:B~ Projektabläufe 1~procedures Procedures This chapter documents the procedures within the ${project} for various tasks that need cooperation with other teams in Debian. 2~ Major Releases Releasing a new stable major version of Debian includes a lot of different teams working together to make it happen. At some point, the Live team comes in and builds live system images. The requirements to do this are: _* A mirror containing the released versions for the debian and debian-security archives which the debian-live buildd can access. _* The names of the image need to be known (e.g. debian-live-VERSION-ARCH-FLAVOUR.iso). _* The data from debian-cd needs to be synced (udeb exclude lists). _* Images are built and mirrored on cdimage.debian.org. 2~ Point Releases _* Again, we need updated mirrors of debian and debian-security. _* Images are built and mirrored on cdimage.debian.org. _* Send announcement mail. 3~ Last Point Release of a Debian Release Remember to adjust both chroot and binary mirrors when building the last set of images for a Debian release after it has been moved away from ftp.debian.org to archive.debian.org. That way, old prebuilt live images are still useful without user modifications. 3~ Point release announcement template An announcement mail for point releases can be generated using the template below and the following command: code{ $ sed \ -e 's|@MAJOR@|9.0|g' \ -e 's|@MINOR@|9.0.1|g' \ -e 's|@CODENAME@|stretch|g' \ -e 's|@ANNOUNCE@|2017/msgXXXXX.html|g' }code Please check the mail carefully before sending and pass it to others for proof-reading. code{ Updated Live @MAJOR@: @MINOR@ released The Live Systems Project is pleased to announce the @MINOR@ update of the Live images for the stable distribution Debian @MAJOR@ (codename "@CODENAME@"). The images are available for download at: <http://live-systems.org/cdimage/release/current/> and later at: <http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/release/current-live/> This update includes the changes of the Debian @MINOR@ release: <https://lists.debian.org/debian-announce/@ANNOUNCE@> Additionally it includes the following Live-specific changes: * [INSERT LIVE-SPECIFIC CHANGE HERE] * [INSERT LIVE-SPECIFIC CHANGE HERE] * [LARGER ISSUES MAY DESERVE THEIR OWN SECTION] About Live Systems ------------------ The Live Systems Project produces the tools used to build official live systems and the official live images themselves for Debian. About Debian ------------ The Debian Project is an association of Free Software developers who volunteer their time and effort in order to produce the completely free operating system Debian. Contact Information ------------------- For further information, please visit the Live Systems web pages at <http://live-systems.org/>, or contact the Live Systems team at <debian-live@lists.debian.org>. }code