongoing:

** bugs :bug:

*** misc, unclassified

**** DONE (6.0.5) [#B] sisu should give warning when part of minimal essential structure is missing :processing:fix:

work through testing for as many of these as possible

minimal content/structure requirement:
  A~ (level A [title])
  1~ (at least one level 1 [segment/(chapter)])
test what happens in the absence of each

structure rules (document heirarchy, heading levels):

  there are two sets of heading levels ABCD (title & parts if any) and 123 (segment & subsegments if any)
  sisu has the fllowing levels:

  A~ [title]                            .         required (== 1)   followed by B~ or 1~
    B~ [part]                           *                           followed by C~ or 1~
      C~ [subpart]                      *                           followed by D~ or 1~
        D~ [subsubpart]                 *                           followed by 1~
          1~ [segment (chapter)]        +         required (>= 1)   followed by text or 2~
            text                        *                           followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or relevant part *(B~ if none other used; if C~ is last used: C~ or B~; if D~ is used: D~, C~ or B~)
            2~ [subsegment]             *                           followed by text or 3~
              text                      *                           followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or 3~ or relevant part, see *()
              3~ [subsubsegment]        *                           followed by text
                text                    *                           followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or 3~ or relevant part, see *()

  * level A~ is the tile and is mandatory
  * there can only be one level A~
  * heading levels BCD, are optional and there may be several of each
    (where all three are used corresponding to e.g. Book Part Section)
    * sublevels that are used must follow each other sequentially (alphabetically),
  * heading levels A~ B~ C~ D~ are followed by other heading levels rather than substantive text
    which may be the subsequent sequential (alphabetic) heading part level
    or a heading (segment) level 1~
  * there must be at least one heading (segment) level 1~
    (the level on which the text is segmented, in a book would correspond to the Chapter level)
  * additional heading levels 1~ 2~ 3~  are optional and there may be several of each
  * heading levels 1~ 2~ 3~  are followed by text (which may be followed by the same heading level)
    and/or the next lower numeric heading level (followed by text)
    or indeed return to the relevant part level
    (as a corollary to the rules above substantive text/ content
    must be preceded by a level 1~ (2~ or 3~) heading)

there must be a title, level A
creator field absent: crash, no warnings given
title missing:
level A missing:
no level 1:


  * check logic, add to if possible
  * tidy, inelegant solution

**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] victory chals discussed parsing problem caused by use of open-close markers around url

**** TODO [#B] exclude heading where possible marker '-#' not distinguished from unnumbered heading '~#'

  * ~# is general & means no ocn (for any object to which it is applied)
  * -# is relevant only for 1~ dummy headings & instructs that they should be
    removed from output where possible
  * where -# is used on any other objects, it is treated the same way as ~#

**** TODO [#B] collapsed level work out logic where dummy lev1 heading

  * exclude heading where lev1 '-#'
  * means subsequent headings & text belong to parent heading (of lev1 -#) 1 level up
  * ponder

*** DBT Outstanding bugs -- Normal bugs; Unclassified (2 bugs) :debian:dbt:normal:

**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744360 [n|u] sisu: includes do not work properly :processing:fix:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: includes do not work properly
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:38:59 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

using this in foo.ssm:

  :A~ foo

  :B~ bar

  << bar/baz.ssi

and this in baz.ssi:

  1~ foo bar baz

then everything works.

using the more natural foo.ssm:

  :A~ foo

  << bar/baz.ssi

and baz.ssi:

  :B~ bar

  1~ foo bar baz

makes ':B~ bar' being ignored in the output (pdf) entirely.



it appears both give faulty text, though in different ways


**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744378 [n|u] sisu: --no-manifest not working anymore :check:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: --no-manifest not working anymore
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:12:13 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

when running sisu-pdf with --no-manifest, the output (pdf) still
contains the sisu manifest at the end of the document.



fix, metadata page in pdf should not contain link to manifest where --no-manifest flag is used

**** TODO ONGOING #746740 [n|u] manpages incomplete

Date: Sat, 03 May 2014 08:45:49 +0200
From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
Subject: manpages incomplete
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Tag: upstream
Severity: normal

sisu supports options like --verbose or --no-manifest, but they are not
listed in the sisu manpage.

**** TODO #746742 [n|u] please implement --no-metadata similar to --no-manifest

Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:12:13 +0200
From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
Subject: --no-manifest not working anymore
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

when running sisu-pdf with --no-manifest, the output (pdf) still
contains the sisu manifest at the end of the document.


*** DBT Outstanding bugs -- Wishlist items; Unclassified (24 bugs) :debian:dbt:wishlist:

**** TODO [#D] #744352 [w|u] sisu output: aligning margin numbers when using 'code'

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: 744352@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: sisu output: too many margin numbers
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:27:10 +0200
retitle 744352 sisu output: aligning margin numbers when using 'code'
severity 744352 wishlist

sorry, i've looked wrongly at the output, the problem is simply an
aligning issue. it looks like that:

  foo bar.          [1]

  foo bar baz.      [3]

rather than:

  foo bar.          [1]

  baz               [2]

  foo bar baz.      [3]


From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: too many margin numbers
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:14 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

when using the following code:

foo bar.




foo bar baz.

the result in the output (pdf) is:

foo bar.          [1]
baz               [3]
foo bar baz.      [5]

the '[n]' designates the margin number at the right site of the page.

the problem is that sisu gives margin numbers to *empty* lines, which is
wrong. margin numbers should only be assigned to actual content.


**** DONE (6.0.5) [#D] #744353 [w|u] sisu output: please do not use typewriter for urls :output:consider:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: please do not use typewriter for urls
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:27 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

when using urls in sisu like this:


sisu then creates in the output (pdf) links like this:


where as '<http://example.org>' is written in typewriter font
(monospace). please don't do that automagically since it's desturbing
the visual flow when reading. If the users wants that, he should be able
to configure it.



monospace for url outputs in pdf

this is default behavior of the latex url package (it uses tt typewriter font)
it is possible to modify the font to sf class or tm/rm class, & I now default to sf
this means when the sisu default sf is used there will be no difference in typeface,
but when times roman or other is used, urls will be in sf instead of that font,
(instead of the latex default typewriter)

it provides a visual cue even when output is monochrome, without color
(and is in some way related to #744391 sisu output: no color on a4 portrait)
however, it is worth noting here that urls are printed in a smaller font so as
to fit more on a line of text

**** TODO [#C] #744354 [w|u] sisu output: please do not add '<' and '>' around urls

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: please do not add '<' and '>' around links
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:37 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

when using urls in sisu like this:


sisu then creates in the output (pdf) links like this:


Please do not automagically add a '<' and '>' around urls. If the user
wants them, he would add one.


**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744355 [w|u] vim syntaxhighlighting: includes and directories :syntaxhi:fix:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: vim syntaxhighlighting: includes and directories
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:46 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

When using includes like this:

  << foo.ssi

then vim correctly displays the line in blue.

However, when using includes in a subdirectory like this:

  << bar/foo.ssi

then vim doesn't use any colors at all.




**** DONE PASS [#C] #744356 [w|u] vim syntaxhighlighting: urls and tags :discuss:close:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: vim syntaxhighlighting: urls and tags
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:56 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

When using an URL at the end of a sentence like this:

  Foo bar baz http://example.org.

then vim properly highlights the url in blue.

this also works properly when a second sentence after it, like:

  Foo bar baz http://example.org. Foo bar baz http://example.org.

it works with html tag as well, like this:

  Foo bar baz http://example.org. <br />Foo bar baz http://example.org.

but it doesn't work if there's no space:

  Foo bar baz http://example.org.<br />Foo bar baz http://example.org.

then, the string 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.<' is shown red.



this is meant to be flagged as an error,
(red indicates error, and is an error will not parse correctly)
even if the sisu parser works in the flagged case there is no promise that it will in future

use of angle bracket markers (html markers) in sisu markup is depreciated.
for line-break use \\ instead,
for which there should be surrounding spaces or a preceding space and end of line;
if <br /> is still used there should be a space after the url - which sisu should remove in output.

would like to close without further action
re-open if necessary

**** DONE (6.0.5) [#C] #744357 [w|u] sisu output: please create mailto links automatically

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: please create mailto links automatically
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:29:12 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

When using urls like:


in sisu, the output (pdf) contains a hyperlink to http://example.org
automatically, which is nice.

please also create mailto links when using email adresses like:




for pdf fix/implement mailto links
done but requires further testing & possibly refinement

**** DONE (6.0.5) [#C] #744358 [w|u] sisu output: please do not add ';' after \:copyright: :output:fix:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: please do not add ';' after :copyright:
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:29:20 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

When using:

  :copyright: foo bar baz.

sisu generates the following in the output format (pdf):

  foo bar baz.;

Please do not automagically add a semicolon (;). If the user wants a
semicolon, he would add one.



fix copyright, remove trailing semi-colon

**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744379 [w|u] sisu: missing includes doesn't give an error :processing:fix:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: missing includes doesn't give an error
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:14:46 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

When using includes (*.ssi) in a sisu master document (*.ssm) like:

  << foo.ssi

and that to be included file foo.ssi (for whatever reason) doesn't
exist, sisu doesn't error out but include '<< foo.ssi' literally as a
string in the output (pdf).



5.3.4-1 writes the following to the screen:
"ERROR test.ssm.sst requires invalid or non-existent file: foo.ssi"

and unsatisfactorily within the text output it writes no error message but the include instruction:

"<< foo.ssi"

5.3.5, the current "fix"/ solution, is to add an error message within the text rather than to stop processing with an error.
In addition to (i) slightly modified (you could say corrected) to the following:

"ERROR test.ssm requires an invalid or non-existent file: foo.ssi"

the following is written within the text output:

"<< foo.ssi [ERROR test.ssm requires an invalid or non-existent file: foo.ssi]"

**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#D] #744381 [w|u] sisu syntax: inconsistency \:copyright: and \:license: :metadata:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: inconsistency between :copyright: and :license:
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:26:55 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

when using ':copyright: foo', then the output contains 'foo'.

when using ':license: foo', then the output contains 'License: foo'.

this is inconsistent. either both should have a 'prefix' in the output,
or neither should have one (i'd prefere the latter).



Under rights there are a series of sub-categories starting with copyright, that
need to be distinguished. Until now started distinguishing after after
Copyright. For consistency have add the prefix 'Copyright' to the output.
Preference to omit noted, but this solution is consistent with options
provided. Bug closed, re-open if necessary.

**** DONE (6.0.5) [#B] #744383 [w|u] sisu syntax: :B and :C result in the same formatting :output:fix: (partial solution)

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu syntax: :B and :C result in the same formatting
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:32:07 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

when using :A, :B, and :C in sisu, in the output (pdf) both :B and :C
are formatted identically.

imho :C should be 'smaller' than :B.

or, as an analogy with html: i would expect that :A equals <h1>, :B
equals <h2>, and :C equals <h3>. currently, (in that analogy), :B and :C
both equal <h2>.



this is in part an artifact of LaTeX not having as many document heading levels
and trying to take advantage of the behavior of existing levels rather than
customizing further

look for a solution, possibly overriding the default font sizes for each

The current settings were chosen because, there are not enough levels and I
find too many different font sizes disconcerting, especially running sisu over
a wide variety of document types

the following levels are available in LaTeX


the levels in sisu are

A [title]
B [part]
C [subpart]
D [subsubpart]
1 [segment (chapter)]
2 [subsegment]
3 [subsubsegment]

sisu current mapping:

level A        [title]
level B C D    \part            (it is up to the user to make part levels visually distinguishable e.g. Book Part Section)
[skipped       \chapter]
[skipped       \section]
level 1        \subsection
level 2        \subsubsection
level 3        \subsubsection

the reason for skipping section was the default configuration and resulting
fact that it made for a table of contents that takes more space

sisu new mapping:

level A        [title]
level B C D    \part             (it is up to the user to make part levels visually distinguishable e.g. Book Part Section)
[skipped       \chapter]
level 1        \section
level 2        \subsection
level 3        \subsubsection

levels B C & D are the same size,
  it is up to the user to make part levels visually distinguishable
  e.g. Book Part Section
levels 1 2 & 3 are now distinguished

(Closes #744386) sisu syntax: 1~ and 2~ result in the same formatting
(under consideration & yet to be done #744383) sisu syntax: :B and :C result in the same formatting
(touches )
override part font size settings for different levels (B C D)

**** TODO [#C] #744384 [w|u] sisu syntax: relies on empty lines

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu syntax: relies on empty lines
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:34:46 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

the following snipped:

  :C~ foo bar
  << foo-bar.ssi

means that the include is ignored entirely. apparently sisu relies on
having an empty line in between like this:

  :C~ foo bar

  << foo-bar.ssi


**** DONE (6.0.5) [#B] #744386 [w|u] sisu syntax: 1~ and 2~ result in the same formatting :output:pdf:fix: (see #744383)

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu syntax: 1~ and 2~ result in the same formatting
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:43:51 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

similar as with #744383, the same also applies for 1~ and 2~ - they
should be different in the output format (pdf here).



1~ 2~ 3~ are now differentiated

deal with under #744383

**** TODO [#B] #744390 [w|u] sisu: empty sections are ignored

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu: empty sections are ignored
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:09:32 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist

if you have the following sisu syntax:

  :B~ foo

  1~ foo1


  1~ foo2


  :B~ bar

  1~ bar1

  1~ bar2

  :B~ baz

  1~ baz1

  1~ baz2

then anything (including and) after ':B~ bar' is ignored entirely.

**** DONE (6.0.5) [#C] #744391 [w|u] sisu output: no color on a4 portrait :output:pdf:contemplate:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu output: please use (blue) color for links
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:23:37 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

it would be nice if links (urls and emails) would be colored blue to
mark them visually as links. this behaviour is somewhat the lowest
common denominator in browsers (if you use html without any css that is).


From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: 744391@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: sisu output: please use (blue) color for links
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:35:33 +0200
retitle 744391 sisu output: no color on a4 portrait

now this is strange.. turns out that (yes, i have colors enabled in
sisurc) the portrait a4 pdf has no colors at all, while the landscape a4
pdf does indeed have colors (red for toc, blue for links).



portrait was provided for print/paper copy and is great for that in monochrome
(without grays for colored links),
landscape better matching a screen for visual presentations, color affecting the landscape only

make configurable by cli & rc file
make both (portrait & landscape colors) configurable
either as hyperlinks monochrome or colored
overriding existing default which remains as described

--pdf-hyperlinks-no-color or --pdf-hyperlinks-mono


  pdf_hyperlinks: *[possible values]
  pdf_hyperlinks_portrait: *[possible values]
  pdf_hyperlinks_landscape: *[possible values]

  * 'color' or ('mono' or 'no-color' or 'color-off')

**** TODO [#D] #744395 [w|u] sisu output: half-page title page in landscape output

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu output: half-page title page in landscape output
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:38:03 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

in a4 landscape output, there's always two pages on one page, which is
nice; except for the title page which spans over the whole page.

it would be nice if the first page would be consistent to the same
scheme like the rest of the document - spanning only over the half of
the page.


**** TODO [#C] #744396 [w|u] sisu output: "european" toc indenting

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu output: "european" toc indenting
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:40:53 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

by default, latex uses the following indenting in the TOC:

  1. foo
      1.1 bar1
           1.1.1 baz
      1.2 bar2

there's a latex option that i don't remember off-hand to have the
indenting like it's common in europe:

  1. foo
  1.1 bar1
  1.1.1 baz
  1.2 bar2

it would be nice if sisu could let the used decide which indenting style
to use for TOCs.


**** DONE (6.0.5) [#B] #744399 [w|u] sisu syntax: :A smaller formatted than :B :output:fix: (see #744383) (partial solution)

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu syntax: :A smaller formatted than :B
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:49:26 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

in a document like this:

:A~ foo

:B~ bar

the :A~ 'title' is formated 'smaller' (not bold, smaller font size) than
the :B~ 'title' on the first page of the actual document (means, first
page after TOC).



for pdf

now is same size see #744383

\part          (level A B C D)
\chapter       (skipped)
\section       (level 1)
\subsection    (level 2)
\subsubsection (level 3)

**** DONE (6.0.5) [#C] #744402 [w|u] sisu: support sha512 :implement:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu: support sha512
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:06:56 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

sisu uses sha256 when using sha as digest, please support sha512.

it would be even nicer if you could specify the actual digest like
'sha512', 'sha256', etc. rather than just 'sha'.



document command line option --sha512

**** DONE (6.0.5) [#C] #744405 [w|u] sisu: set default font size :configuration:pdf:implement:

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu: set default font size
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:29:46 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

in sisurc, one can set the default fonts. it would be nice to be also
able to set the default font size.



for pdf make configurable


  texpdf_fontsize: 12



**** TODO [#C] #744407 [w|u] sisu: possibility to influence content/formating of the title page

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu: possibility to influence content/formating of the title page
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:32:14 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

by default, the title page (in the pdf output) shows @title and @creator.

it would be nice if there would be a possibility to influence the
formatting (e.g. to have the title written in bold), and to have
additional possibilities to influence the content on the title page
(like the date or version, an url, or other text strings).


**** TODO [#C] #744408 [w|u] sisu: support more than one level of includes/nested includes

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu: support more than one level of includes/nested includes
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:39:23 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

currently, it's possible to use only one ssm file which itself includes
one or more ssi files.

it would be nice if the ssm could include an 'intermediate' ssi, which
then includes further ssi files. this is very handy for larger documents.


**** TODO [#C] #744409 [w|u] sisu output: urls in code blocks are not linkified

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu output: urls in code blocks are not linkified
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:41:09 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

it would be nice if urls written withiin code{...}code blocks would also
be automatically transformed into a link within the output (html).


**** DONE (6.0.5) [#C] #744541 [w|u] sisu: urls in @creator broken

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu: urls in @creator broken
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:45:35 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

first, if you have an url within @creator, like:

  @creator: foo bar http://example.org

the generation fails (pdf output).

as a workaround, i put the url into parenthesis, like:

  @creator: foo bar (http://example.org)

but then, it would be nice if that url would be automatically
transformed into a link in the output format (pdf).



pdf, fix

**** TODO [#C] #744685 [w|u] sisu output: copy&past-able wrapped code blocks

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu output: copy&past-able wrapped code blocks
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 19:04:01 +0200
Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

if a line within a 'code{...}code' block is longer and needs to be
wrapped, sisu indicates the wrapping with an 'arrow' (←) symbol, which
is nice.

it would be even nicer if the arrow would not 'selectable', so that when
you mark the line spanning over two lines with your mouse, the arrow is
not selected and thus not copy&pasted.

i don't know how to do this, but it's possible within pdfs, as can be
seen in lots of pdfs in the internet.


**** TODO [#C] #744734 [w|u] sisu output: replace all occurences of (C) rather than the first only

From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: sisu output: replace all occurences of (C) rather than the first only
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 06:11:13 +0200

Package: sisu
Version: 5.3.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream

if you have a '(C)' in :copyright:, it is automatically replaced with a
copyright symbol, which is nice, however, it sisu does that with the
first occurence only.

so if you use:

 :copyright: (C) john doe<br />(C) jane doe

then the second occurence is not replaced and that combination looks
very ugly. i suggest you replace all occurences of '(C)' to the
copyright symbol automatically.
