1984 (Orwell) 444
ABC 695-696
Adobe eBook Reader 611-613
Africa, medications for HIV patients in 1082-1097
AIDS medications 1082-1097
air traffic, land ownership vs. 19-27
Akerlof, George 972
alcohol prohibition 841-842
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Caroll) 633-637
Allen, Paul 406
Amazon 1155-1156
American Association of Law Libraries 970
American Graphophone Company 233
Andromeda 850
Anello, Douglas 252
animated cartoons 89-104
antiretroviral drugs 1082-1097
Aristotle 621
Arrow, Kenneth 972
art, underground 779
artists 215, 244, 318, 407, 819, 827, 833, 1265,
recording industry payments to, 215, 244, 318, 819, 827, 833, 1265,
retrospective collections on, 407
AT&T 39
Bacon, Francis 380
Barlow, Joel 45
Barnes & Noble 602
BBC 1137
Beatles 237
Becket, Thomas 376
Bell, Alexander Graham 27
Berne Convention (1908) 1053
Bernstein, Leonard 308
Betamax 321-323
biomedical research 1103
Black, Jane 302
BMG 685
BMW 803-804
Boies, David 431
Boland, Lois 1113-1123
Bolling, Ruben 1040-1042
Bono, Mary 885
Bono, Sonny 885
books 307, 307, 307, 345, 463, 468, 547, 579, 588, 610, 1183, 1258,
English copyright law developed for, 345,
free on-line releases of, 307, 1183,
on Internet, 588, 610,
out of print, 307, 463, 547, 1258,
resales of, 307, 547, 1258,
three types of uses of, 579,
total number of, 468
booksellers, English 360-385
Boswell, James 369
Boyle, James 524
Braithwait, John 1120
Brandeis, Louis 139
Brazil, free culture in 1137
Brezhnev, Leonid 515
broadcast flag 811
Bromberg, Dan 963
Buchanan, James 972
Bunyan, John 380
Burdick, Quentin 252
Camp Chaos 433
cars, MP3 sound systems in 803-804
Carson, Rachel 522
cartoon films 89-105
Casablanca 607-608
CBS 696
CD-ROMs, film clips used in 407-428
CDs 266, 272, 301, 302, 796, 851, 1214, 1269,
copyright marking of, 1214,
foreign piracy of, 266, 272,
mix technology and, 851,
preference data on, 796,
prices of, 302, 1269,
sales levels of, 301
cell phones, music streamed over 1254
chimeras 752-759
Christensen, Clayton M. 703
civil liberties 858-869
CNN 179
Coase, Ronald 972
Code (Lessig) 491
CodePink Women for Peace 1129
Commerce, U.S. Department of 511
compulsory license 235-239
computer games 150
Congress, U.S. 233, 260, 318, 319, 323, 327, 529, 541, 548, 811, 813, 827, 827, 884, 898, 906, 908, 909, 914, 953, 955, 974, 979, 981, 987, 987, 998, 1013, 1230, 1234,
challenge of CTEA legislation of, 955,
constitutional powers of, 909, 974, 979, 998, 1013,
copyright terms extended by, 548, 884, 906, 953, 987,
in constitutional Progress Clause, 529, 987,
lobbying of, 898,
on cable television, 260, 319,
on copyright laws, 233, 260, 318, 323, 327, 541, 548, 811, 813, 827, 1230, 1234,
on derivative rights, 1230, 1234,
on radio, 827,
on recording industry, 233, 318, 827,
on VCR technology, 323, 327,
Supreme Court restraint on, 908, 914, 981
Constitution, U.S. 55, 484, 485, 517, 528, 533, 584, 713, 887, 907, 913, 915, 916, 953, 964, 969, 974, 978, 987, 1028, 1029, 1029, 1032,
Commerce Clause of, 913, 974, 1029,
copyright purpose established in, 528, 915, 916,
Fifth Amendment to, 485,
First Amendment to, 55, 517, 584, 713, 953, 964, 978, 1032,
on creative property, 484, 528,
originalist interpretation of, 1028,
Progress Clause of, 528, 887, 907, 913, 969, 987, 1029,
structural checks and balances of, 533,
Takings Clause of, 485
cookies, Internet 1155
copyright 101, 339, 348, 352, 360, 363, 372, 379, 504, 528, 528, 535, 540, 543, 552, 555, 559, 587, 599, 715, 722, 736, 738, 884, 885, 913, 915, 916, 917, 923, 1025, 1039, 1050, 1141, 1145, 1174, 1197, 1203, 1208, 1218, 1220, 1224, 1233, 1235, 1236, 1239,
as narrow monopoly right, 352,
as property, 339, 738,
constitutional purpose of, 528, 915, 916,
Creative Commons licenses for material in, 1174,
duration of, 101, 348, 360, 528, 528, 540, 736, 884, 913, 915, 917, 1218, 1233,
four regulatory modalities on, 504, 535,
in perpetuity, 363, 372, 379, 722, 885, 1025, 1039,
marking of, 559, 1197, 1208,
no registration of works, 923, 1050,
of natural authors vs. corporations, 552,
renewability of, 348, 543, 1203, 1220, 1224,
scope of, 555, 715, 1235,
statutory licenses in, 1236, 1239,
usage restrictions attached to, 587, 599,
voluntary reform efforts on, 1141, 1145
copyright infringement lawsuits 207, 207, 209, 315, 321, 599, 757, 761, 778, 783, 799, 803, 839, 863, 1136, 1260,
against student file sharing, 207, 757,
distribution technology targeted in, 321, 799, 803,
exaggerated claims of, 209, 757, 778, 783, 799, 863,
in recording industry, 207, 757, 778, 799, 839, 1136,
individual defendants intimidated by, 209, 778, 783, 839, 1136,
statutory damages of, 209,
statutory licenses in, 1260,
willful infringement findings in, 599,
zero tolerance in, 315, 761
copyright law 83, 86, 110, 113, 122, 226, 231, 233, 252, 266, 272, 318, 319, 320, 345, 386, 435, 440, 488, 491, 524, 532, 548, 557, 559, 561, 564, 574, 579, 582, 593, 594, 598, 598, 606, 611, 655, 662, 673, 724, 727, 727, 738, 755, 757, 762, 763, 773, 780, 782, 788, 801, 816, 819, 836, 851, 854, 884, 886, 907, 908, 928, 953, 1046, 1051, 1178, 1191, 1194, 1202, 1203, 1214, 1223, 1228, 1281,
as ex post regulation modality, 491,
as protection of creators, 532, 854,
authors vs. composers, 231,
circumvention technology banned by, 655,
commercial creativity as primary purpose of, 854,
copies as core issue of, 574, 579, 598, 727,
creativity impeded by, 86, 773,
development of, 345,
English, 345,
European, 561, 1051,
fair use and, 386, 440, 582, 594, 598, 662, 673, 738, 782, 1178, 1223,
felony for infringement of, 928,
felony punishment for infringement of, 755, 757, 886,
formalities reinstated in, 1194,
government reforms proposed on, 1191,
history of American, 532, 724,
illegal behavior as broad response to, 836,
innovation hampered by, 788,
innovative freedom balanced with fair compensation in, 320, 488, 524, 738,
international compliance with, 266,
Japanese, 110, 113, 122,
lawyers as detriment to, 1223, 1281,
malpractice lawsuits against lawyers advising on, 801,
on cable television rebroadcasting, 252, 319,
on music recordings, 226, 318, 763, 819, 1214,
on republishing vs. transformation of original work, 83, 557, 564, 593, 724, 1228,
registration requirement of, 559, 727, 1046, 1202, 1203, 1214,
royalty proposal on derivative reuse in, 435,
scope of, 574,
statutory licenses in, 233, 272, 318, 816,
Supreme Court case on term extension of, 908, 953,
technology as automatic enforcer of, 606, 611, 762, 780, 851,
term extensions in, 548, 884, 907, 953,
two central goals of, 320
Country of the Blind, The (Wells) 743-751
cover songs 234
creative property 81, 220, 231, 460, 469, 477, 479, 528, 541, 575,
common law protections of, 541,
constitutional tradition on, 479, 528,
noncommercial second life of, 460, 469,
of authors vs. composers, 231,
other property rights vs., 477, 575,
“if value, then right” theory of, 81, 220
creativity 83, 97, 108, 773,
by transforming previous works, 97, 108,
legal restrictions on, 83, 773
Crichton, Michael 150
criminal justice system 707
culture 45, 441, 724, 739, 940, 947,
archives of, 441, 739, 947,
commercial vs. noncommercial, 45, 724, 940
culture archives of 739
Cyber Rights (Godwin) 163
Daguerre, Louis 129
Data General 1158
Day After Trinity, The 397
DDT 520-526
Dean, Howard 174
democracy 136, 142, 168, 169, 179, 182, 702, 775, 1268,
digital sharing within, 775,
in technologies of expression, 136, 142, 168, 179,
media concentration and, 702,
public discourse in, 169, 182,
semiotic, 1268
Democratic Party 1049
derivative works 96, 105, 435, 557, 564, 579, 590, 594, 724, 730, 1230,
fair use vs., 594,
historical shift in copyright coverage of, 557, 724,
piracy vs., 96, 105, 564, 579,
reform copyright term and scope on, 1230,
royalty system proposed for, 435,
technological developments and, 590, 730
Digital Copyright (Litman) 816
Diller, Barry 700-701
DirectTV 689
doctors malpractice claims against 778
documentary film 386-408
domain names 1206
Donaldson v. Beckett 377-385
Douglas, William O. 22-24
Drahos, Peter 1120
DreamWorks 437-439
Dreyfus, Rochelle 81
Drucker, Peter 421
Duck and Cover film 458
Dylan, Bob 1136
e-mail 172
Eagle Forum 967-969
Eastman, George 131-143
elections 168-169
Electronic Frontier Foundation 858
Eminem 1136
eMusic.com 763-767
encryption systems 648-653
England, copyright laws developed in 345-385
Enlightenment 361
environmentalism 522-526
ephemeral films 458
Erskine, Andrew 369
ethics 842
expression, technologies of 136, 142, 144, 168, 179,
democratic, 136, 142, 168, 179,
media literacy and, 144
fair use 386, 440, 582-588, 588, 594, 598, 661, 673, 738, 782, 1178, 1223,
circumvention technology ban and, 661,
creative Commons license vs., 1178,
fuzziness of, 1223,
in documentary film, 386,
in sampling works, 440,
Internet burdens on, 588, 594,
legal intimidation tactics against, 598, 738, 782,
technological restriction of, 673
Fairbank, Robert 428
Fallows, James 688-689
Fanning, Shawn 285
Faraday, Michael 27
FCC 37, 683, 698, 1129,
media ownership regulated by, 683, 1129,
on FM radio, 37,
on television production studios, 698
feudal system 1119-1120
Fifth Amendment 485
film industry 321, 472, 475, 483, 596, 687, 906, 1068, 1079, 1270,
consolidation of, 687,
luxury theatres vs. video piracy in, 1270,
rating system of, 475,
trade association of, 472, 483, 906, 1068, 1079,
trailer advertisements of, 596,
VCR taping facility opposed by, 321
film sampling 438-441
films 89, 386, 391, 405, 410, 455, 458, 468, 930, 933, 934, 944, 1069,
animated, 89,
archive of, 455, 458,
clips and collages of, 405,
fair use of copyrighted material in, 386,
in public domain, 930, 1069,
multiple copyrights associated with, 391, 410, 934,
restoration of, 933, 944,
total number of, 468
First Amendment 55, 517, 584, 713, 953, 964, 978, 1032,
copyright extension as violation of, 953, 964, 978, 1032
first-sale doctrine 601
Florida, Richard 86
Fourneaux, Henri 228-229
Fox, William 223
free culture 48, 121, 384, 491, 740, 1151, 1174,
Creative Commons license for recreation of, 1174,
derivative works based on, 121,
English legal establishment of, 384,
four modalities of constraint on, 491,
permission culture vs., 48, 740,
restoration efforts on previous aspects of, 1151
Free for All (Wayner) 1185
free market, technological changes in 515-517
Fridman, Milton 972-974
Garlick, Mia 1180
General Film Company 223
generic drugs 1116
Gershwin, George 977-978
Gil, Gilberto 1137
Girl Scouts 81
Global Positioning System 1103
Godwin, Mike 163
Goldstein, Paul 1237
Gracie Films 392-393
hacks 641-645
handguns 670-671
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 879-882
Henry V. 346
Henry VIII, King of England 358
Herrera, Rebecca 395-396
Heston, Charlton 256
history, records of 448
HIV/AIDS therapies 1082-1097
Hollywood film industry 222-225
Horovitz, Jed 786-787
Hummer Winblad 803
Hummer, John 803
Hyde, Rosel 252
innovation 285, 320, 326, 692, 788,
copyright profit balanced with, 320, 326,
industry establishment opposed to, 320, 788,
media conglomeration as disincentive for, 692
innovative freedom balanced with fair compensation in 326-338
Innovator's Dilemma, The (Christensen) 703
insecticide, environmental consequences of 520-526
intellectual property rights 59-67, 1097, 1103, 1111, 1113,
international organization on issues of, 1103, 1111,
of drug patents, 1097,
U.S. Patent Office on private control of, 1113
Internet 42, 75, 163, 166, 167, 172, 175, 177, 198, 285, 308, 508, 579, 588, 610, 615, 648, 677, 755, 777, 780, 809, 818, 839, 862, 1103, 1148, 1155, 1183, 1206, 1252,
blogs on, 166, 172,
books on, 308, 588, 610, 1183,
copyright applicability altered by technology of, 579,
copyright enforced through, 615, 677,
copyright regulatory balance lost with, 508,
creative Web sites on, 777,
development of, 42, 1103, 1148,
domain name registration on, 1206,
efficient content distribution on, 75, 809,
encryption systems designed for, 648,
initial free character of, 1148,
music files downloaded from, 285, 755, 839,
news events on, 163, 175,
peer-generated rankings on, 177,
privacy protection on, 1155,
public discourse conducted on, 167,
radio on, 818,
search engines used on, 198,
speed of access, 1252,
user identities released by service providers of, 780, 862
Internet Explorer 277
Iraq war 179
Iwerks, Ub. 92
Johnson, Lyndon 472
Johnson, Samuel 380
journalism 178-181
jury system 169
Kaplan, Benjamin 1231
Kelly, Kevin 1074
Kittredge, Alfred 230-231
knowledge, freedom of 361
Kodak Primer, The (Eastman) 132-133
Kozinski, Alex 324
Krim, Jonathan 1111-1113
Laurel and Hardy films 930
law 276, 349, 366, 491, 497, 507, 542, 836, 1167,
as constraint modality, 491, 497, 507,
citizen respect for, 836,
common vs. positive, 349, 366,
databases of case reports in, 276, 1167,
federal vs. state, 542
law schools 842
lawyers 801, 1223, 1281,
copyright cultural balance impeded by, 1223, 1281,
malpractice suits against, 801
Leaphart, Walter 1186
Lessig, Lawrence 37-38, 491, 614, 624, 793, 887, 891, 907, 953, 1105, 1121, 1220-1227,
Eldred case involvement of, 887, 891, 907, 953,
in international debate on intellectual property, 1105, 1121
Lexis and Westlaw 1167-1168
libraries 447, 451, 454, 463, 466, 739, 880, 949, 1156, 1167, 1170,
archival function of, 447, 451, 454, 463, 466, 739, 949,
journals in, 1167, 1170,
of public-domain literature, 880,
privacy rights in use of, 1156
Licensing Act (1662) 349
Litman, Jessica 816
Lofgren, Zoe 1067
Lott, Trent 175
Lucky Dog, The 930
McCain, John 685
media 32, 175, 176, 179, 179, 683, 1129,
blog pressure on, 175,
commercial imperatives of, 176, 179,
ownership concentration in, 32, 179, 683, 1129
media literacy 144-163
Mehra, Salil 113-114
MGM 473
Michigan Technical University 210
Microsoft 202, 275, 275, 406, 647, 1108, 1111,
competitive strategies of, 275,
government case against, 647,
international software piracy of, 275,
network file system of, 202,
on free software, 1108,
Windows operating system of, 275,
WIPO meeting opposed by, 1111
Mikey Mouse 89-98
Millar v. Taylor 371-376
monopoly, copyright as 358-385
Monroe, Marilyn 819
Morrison, Alan 973
Movie Archive 458
Moyers, Bill 700
MP3 players 803
MP3.com 794-802
MP3s 508
Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood 664
MTV 298
Murdoch, Rupert 688-689
MusicStore 1269
my.mp3.com 794-802
Myers, Mike 437-439
Müller, Paul Hermann 520-523
Napster 141, 251, 285-286, 286, 289, 315, 431, 803, 864,
infringing material blocked by, 315,
number of registrations on, 286,
range of content on, 289,
recording industry tracking users of, 864,
replacement of, 286,
venture capital for, 803
Nashville Songwriters Association 916
National Writers Union 970
Needleman, Raffe 803-804
Nesson, Charlie 842
NET (No Electronic Theft) Act (1988) 886
Netanel, Neil Weinstock 55
Netscape 277
New Hampshire (Frost) 884
News Corp 689
Nick and Norm anti-drug campaign 709
Nimmer, David 430-431
Nimmer, Melville 1284
Nixon, Richard 1227
No Electronic Theft (NET) Act (1988) 886
Olson, Theodore B. 1011-1013
Oppenheimer, Matt 212
originalism 1028
Orwell, George 444-445
parallel importation 1088-1089
Paramount Pictures 473
Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. 1113-1128
patents 222, 225, 550, 884, 1024, 1085, 1116,
duration of, 225, 1024,
future patents vs. future copyrights in, 884,
in public domain, 550, 884,
on film technology, 222,
on pharmaceuticals, 1085, 1116
Patterson, Raymond 368
peer-to-peer (p2p) file sharing 75, 280, 283, 285, 289, 305, 307, 315, 335, 508, 754, 755, 755, 760, 761, 763, 863, 886, 1240, 1244,
benefits of, 305, 335,
efficiency of, 75,
felony punishments for, 755, 886,
four types of, 289, 1244,
infringement protections in, 315, 763,
of books, 307,
participation levels of, 285,
piracy vs., 280, 283,
reform proposals of copyright restraints on, 1240,
regulatory balance lost in, 508, 863,
shoplifting vs., 754,
total legalization of, 755, 760,
zero-tolerance of, 761
permissions 137, 409, 615,
coded controls vs., 615,
for use of film clips, 409,
photography exempted from, 137
pharmaceutical patents 1085-1099
phonograph 228-230
photocopyring machines 731
photography 129-142
piracy 96, 105, 219, 262, 266, 266, 272, 273, 275, 280, 283, 303, 314, 564, 579, 754, 771, 1270,
commercial, 262,
derivative work vs., 96, 105, 564, 579,
in Asia, 266, 272, 275, 1270,
in development of content industry, 219,
international, 266,
of intangible property, 273, 303, 754,
p2p file sharing vs., 280, 283,
profit reduction as criterion of, 280, 283, 314,
uncritical rejection of, 771
Politics (Aristotle) 621
Porgy and Bess 977
pornography 977
Prelinger, Rick 458
Princeton University 210
prohibition, citizen rebellion against 836-869
Promises to Keep (Fisher) 1266-1267
property rights 19, 339, 342, 485, 738, 1119, 1195, 1229, 1233,
air traffic vs., 19, 1229, 1233,
as balance of public good vs. private, 738,
copyright vs., 339, 738,
feudal system of, 1119,
formalities associated with, 1195,
intangibility of, 342,
Takings Clause on, 485
proprietary code 1161-1162
protection of artists vs. business interests 49
Public Citizen 973
public domain 101, 311, 379, 541, 549, 614, 633, 724, 779, 880, 915, 930, 1065, 1069, 1103, 1168,
access fees for material in, 1168,
balance of U.S. content in, 541, 724,
content industry opposition to, 1065,
defined, 101,
e-book restrictions on, 614, 633,
English legal establishment of, 379,
films in, 930, 1069,
future patents vs. future copyrights in, 549,
legal murkiness on, 779,
library of works derived from, 880,
license system for rebuilding of, 1168,
p2p sharing of works in, 311,
protection of, 915,
public projects in, 1103,
traditional term for conversion to, 101
Public Enemy 1186
Quayle, Dan 452
radio 27, 244, 318, 515, 686, 688, 818, 819, 823, 1078,
FM spectrum of, 27, 515, 823, 1078,
music recordings played on, 244, 318, 819,
on Internet, 818,
ownership concentration in, 686, 688
railroad industry 514
rap music 438
Real Networks 1269
recording industry 207, 215, 226, 231, 233, 241, 244, 266, 292, 297, 301, 306, 318, 685, 757, 762, 778, 799, 819, 819, 827, 827, 833, 839, 1136, 1214, 1265,
artist remuneration in, 215, 244, 318, 819, 827, 833, 1265,
CD sales level in, 301,
composers' rights vs. producers' rights in, 231,
copyright infringement lawsuits of, 207, 757, 778, 799, 839, 1136,
copyright protections in, 226, 318, 762, 819, 1214,
international piracy in, 266,
Internet radio hampered by, 827,
new technology opposed by, 297,
out-of-print music of, 292, 306,
ownership concentration in, 685,
piracy in, 226,
radio broadcast and, 241, 318, 827,
statutory license system in, 233
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) 207, 209, 215, 301, 656, 663, 672, 757, 778, 799, 827, 833, 839, 862, 863, 906, 1136,
copyright infringement lawsuits filed by, 207, 757, 778, 799, 839, 1136,
intimidation tactics of, 209, 839, 863,
ISP user identities sought by, 862,
lobbying power of, 215, 827, 906,
on CD sales decline, 301,
on circumvention technology, 663, 672,
on encryption system critique, 656,
on Internet radio fees, 827, 833
regulation 491, 511, 788, 799, 806, 836,
as establishment protectionism, 511, 788,
four modalities of, 491,
outsize penalties of, 799, 806,
rule of law degraded by excess of, 836
remote channel changers 514
Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin) 918
Rip, Mix, Burn technologies 849-850
Rise of the Creative Class, The (Florida) 86
Roberts, Michael 794
Rogers, Fred 664
Rose, Mark 369
Russel, Phil 228
Saferstein, Harvey 428
Safire, William 1129
Sarnoff, David 33
Saturday Night Live 437
Scarlet Letter, The (Hawthorne) 882
Schlafy, Phyllis 967
schools, gun possession near 908-910
Schwartz, John 335
scientific journals 1166-1173
Screen Actors Guild 256
search engines 198-208
Seasons, The (Thomson) 372
Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) 648-653
semiotic democracy 1268
Setnelle, David 1026
Seuss, Dr. 977-978
Silent Spring (Carson) 522
Simpsons, The 390-406
single nucleotied polymorphisms (SNPs) 1103
Slade, Michael 411-413
slavery 488
Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA) (1998) 549-550, 552, 885-886, 906, 919, 931, 953, 964, 966, 979, 1060, 1284,
Supreme Court challenge of, 953, 964, 966, 979, 1060, 1284
Sony 321, 640, 654, 662,
Aibo robotic dog produced by, 640, 654, 662,
Betamax technology developed by, 321
Sony Music Entertainment 685
Sony Pictures Entertainment 473
Sousa, John Philip 232
South Africa, Republic of, pharmaceutical imports by 1088-1093
speech, freedom of 475, 517, 652,
constitutional guarantee of, 517,
film-rating system vs., 475,
useful criticism fostered by, 652
spider 442
Spielberg, Steven 438-439
Stallman, Richard 1159-1165
Stanford University 1176
Starwave 406-413
Statue of Monopolies (1656) 358
statutory damages 209
statutory licenses 235-239, 274, 318, 816, 1239, 1260-1261,
composer's rights vs. producers' rights in, 318
Steamboat Willie 89-98
steel industry 512
Stewart, Gordon 962-963
Story, Joseph 1060
Sullivan, Kathleen 973
Superman comics 112
Supreme Court, U.S. 22, 259, 324, 325, 333, 376, 713, 908, 913, 953, 958, 981, 1167,
access to opinions of, 1167,
annual docket of, 958,
congressional actions restrained by, 908, 913, 981,
factions of, 981,
House of Lords vs., 376,
on airspace vs. land rights, 22,
on balance of interests in copyright law, 325, 333,
on cable television, 259,
on copyright term extensions, 908, 953,
on television advertising bans, 713,
on VCR technology, 324
Sutherland, Donald 416
Takings Clause 485-486
Talbot, William 130
Tatel, David 957
tax system 841-842
Taylor, Robert 372
technology 285, 297, 432, 465, 469, 509, 579, 606, 611, 655, 661, 730, 762, 774, 780, 806, 849, 851,
archival opportunity offered through, 465, 469,
copyright enforcement controlled by, 606, 611, 762, 780, 851,
copyright intent altered by, 579,
cut-and-paste culture enabled by, 432, 849,
established industries threatened by changes in, 297, 509,
innovative improvements in, 285,
legal murkiness on, 806,
of circumvention, 655, 661,
of copying, 730,
of digital capturing and sharing, 774
television 147, 251, 319, 321, 472, 514, 664, 685, 687, 695, 709, 713, 1270,
advertising on, 147, 514, 709,
cable vs. broadcast, 251, 319, 1270,
controversy avoided by, 713,
independent production for, 695,
industry association of, 472,
ownership consolidation in, 685, 687,
VCR taping of, 321, 664
Thomas, Clarence 981
Thurmond, Storm 175
Tocqueville, Alexis de 169
Tonson, Jacob 347-348
Torvalds, Linus 1163
Turner, Ted 1129
Twentieth Century Fox 473
twins, as chimera 752-754
United States Trade Representative (USTR) 1089
usage restrictions attached to 356
used record sales 307
Valenti, Jack 52, 323, 472, 474, 476, 575, 857, 997, 1068,
background of, 472, 474,
Eldred Act opposed by, 1068,
on creative property rights, 52, 476, 575,
on VCR technology, 323
Vanderbuilt University 451
Verizon Internet Services 862
veterans' pensions 1224
Warner Music Group 685
Wayner, Peter 1185
Web sites, domain name registration of 1206
Webster, Noah 45
Wellcome Trust 1103
Wells, H.G. 743-751
willful infringement 599
Windows 275
Winer, Dave 178-182
Winick, Judd 111-112
World Trade Center 161
World Wide Web 1103
WorldCom 778
Yanofsky, Dave 145
Zimmerman, Edwin 257-258
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