From eff4a98d150ac52e90e77c43b9ec755777882bba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralph Amissah <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2023 18:58:56 -0400
Subject: nix flake, overlays from spine

 org/ |  16 +++
 org/ |   6 +
 org/ | 396 +++++++++++------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 317 deletions(-)

(limited to 'org')

diff --git a/org/ b/org/
index b9f7264..9ded9ef 100644
--- a/org/
+++ b/org/
@@ -86,6 +86,10 @@ direnv fetchurl${Nix
 #+HEADER: :tangle ../.envrc-local_
 #+HEADER: :noweb yes
+if [[ ! -d ./.git ]]; then
+  git init
+  git add .
 export DFLAGS="-O2 -inline -boundscheck=on -color=on"
 export SpineBIN=result/bin
 export SpinePROJ=~/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/code/software/spine
@@ -99,6 +103,18 @@ export SpineSQLdb=''
 export SpineCGIbin=/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin
 export SpineDBpath=/var/www/sqlite
 #export SpineDBpath=/srv/www/spine/sqlite
+echo '
+  .envrc-local echo ❯❯
+  ❯❯ nix flake update && nix flake check --show-trace && nix flake show && nix develop ".#devShell" -c zsh
+  ❯❯ nix develop
+  ❯❯ nix develop -c zsh
+  ❯❯ nix develop ".#dsh-overlay-ldc" --print-build-logs
+  ❯❯ nix build
+  ❯❯ nix build ".#default" --print-build-logs
diff --git a/org/ b/org/
index b204063..f62055f 100644
--- a/org/
+++ b/org/
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
@@ -102,6 +104,10 @@ tmp/**
 /org export-ignore
 .gitattributes export-ignore
+/.dub export-ignore
+/.direnv export-ignore
+/*_ export-ignore
+,*_ export-ignore
 #.gitignore export-ignore
 tangle export-ignore
 flake.lock export-ignore
diff --git a/org/ b/org/
index 7cfd1a5..8e6aa66 100644
--- a/org/
+++ b/org/
@@ -15,10 +15,8 @@
 #+PROPERTY:    header-args+ :mkdirp yes
 #+OPTIONS:     H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:t ::t |:t ^:nil -:t f:t *:t
-- [[./][]]  [[../org/][org/]]
 - [[./][]]
 * nix :nix:
 ** flake.nix :flake:
@@ -27,35 +25,41 @@
 #+BEGIN_SRC nix
   description = "spine (sisu like parser & document generator) made available to process markup samples";
-  inputs = {
-    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; # "github:nixos/nixpkgs";
-    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
-    spine = {
-      url = "git+file:///home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/code/software/spine";
-      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
-      flake = true;
-    };
+  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
+  inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
+  inputs.spine = {
+    url = "git+file:///home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/code/software/spine";
+    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
+    flake = true;
+  };
+  inputs.d-overlay = {
+    url = "git+file:///home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/packages/nix-flakes/dlang/dlang-nix-flakes";
+    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
+    flake = true;
   outputs = {
+    d-overlay,
   } @ inputs: let
     version = "<<spine_version_set>>";
     shell = ./shell.nix; # ./default.nix;
     devEnv = ./.envrc; # ./shell.nix; # ./default.nix;
     supportedSystems = ["x86_64-linux"]; # [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" "aarch64-darwin" ];
     forAllSystems = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs supportedSystems;
-    nixpkgsFor = forAllSystems (system: import nixpkgs {inherit system;}); # nixpkgs instantiated for supported system types.
+    nixpkgsFor = forAllSystems (system: import nixpkgs {inherit system;}); # nixpkgs instantiated for supported system types
   in {
     packages = forAllSystems (system: let
       pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system};
     in {
       default = spine.packages.${system}.default;
-      spine-dmd = spine.packages.${system}.spine-dmd;
-      spine-ldc = spine.packages.${system}.spine-ldc;
-      #spine-gdc = spine.packages.${system}.spine-gdc;
+      spine-overlay-ldc = spine.packages.${system}.spine-overlay-ldc;
+      spine-nixpkgs-ldc = spine.packages.${system}.spine-nixpkgs-ldc;
+      #spine-overlay-dmd = spine.packages.${system}.spine-overlay-dmd;
+      #spine-overlay-ldc = spine.packages.${system}.spine-overlay-ldc;
+      #spine-overlay-gdc = spine.packages.${system}.spine-overlay-gdc;
       #vendorSha256 = "sha256-0Q00000000000000000000000000000000000000000=";
     apps = forAllSystems (system: {
@@ -67,35 +71,37 @@
     devShells = forAllSystems (system: let
       pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system};
       shellHook = ''
-        export DFLAGS="-O2 -inline -boundscheck=on -color=on"
+        export DFLAGS="-O2 -boundscheck=on"
         export Date=`date "+%Y%m%d"`
         ## set local values in .envrc-local (or here if you must)
       with pkgs; {
-        devShell = mkShell {
+        dsh = mkShell {
           name = "spine base dev shell";
           inherit shell;
           inherit devEnv;
           #buildInputs = [ sqlite ];
           #nativeBuildInputs = [ dub dmd ldc gdc gnumake ];
           packages = [
-            sqlite
-            dub
-            #dmd
+            #dmd
+            dub
+            sqlite
           inherit shellHook;
-        devShell-epub = mkShell {
+        dsh-spine = spine.devShells.${system}.default;
+        dsh-overlay-ldc = d-overlay.devShells.${system}.default;
+        dsh-epub = mkShell {
           name = "spine dev shell for epub output";
           inherit shell;
           inherit devEnv;
           packages = [
-            dub
-            #dmd
+            #dmd
+            dub
@@ -115,27 +121,27 @@
           inherit shellHook;
-        devShell-html = mkShell {
+        dsh-html = mkShell {
           name = "spine dev shell for latex & pdf output";
           inherit shell;
           inherit devEnv;
           packages = [
-            dub
-            #dmd
+            #dmd
+            dub
           inherit shellHook;
-        devShell-latex-pdf = mkShell {
+        dsh-latex-pdf = mkShell {
           name = "spine dev shell for latex & pdf output";
           inherit shell;
           inherit devEnv;
           packages = [
-            dub
-            #dmd
+            #dmd
+            dub
@@ -145,27 +151,27 @@
           inherit shellHook;
-        devShell-sqlite = mkShell {
+        dsh-sqlite = mkShell {
           name = "spine dev shell for latex & pdf output";
           inherit shell;
           inherit devEnv;
           packages = [
-            dub
-            #dmd
+            #dmd
+            dub
           inherit shellHook;
-        devShell-i18n = mkShell {
+        dsh-i18n = mkShell {
           name = "spine dev shell internationalization, po4a";
           inherit shell;
           inherit devEnv;
           packages = [
-            dub
-            #dmd
+            #dmd
+            dub
@@ -178,164 +184,7 @@
-*** flake :flake:
-**** notes?
-- flake.nix
-    /srv/nix/nixpkgs
-    ./shell.nix
-  - shell.nix
-      ./pkgs/shell-pkgs.nix
-    - pkgs/shell-pkgs.nix
-  - default.nix
-     ./nix/dub.selections.nix #
-    - dub.selections.nix
-- nix develop
-- nix flake update
-- nix shell -f default.nix --print-build-logs
-- nix shell -c default.nix
-- nix build `nix-instantiate`
-- nix build -f default.nix --print-build-logs
-- nix shell -f default.nix --print-build-logs
-- nix develop --build -f derivation.nix -I .envrc --print-build-logs
-- nix develop --profile .#default --print-build-logs --command spine -v
-- nix search --json 2>/dev/null |jq
-- nix flake show
-- nix show-derivation
-nix shell git+file:///home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/code/software/spine  --print-build-logs
-nix build "git+file:///home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/code/software/spine" --print-build-logs
-nix develop 'git+file:///home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/code/software/spine#default'
-nix flake clone git+file:///home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/code/software/spine/
-# nix-instantiate | nix-build
-***** flake inputs
-****** flake inputs static
-#+NAME: flake_inputs_nix
-#+HEADER: :noweb yes
-#+BEGIN_SRC nix
-nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs";
-flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
-#+NAME: flake_inputs_spine
-#+HEADER: :noweb yes
-#+BEGIN_SRC nix
-spine.url = "git+file:///home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/code/software/spine";
-spine.flake = true;
-***** flake outputs
-****** flake outputs static
-#+NAME: flake_outputs
-#+HEADER: :noweb yes
-#+BEGIN_SRC nix
-self, nixpkgs, flake-utils
-***** flake devshells
-#+NAME: flake_devshells
-#+HEADER: :noweb yes
-#+BEGIN_SRC nix
-devShells = forAllSystems (system:
-  let pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system};
-  in {
-    default = pkgs.mkShell {
-      buildInputs = with pkgs; [
-        git
-        dub
-        #dmd
-        ldc
-        sqlite
-      ];
-    };
-***** flake output default
-#+NAME: flake_output_default
-#+HEADER: :noweb yes
-#+BEGIN_SRC nix
-packages.x86_64-linux.default = self.packages.x86_64-linux.spine;
-#+NAME: flake_output_spine
-#+HEADER: :noweb yes
-#+BEGIN_SRC nix
-packages.x86_64-linux.spine = spine.packages.x86_64-linux.default;
-#+NAME: flake_output_spine_tarball
-#+HEADER: :noweb yes
-#+BEGIN_SRC nix
-packages.x86_64-linux.spine-tarball = spine-tarball.packages.x86_64-linux.default;
-**** flake result/lib/spine-markup-samples
-#+NAME: flake_output_spine_markup_samples
-#+HEADER: :noweb yes
-#+BEGIN_SRC nix
-packages.x86_64-linux.spine-markup-samples =
-  let
-    pkgs = import nixpkgs {
-      system = "x86_64-linux";
-    };
-  in
-    pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
-      pname = "spine-markup-samples";
-      version = "<<spine_version_set>>";
-      description = "markup samples for spine, a sisu like parser & document generator";
-      inherit self;
-      src = self;
-      shell = ./shell.nix;
-      buildPhase = ''
-        runHook preBuild
-        HOME="$PWD"
-        runHook postBuild
-      '';
-      checkPhase = ''
-        runHook preCheck
-        HOME="$PWD"
-        runHook postCheck
-      '';
-      installPhase = ''
-        runHook preInstall
-        mkdir -p $out/lib/spine-markup-samples
-        echo "pwd: $PWD"
-        cp -rv ./markup $out/lib/spine-markup-samples/.
-        runHook postInstall
-      '';
-    };
-postInstall = ''
-  #${spine} -v
-  #echo "built:"
-  #$out/share/spine-markup-samples
-***** flake misc
-#+BEGIN_SRC nix
-inputs.spine.url = fetchTarball {
-  url = "<<spine_tarball_path_url>>";
-  sha256 = "<<spine_tarball_sha256>>";
-*** shell.nix :shell:
-**** tangle
+** shell.nix :shell:
 #+HEADER: :tangle ../shell.nix
 #+HEADER: :tangle-mode (identity #o755)
@@ -392,6 +241,12 @@ with pkgs;
       # ❯❯❯ i18n translation related
       # perl534Packages.Po4a
+    shellHook = ''
+    '';
+  }
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
     shellHook = ''
       echo '
         shell.nix echo ❯❯
@@ -400,116 +255,17 @@ with pkgs;
         ❯❯ nix develop
         ❯❯ nix develop -c zsh
+        ❯❯ nix develop ".#default" -c zsh
+        ❯❯ nix develop ".#devShell-ldc-overlay" -c zsh
         ❯❯ nix build
         ❯❯ nix build ".#default" --print-build-logs
-        ❯❯ nix build ".#spine-dmd" --print-build-logs |& nom
         ❯❯ nix build ".#spine-ldc" --print-build-logs |& nom
-        ❯❯ nix build ".#spine-gdc" --print-build-logs |& nom
         ❯❯ nix profile install .
-  }
-**** Notes
-#+BEGIN_SRC text
-#% Notes
-# - shell.nix -I .envrc
-# - shell.nix -I .envrc --pure
-# [ nix-shell ]
-  # - nix-shell -I nixpkgs=/nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs --pure
-  # - nix-shell -p "with import /nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs {}; ldc" --pure
-  # - nix-shell -p "with import /nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs {}; [dub ldc]" --pure
-  # - nix-shell -p nixFlakes
-  # - nix-shell -p nixFlakes --pure
-  # - nix-shell -p nixFlakes --pure -p "with import /nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs {}; [nix dub ldc git ps]"
-  # - nix-shell shell.nix direnv: export +IN_NIX_SHELL
-  # - nix-shell shell.nix
-# [ nix-build ]
-  # - nix-build -I nixpkgs=/nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs # --pure
-  # - nix-build -I .envrc --pure
-  # - nix-build default.nix -I .envrc && result/bin/spine -v
-# [ nix-instantiate ]
-  # - nix-instantiate | nix show-derivation | jq
-  # - nix-instantiate -I .envrc | nix show-derivation -f derivation.nix -I .envrc | jq
-  # - nix-instantiate | nix show-derivation --recursive | jq
-  # - nix-instantiate -I .envrc | nix show-derivation -f derivation.nix --recursive -I .envrc | jq
-  # - nix-instantiate | nix-build
-  # - nix-instantiate -I .envrc | nix-build -I .envrc
-# [ nix shell ]
-  # - nix shell -c default.nix
-  # - nix shell -f default.nix --print-build-logs
-# [ nix build ]
-  # - nix build -I .envrc --print-build-logs
-  # - nix build -f default.nix --print-build-logs
-  # - nix build -f derivation.nix --print-build-logs
-  # - nix build `nix-instantiate`
-  # - nix build `nix-instantiate -I .envrc`
-  # - nix build -f default.nix && ./result/bin/spine -v && noti -t "spine build" -m "see ./result/bin/spine"
-  # - nix build .#default
-# [ nix run ]
-  # - nix run default.nix --print-build-logs
-  # - nix run -I .envrc default.nix --print-build-logs
-  # - nix run .#default
-# - nix-shell -I .envrc --pure
-# - nix develop --build -f derivation.nix -I .envrc --print-build-logs
-# - nix-shell -p nixFlakes --pure -p "with import /nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs {}; [nix dub ldc git ps]"
-# - nix-build
-# - nix build `nix-instantiate -I .envrc`
-# - nix develop --build -f default.nix -I .envrc
-# - nix-shell -I .envrc --pure
-# - nix-build default.nix -I .envrc && result/bin/spine -v
-# - nix shell -f default.nix --print-build-logs
-# - nix-instantiate -I .envrc | nix-build -I .envrc
-*** default.nix :default:
-- default.nix -I nixpkgs=<provide local nix path>
-  e.g. default.nix -I nixpkgs=/srv/nix/nixpkgs
-- nix-build -I nixpkgs=<provide local nix path>
-  e.g. nix-build -I nixpkgs=<<nixpkgs_local>>
-#+HEADER: :noweb yes
-nix-build -I nixpkgs=<<nixpkgs_local>>
-nix-build -I .envrc-local
-nix-build -I .envrc
-default.nix -I .envrc
-nix build -f default.nix --print-build-logs
-nix build -f derivation.nix --print-build-logs
-nix shell -f default.nix --print-build-logs
-nix develop --build -f derivation.nix -I .envrc --print-build-logs
-# nix build -f project.nix
-# nix build -f spine.nix
 #+HEADER: :tangle ../default.nix
@@ -574,7 +330,7 @@ with pkgs;
-*** derivation.nix :default:
+** derivation.nix :default:
 #+HEADER: :tangle ../derivation.nix
 #+HEADER: :tangle-mode (identity #o644)
@@ -696,18 +452,9 @@ with (
-#url = "file:///home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/code/software/tarball/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
-#url = "file:///home/ralph/grotto/repo/git.repo/projects/doc-reform/code/software/spine/tarballGitHEAD/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
-#sha256 = "sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
-# src = fetchTarball {
-#   url = "file:///[path]/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
-#   sha256 = "sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
-# };
 #src = ./.;
-** variables
+** variables used SET
 *** spine version SET VERSION :version:set:project:
 #+NAME: spine_version_set
@@ -783,37 +530,52 @@ sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
 #+HEADER: :noweb yes
 #+BEGIN_SRC nix
-**** .env/echo-nixNote CHECK MODIFY
+** .env/echo-nixNote CHECK MODIFY
+*** notes on nix commands
 #+HEADER: :tangle ../.env/nix-commands
 #+BEGIN_SRC text
 - nix flake update && nix flake check --show-trace && nix flake show && nix develop .#devShell
-- nix build .#default --print-build-logs
-- nix build .#spine-dmd --print-build-logs
-- nix build .#spine-ldc --print-build-logs
-- nix build .#spine-gdc --print-build-logs
+- nix build ".#default" --print-build-logs
+- nix build ".#spine-dmd" --print-build-logs
+- nix build ".#spine-ldc" --print-build-logs
+- nix build ".#spine-gdc" --print-build-logs
 - nix develop
-  - nix develop .#devShell --print-build-logs
-  - nix develop .#devShell-html --print-build-logs
-  - nix develop .#devShell-epub --print-build-logs
-  - nix develop .#devShell-latex-pdf --print-build-logs
-  - nix develop .#devShell-sqlite --print-build-logs
-  - nix develop .#devShell-i18n --print-build-logs
+  - nix develop ".#devShell" --print-build-logs
+  - nix develop ".#devShell-html" --print-build-logs
+  - nix develop ".#devShell-epub" --print-build-logs
+  - nix develop ".#devShell-latex-pdf" --print-build-logs
+  - nix develop ".#devShell-sqlite" --print-build-logs
+  - nix develop ".#devShell-i18n" --print-build-logs
 nix run .#default --print-build-logs
-nix develop --build .#default --print-build-logs
+nix develop --build ".#default" --print-build-logs
 nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A nix --pure
+*** echo-nixNote
 #+HEADER: :tangle ../.env/echo-nixNote
 echo '-*- mode: org -*-
cgit v1.2.3